Premium Essay

Tuco's Argumentative Essay

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Words 1897
Pages 8
The duo is observed performing the same scam which they had just accomplished in a new town. However, the performing of their plan runs amiss and Blondie must rescue Tuco before the pair flee into the desert. Once in the desert, Blondie comes to the conclusion that it is no longer advantageous for him to operate with Tuco. So, he abandons Tuco, who still has the noose around his neck, unarmed in the desert to fend for himself. Blondie states,
There’s really not much future.… Because I don’t think you’ll ever be worth more than three thousand dollars…. I mean our partnership is untied. Oh no, not you, you remain tied. I’ll keep the money and you can have the rope…. Such ingratitude after all the times I saved your life. (TGTBATU)
Rope “is a …show more content…
The grey of their uniforms is symbolic of “neutralization, egoism, depression, inertia and indifference—meanings derived from the colour of ashes” (Cirlot 54). This conveys Tuco’s and Blondie’s indifference towards each other. Once they catch sight of the column of troops heading in their direction, Tuco sheds his overcoat while Blondie chooses to continue wearing his. “The hand signifies protection, authority, power and strength” (Cirlot 137). This this scene, the “Ugly” is wearing gloves. This act can be interpreted as either Tuco protecting his power and strength or as Tuco lacking strength and power all together. Blondie’s hands are bare which shows that he is the authoritative figure in the relationship. As the column approaches, Tuco pulls a black eye patch over his left eye. Given that eyes are the window to the soul (Class) and “Given that the sun is the source of light and that light is symbolic of the intelligence and of the spirit, then the process of seeing represents a spiritual act and symbolizes understanding” (Cirlot 99). Thus, Tuco’s act of hiding his left eye limits his perception of the world and others’ perception of him. He becomes monocular and only conducts himself in a darker and more selfish manner. “As for the single eye…it implies the subhuman because it is less than two” (Cirlot 99). This foreshadows the abuse and subhuman treatment Tuco receives from Angel Eyes when he is imprisoned by the Union Army. Once the cavalry column finally arrives at the buggy, the grey soldiers who appeared to be part of the Confederate army pat themselves off, revealing the navy blue of their Union uniforms. “The Union side during the American Civil War was not the perfect defender of liberty we picture it as. They also ran horrific prison camps and committed just as many atrocities as the Confederated States of America”

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