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Triathlon Transition

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Transition from a Student: Advancing My Dental Education

In many respects, dentistry is like a triathlon. With those that are not familiar with the sport of triathlon, it is an endurance sport proceeding through the following order: swimming a distance, a transition phase, biking a distance, a transition phase, and running a distance through the finish line. For me to articulate my motivations to transition into an AEGD program and become an advanced general dentist, I can use my experiences in the sport of triathlon. What brings me to advanced dentistry, my experiences shadowing advanced dentistry, and why I think I am a good applicant all have ties to triathlon in a broad sense.
Healthcare seems natural to me, but part of what gravitated me to dentistry from other medical practices is the hands-on craft. Carving corners on a bike and perfecting the swim stroke is a craft in a different way, but was a natural transition for me. Dentistry …show more content…
I do not want to become a dentist and sustain with moderate success. I want to thrive and be able to offer my patients the best treatment for them. I was able to find success in triathlon and endurance sports. More importantly though, I share the same quest for superior performance in dentistry. Further inspiration to become a dentist revolves around how they can always get better and hone their craft. There are good dentists, and unfortunately there are bad dentists. Practice in effective communication with patients is another way to better patient care. Understanding that patients are not just “customers” is such a focus me for a growing dentist, and I am confident in my communication skills and ability to make find trust with patients. Endurance sports were a stepping stone for me and my career in dentistry, and I am prepared to transition through AEGD to further my quest for advanced

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