...Comparing the Means of Two or More Groups When it comes to comparing the means of two or more groups, we must state that a null hypothesis. Random samples of each population must be chosen to be able to show the formula in a working status. To get a more accurate sample, a higher number of the populations should be used. There are two tees that can be used for testing depending on the sample size and if the standard deviation is known. The t-test, which test of whether a sample observation comes from a larger sample with standard distribution of statistical properties. The z-test, “a statistical test used to determine whether two population means are different when the variances are known and the sample size is large.” (Investopedia, 2015) If the standard deviation is known then the z-test would be used, and when it is not known we would use the t-test. (Lind, Marchal, & Wathen, 2011) To determine whether a sample is large the sample amount needs to be more than 30. When there are more than two means to compare, the more efficient method is an analysis of variance, or ANOVA. An ANOVA is especially valuable for randomized sampling designs (McClave, Benson & Sincich, 2011). Pooled variance can be used if the variances of the two populations being tested are constant. Reference Investopedia. (2015). Retrieved from Investopedia: www.investopedia.com/terms/z/z-test Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2011). Basic Statistics for Business & Economics...
Words: 285 - Pages: 2
...Gasoline Impact During the recent economic crisis everything costs for food, housing, clothing and fuel has gone up. The high price increase for products has hurt the economy tremendously. The high rate of unemployment has contributed to the actual economy crisis. One would certainly think that there would be some relief at the gas pump. Gasoline prices are at breaking record levels. Many residents have a hard time affording the cost for fuel. Today people are finding themselves choosing different ways of transportation. Many people are hoping to see gasoline prices drop significantly which would provide a much needed relief to their budgets. The demand for gasoline has remained the same, as people continue to have a need for it. People need to drive their automobiles everywhere they go. This has not changed the demand for gasoline. The market for gasoline has also gone up. Wherever gasoline is cheaper, people will flock to buy it. The equilibrium for gas prices is not balanced. The price for gasoline varies from neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city etc. Some prices being lower, and some being higher, but overall still remains higher than previous years. The supply of gasoline in the United States is available, but the government chooses to purchase fuel from other countries. This in turn leads to higher gasoline prices. The United States decided that they would not drill off shore because of the last big oil spill. The oil spill cost the United States more problems...
Words: 759 - Pages: 4
...rich and carless guy who has one goal in life which is of any Billionaire and that’s luxurious life. However, the real Batman is very controversy to this, he acts as an uncovered honor hero who wants to protect Gotham city from criminals, especially the Joker (Heath Ledger). The joker has nothing important in his life. Everything is worthless he killed for only one purpose, fun. The joker started in the movie by interrupt a group of criminals who are scared by the new Gotham’s hero, Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) the district attorney who is aiming to be the next governor, and if he reduces the amount of crimes in Gotham city he may have a better chance to be the next governor. However, after an incident made by the Joker Harvey’s face was burned, also his mind too was burned with criminal thoughts. The Batman and lt. Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) decided to cover Harvey’s last attempts as a criminal and let him die with an honor. In addition, Harvey and Bruce both have some emotion to Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal). The movie shows great fights between the two main characters Batman and The Joker. Batman wanted the most to arrest the Joker and brings him to the justice. However, the only concern for The Joker was to know who the real Batman is. “The only sensible way to...
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...I analyzed chapter 1 of the book and in short will briefly go over some of the key terms. First is the concept behind bits and bytes. Bits represent the concept of a binary digit. Computers record the ideas they work with electronically as bits and represent either a 1 or 0. Bytes are equivalent to 8 bits. Some tasks require only a few bytes of data, others require the computer to actually organize data into groups of thousands or millions of bytes. Computers use binary math based on powers of two. RAM (random-access memory) uses an address for each unique memory location where a byte can be stored. It is only temporary memory and will erase data once the computer is shut down. Text characters are stored in RAM as bits by the CPU. For each letter pressed on the keyboard, hidden to the user, the keyboard sends some bits to the computer. The CPU’s filing system organizes files through file concept which lets the CPU treat all the bytes in one document, one song, one video and so on as group of bytes that be refreshed as a name. Disk drives organize the storage locations based platters, tracks, and sectors. The CPU writes the file to a disk by identifying some unused sectors, the CPU must mark these sectors as used. As a result the platter, track and sectors have to be recorded and noted as holding contents so that file contents so that can file contents can be found later. Hard disk store data using magnetic using magnetic charges applied to the surface of a platter. The mouse...
