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College Leadership Style

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Leadership is a topic that has many people developing theirs on what makes a good person a leader bad how to become a better leader. There are no set guide lines on how to be a leader. Different situation call for different leadership styles.
College or University President
A college or university president has a challenging job that requires an extensive skill set. A college president has a wide variety of duties relating to administration, academics, development, public relations, and alumni. The president must change their leadership style depending on the environment; depending on the size and standing of the college, a president will have to partake in varying levels of administrative/academic duties and development/public relations duties, …show more content…
In this case the president would be involved in democratic decisions making; based off the information he is given by his employee will help him make his decision. An important job of the president is to be people oriented because he has to spend time and effort on developing public relations activates; these activates help in the later run for fund raising. To do this the president will have to attend numerous events of social and public responsibilities, from greeting VIPs and dignitaries at functions to hosting holiday parties or other events. It is even possible that local political lobbying is part of the job. (Browne, …show more content…
This style focuses on getting the task done while developing the teams ability to work independently. The leadership style needs to change based on the maturity of the people the supervisor is dealing with. This will allow less emphasis on the task at hand perfectly engaging with people to get the task done. By following the four steps of Telling, selling, participating, and delegating. This allows the supervisor to tell their people what to do and how to do it. Provide the information and direction needed to succeed, but with less emphasis on how to get the work done. Although the supervisor is in charge of making sure that everything runs smoothly he/she will pass responsibilities on to other team members. They are able to motivate their team into getting the work done without having to tell the team what needs to be done every step of the way. They are task oriented and the directives given to employees get things done and to ensure that organizational goals are met. This style of leadership argues that all teams and team members, are not created equal. This leader is effective because they lead based on the individuals they are leading (Choosing the Right Leadership Style for the Right People,

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