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Tv and Persuation


Submitted By asdff
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Discuss one or more explanations for the effectiveness of television in persuasion (12) Television persuasion is very powerful. Forms of television influence are based on the Hovland-Yale model of persuasion of four key principles: Principle one: the source – this based on the delivery of the message. Experts are known to be more effective than non-experts. Baron and Byrne 1997 suggest that this is why TV adverts often place the expert in white coats, to emphasize the scientific status of the message, for example why toothpaste is often advertised by a dentist who is a professional. Also attractive and popular sources are more effective than non-attractive sources for a means of influence on television. For example, well-known celebrities that also appear on programmes such as Cheryl Cole, advertises hair products.
Two: the message – a fear inducing advertisement on television can create an attitude change if the advertisement provides a way of coping with the fear and makes viewers believe the warnings will definitely affect them. If the message only frightens people and these factors are not met, then the message is more likely to be ignored, rejected or denied.
McGuire 1964 suggested that two sided arguments mean that people become inoculated against later conflicting arguments. If advertisements weakly propose their conflicting argument or use any negatives as a positive put forward, this would likely make the favourite message more resistant to conflicting arguments. This is particularly the case for more intelligent audiences.
E.G. Directline stating that they are not on any comparison websites.
Three: the medium – this depends on the content of the message, simple messages are better displayed visually so are better used on television. More complicated messages are better in written form as it gives the audience time to understand the content.
Four: the target audience – this is who the advertisement is aimed at. Perceived similarity to the source will be better persuaded than those not similar to what has been used in an advertisement. Qualls and Moore 1990 found that those similar in characteristics such as age, ethnicity, to source were more susceptible to influence. For example, using children in the Dove advertisements aimed at children.
This also gives reference to the social learning theory where the learning and imitation of the behaviour modeled takes place with regard to attention, retention, reproduction and motivation.
E.g. We are more likely to pay attention to models if we identify with them, the reproduction of the observed behaviour can only occur if we have the skills and that direct and indirect reinforcement acts as a motivation to want to imitate the behaviour.

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