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...A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush: Having something that is certain is much better than taking a risk for more, because chances are you might lose everything. A Blessing In Disguise: Something good that isn't recognized at first. A Chip On Your Shoulder: Being upset for something that happened in the past. A Dime A Dozen: Anything that is common and easy to get. A Doubting Thomas: A skeptic who needs physical or personal evidence in order to believe something. A Drop in the Bucket: A very small part of something big or whole. A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted: It's easy for a foolish person to lose his/her money. A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand: Everyone involved must unify and function together or it will not work out. A Leopard Can't Change His Spots: You cannot change who you are. A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned: By not spending money, you are saving money (little by little). A Picture Paints a Thousand Words: A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words. A Piece of Cake: A task that can be accomplished very easily. A Slap on the Wrist: A very mild punishment. A Taste Of Your Own Medicine: When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat others. A Toss-Up: A result that is still unclear and can go either way. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: It's better to actually do something than just talk about it. Add Fuel To The Fire: Whenever something is done...
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...Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde When reading the story of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde many readers are able to easily relate the situations that are occurring and place them into their own lives. Many psychologists and philosophers have also seen this and have done research to see why this has come to be. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a philosopher, began to research the duality of human nature before this story was even written; he concluded that every conflict has a thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Hegel is easily able to explain the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde by using his own Hegelian Dialectic. In the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll is determined to find a way to let his alter ego; his other personality, the evil Mr. Hyde allows Dr. Jekyll to release the anger that he keeps in that are caused by the social ‘norms’ that are present in this time period. In comparison Dr. Jekyll is seen as being a cultures young man that had many of the characteristics or a well to do man in the Victorian time period. Mr. Hyde on the other hand is seen as vulgar, disrespectful and is seen as a monster throughout the book. Both personalities of Dr. Jekyll try and balance each other out but are not able to which leads to the ultimate self destruction of both. The idea of the Hegelian Dialect, that everything have a thesis, antithesis, as well as synthesis can be seen throughout the book as a reflection of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One of the first impression that we receive of Jekyll is...
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...Works that have stood the tests of time, such as canonical texts like Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde and Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, have proven themselves influential over and over again in every field of the arts. They have impacted and altered the course of history and set the bar for other great works of fiction and have even inspired other worlds entirely; moreover, Stevenson’s and Wilde’s work have had a conscious and subconscious effect upon such successful work as Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho, and even Bob Kane and Bill Finger’s Batman which has a story that spans over decades. The dualities that appear in Stevenson’s and Wilde’s work pay tribute to mans’ opposing, and even conflicting, nature that rage inside them. On one hand you have the desire to be an outstanding moral citizen, while on the other you have the desire to give in to your more primal inclinations. In Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian, who heard his friend’s hedonistic world view, decides that beauty is the only aspect of life pursuing and wishes that his self-portrait would age instead of himself. After breaking the heart of his first love, he discovers that his wish has been granted. His portrait begins to age instead of him and also changes and alters itself based on the moral choices Dorian makes. When he leaves his first love, Dorian notices that there appears a sneer of cruelty on his portrait that wasn’t...
Words: 2246 - Pages: 9
...(Christian Bale). Bruce with out the batman suit is a rich and carless guy who has one goal in life “Girls”. However, the real Batman is very controversy to this, he acts as an uncovered honor hero who wants to protect Gotham city from criminals, especially the Joker (Heath Ledger). The joker has nothing important in his life. Everything is worthless he killed for only one purpose, fun. The joker started in the movie by interrupt a group of criminals who are scared by the new Gotham’s hero, Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) the district attorney who is aiming to be the next governor, and if he reduces the amount of crimes in Gotham city he may have a better chance to be the next governor. However, after an incident made by the Joker Harvey’s face was burned, also his mind too was burned with criminal thoughts. The Batman and lt. Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) decided to cover Harvey’s last attempts as a criminal and let him die with an honor. In addition, Harvey and Bruce both have some emotion to Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal). The movie shows great fights between the two main characters Batman and The Joker. Batman wanted the most to arrest the Joker and brings him to the justice. However, the only concern for The Joker was to know who the real Batman is. “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules. And tonight, you’re gonna break your one rule.” this was one of the Joker’s quote to illustrate his concerns of knowing who the Batman is....
Words: 590 - Pages: 3
...TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION I. Where are we? 1. Belonging to the Vivarte Group 2. The 3V’s business model 3. The value chain analysis 4. The Boston Box matrix 5. Brand positioning 6. SWOT II. Where we want to go? The Chinese market analysis 1. General facts about China 2. PESTEL analysis 3. PORTER’s five forces 4. Competitive environment 5. The Chinese clients types III. How we will get there? Action plan 1. Why China? Which objectives to reach? 2. The Ansoff’s matrix 3. The 4Ps CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report will look at the strategy that the clothing firm Caroll has to adopt in order to penetrate the Chinese market. In order to manage the strategic marketing plan, we will structure the paper starting with a market analysis including PESTEL analysis of the Chinese market, target marketing and competitors analyses, then we will provide with a marketing audit, and finally we will dress the strategic marketing plan using tools such as the 3 V’s, Ansoff’s matrix and marketing mix. Our recommendations will also be given at the end of this report in order to evaluate the success or not of this implementation on the fashion Chinese market. INTRODUCTION Caroll is nowadays a very famous french brand in the fashion world, years after years the brand asserted its position on the fashion ready to wear market. Everything started in 1963...
