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Andrew Deng Impact On China

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Before the incident in Tiananmen Square, China’s economic and social landscapes were progressing in a positive direction, leading toward democracy and economic liberalization. In 1978, Paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, in coordination with U.S. President Carter, issued a joint communiqué establishing full diplomatic relations between the two nations. Throughout the next decade, Deng launched a series of economic and social reforms meant to improve the lives of Chinese citizens, including opening up China to foreign investment, decollectivizing agriculture, and allowing citizens to own businesses. He led massive economic reform within China and attempted to dissemble the communist economic structure that weighed down the nation during the Cultural …show more content…
Andrew T.H. Tan, an Australian professor specializing in China international relations, discusses that “As Henry Kissinger recalled, China’s ‘relations with the rest of the world were the best since the Communist victory in 1949…Relations with the United States especially had made major progress.’” Cooperative relations with the United States were critically important to the Chinese leadership in maintaining security in the face of continuing pressure from the Soviet Union and in sustaining the flow of aid, investment, and trade essential to the economic development and modernization underway in China. Ultimately, China’s relationship with the United States was not only benefitting American interests in a post-Cold War society, but also furthering economic and social reform, enforcing modernization, and allowing China to become a member of the international community. The relations between the two powerful nations were strong and appeared almost …show more content…
According to Harry Harding, a professor of public policy specializing in US-Asian relations, The White House immediately released a statement saying that President Bush “deeply deplored the decision to use force against peaceful demonstrators.” The following day, the Bush administration imposed its first series of sanctions against China, including a warning against American travel to China, the suspension of military sales to Beijing, and the postponement of all high-level military exchanges. Beyond these actions, the administration waited to see how the situation in China unfolded, hoping it might not be as bad as the first reports indicated. While President Bush initially took a strong stance against the incident, he eventually realized his necessity to consider the condition and future of Sino-American relations. Professor Harding continues to note

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Happiness Economicd

... Since 1978, China has seen a sustainable rapid growth in its economy. China’s real GDP has already surpassed 7 trillion US dollars in 2011 in current dollars, and it has replaced Japan as the world’s second largest economy. People in China also have significant improvements in their standards of living and material life. However, my findings contradict the notion that an increase in income and standard of living will gain people happiness. My major findings show that income inequality and other major social problems, such as lack of religious belief and faith, political problems, and family burden have contributed to the decline of happiness among Chinese people. Other negative feelings emerging with the rapid economic growth, such as greed, interpersonal distrust and less compassion show adverse effects on Chinese happiness. I conclude the research by suggesting possible future researches for further studies. 1. Introduction After the Cultural Revolution ended in 1978, China launched a comprehensive reformation in its state controlled economy under the new leadership, Mr. Deng Xiaoping. Since then, China has gradually opened its door to the world and begun its transition into a market economy. (Chai, 1997) Over the past thirty years, China had the most enduring and rapid economic growth in the human history. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis, China’s average GDP growth is nearly 10 percent for the past 30 year. (FRED, 2013) In urban China, the average disposable...

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