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Trespass Affidavit Summary

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The first article that I saw when I searched for stop and frisk had to do with the New York City Police Department. The New York Police Department had a deal with landlords of a select group of apartment buildings. This deal required police officers to patrol and arrest trespassers found on their property1. This was a city run program known as the Trespass Affidavit Program. This program was said to mostly affect low income Latino and black residents in certain Bronx neighborhoods. One of the biggest issues that civil rights lawyers found with this program in conjunction with NYPD stop-and-frisk tactics was that police officers would question and/or detain people who lived in or who were visiting residents of those buildings for simply hanging out in …show more content…
This judgment was delivered in 2013. All of the stop-and-frisk complaints resulted in thirteen lawsuits. A settlement was reached towards the end of January 2017 that resulted in the NYPD paying $235,000 to the plaintiffs id. There were quite a few changes to the previous Trespass Affidavit Program that still helps landlords with their trespassing problems but it protects the public’s rights. Some of these changes include: new training for officers on the Trespass Affidavit Program; new revisions to NYPD patrol guides; and five or more years of court jurisdiction over changes to the program id. The five years of court oversight will comprise of 3 or more years of court-appointed monitoring and 2 or more additional years of monitoring from the plaintiff’s lawyers id. The settlement also states that police officers cannot approach people for trespassing just because the person is seen in or near an entry or exit to one of the TAP buildings id. It goes on to say that they cannot detain someone that is walking through an open or broken door id. The frequent occurrence of the police department’s unreasonable stop-and-frisk tactics prior to this settlement was causing such a huge strain on police-community

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