...reraxation to sc/sr/oBc '-,-" as per Govt. Rure Educationaleualification , tUSWTVA in Soclalscience. Age Limit : A8e = 18 - 40 yrs. as on 01.08,2015, reraxation to sc/ST/oBc as per Govt. Rure. Educationaleualification , fufSW/iVJ in Social Science. Age Limit : ABe = 18 * 40 yrs. as on 01.08.2015, reraxation to sc/sr/oBc as B. Emoluments: l.ForthepostofCon.A.f.:Rs.20,000/_lonsolidatedpermonth+TAonactualper Govt. Rule. basis. For the post of con. sAE : Rs.15,000/consolidated per month + TA on actual basis. 3. For the post of con. L. D.o.:Rs.12,000/- per month + TA on actuar basis. 4. For the post of Con. T.C. : Rs.10,O0O/ per month + TA on actual basis. 2 c . Mode of selection , r. ror ttre post ot ersi.tani ineineir , a) Written Test_70 marks (MCe _ 40 q uestions l mark @ each & Descriptive_15 questions @ 2 marks each) b) lnterview _ 30 marks. 2. For the post of Sub_Assistant Enqineer : a) Written Test _ 70 ,rrk, 1v-[f + questions @ 1 mark each & Descriptive _ 15 questions @ 2 marks each) b) lnterview _ 30 marks. 3. For!h.e post of Livelihood Develooment Officer : a) Written Test...
Words: 640 - Pages: 3
....ltl''7 lol,u GTNG '1i... i1... . From'price' conscious t0 nbrand' conscious ,: |&\i i {s; :( ,.if irt Lucknowites are not repenting' Even fit' ,..ii.*,rt.u* have acquired the brand gyms zurd fimess cen' inore of brand cotr- status. Nulnber of Lucknow: Are we the cit!: a prod' ires irave ruushroomed across I"loot otptit* conscious? Well, the,per' there is a valid change u"t U[e-e;toline is not mostly bought by And people, They now Iook for a o:"ly try ite'price" But "eution of anO- an establishsd brand for b* oeisonat tirings to groom oneself sholv ieiiattc ing fit. I\layur Garg, wlro I'egularl-!'v!sincreasing brand. consciousness "gyms thet arc established amJneltitv folX. Witn tbe ch*nge in ii irr,t,.aia,ofier yr,u a different enviv*o.* don't mind to shell t""idliirCtt"owites innn*nt, variety of equipmcnt and un' out a little more addiug to thelr extrav- . lshaJain I rnN il diiferent brands as theY tulfil mY dai ly requirements.''l ihave always been a brand conscious person and spending a little extra on a good brand would not make a difference to me Arlhant Jaln I Exgcurtvr rmtxsr ttlv wardrdbe exhibits a mix of . iiu;lria'but in oiii oiilroari tnethods to equip yourself'" asanc,. - Brand consciottsltess has treen syu- Moreover', "the kind of lvorkshop$' out' . activities they provide ruotlvates onymous witfr stylisb and fashioruble tloor to be asso' me antt adds colour to the brtuld," said o"lnts that everyone wants...
Words: 762 - Pages: 4
...MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives Second Edition Kenneth A, Merchant University of Southern California Wim A. Van der Stede London School of Economics Lffir Prentice Hall FINANCIAL Th,tES An impriil of P Harlow, England . London ' eatson Education New York . Boston . san Francisco . Toronlo Sydney. Tokyo . Singapore. Hong Kong .Seoul. Taipei. New Delhi Cape Town . Madrid . Mexico City . Amsterdam ' Munich . Paris. Mian "@@64wrw MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL in organizations. Management contlol \ fianagemenr conrrol is a critical function o In Aplil 2005, employees at the 75-year-old California-based not-for'-proirt Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the world's largest grader of diamonds, were accused of accepting bribes fi'om large diamond dealers to inflate diarnond grades. Large diamond can lead to large financial losses, r'eputation damage, and possibly even to organizational failure. Here are some recent examples: IYlfaitures dealers rvouid submit proportionally high bids, often 20 to 30qa highel than prevailing bids fol lough stones. knowing that they would be able to sell these stones at a profit because they bribed GIA staff to get a higher-than-deserved grade. A small differ-ence in grade can mean a huge difference in price, often hundreds of thousands of dollars on larger diamonds. The size of the blibes is unknown, but the probe into the allegations...
Words: 28154 - Pages: 113