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...Throughout media texts, most men share certain common characteristics. They are strong, stoic, protective, rational and independent, to name a few. Characters such as James Bond, Tony Soprano and most superheroes greatly exemplify many of these qualities. Reoccurring representations of men with these same attributes contribute to what is called hegemonic masculinity, or “normative male behavior” (Iftkhar, November 6, 2014). This stereotype causes the audience to associate certain qualities with men. Gotham, a new television series that creatively divulges the backstories of Batman and his most famous rivals, appeals to a male audience and represents masculinity in the classic ways. Through both character illustration and dialogue, Gotham portrays most of its male characters as strong, aggressive, and independent protectors, reinforcing the conception of hegemonic masculinity. At the same time, the show also presents characters who challenge or pervert those norms exploring invalidity of the stereotype. The city of Gotham is in bad shape. Crime lords rule and have made deals with the Gotham County Police Department to keep it that way. For example, some doctors work on the black market to treat criminals and police officers agree not to arrest them in exchange for information about the patients they see. In addition to structured crime, strange murders frequently occur in the city. James Gordon, newly appointed police homicide detective and son of former district attorney...
Words: 2323 - Pages: 10
...Expatriates in China Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges Ilaria Boncori ISBN: 9781137293473 DOI: 10.1057/9781137293473 Palgrave Macmillan Please respect intellectual property rights This material is copyright and its use is restricted by our standard site license terms and conditions (see palgraveconnect.com/pc/connect/info/terms_conditions.html). If you plan to copy, distribute or share in any format, including, for the avoidance of doubt, posting on websites, you need the express prior permission of Palgrave Macmillan. To request permission please contact rights@palgrave.com. Expatriates in China Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges Ilaria Boncori Expatriates in China 10.1057/9781137293473 - Expatriates in China, Ilaria Boncori Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to University of Wollongong - PalgraveConnect - 2014-05-17 This page intentionally left blank 10.1057/9781137293473 - Expatriates in China, Ilaria Boncori Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to University of Wollongong - PalgraveConnect - 2014-05-17 Expatriates in China Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges Ilaria Boncori University of Essex, UK Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to University of Wollongong - PalgraveConnect - 2014-05-17 10.1057/9781137293473 - Expatriates in China, Ilaria Boncori © Ilaria Boncori 2013 Foreword © Heather Höpfl 2013 All rights reserved. No reproduction...
Words: 104917 - Pages: 420
...Lord of the Rings The Two Towers As we learn through the first book we come to see that the company of the “Lord of The Rings” goes through hard trials. There is much more to come through their journey though especially in the book of “The Two Towers.” In the book of “The Two Towers” Frodo baggins, and Samwise Gamgee must journey on their own to finish the task that was left for Frodo. While Aragorn II Elessar, Legolas the elf, and Gimli the dwarf search for Peregin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck, most commonly known as Merry and pippin. It all starts with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli searching for Merry and Pippin. The three adventurers go off through the fields tracking down those two hobbits that have been captured by the nasty orcs. The leader of the orcs is none other than the huge appalling Ugluk. He leads his team of orcs, which are known as the Uruk-hai Scouts, to Isengard. That way Saruman could have the hobbits and find out where the ring is. Their plan taking the hobbits to Isengard ended faster than they had expected for they were attacked by Rohirrim. The orcs tried to fight valiantly, but it still ended in ruins for they could not putt up a good fight because they were being shot at by arrows, and their enemy was behind trees on horseback so they couldn’t determine where they were most of the time. While the Orcs were fighting the Rohirrims, Merry and Pippin started to sneak away from the orcs clutches. They successfully escape and begin to head into the “Forrest...
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...The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan was an explosive blockbuster in 2008. People raised it so much not because of its spectacular visual achievement; it’s because of its story. The protagonist in the film is the Batman, Bruce Wayne, and the antagonist in the film is the joker. The film starts with a bank robbery. We see a group of robbers with mask. It gets audience into the story directly, and from the first scene, we get a quick idea of what kind of character the joker is. The story is told basically in two parallel lines, one for Bruce Wayne, and the other one for the joker. This structure reminds me of some Michael Mann films, like Heat, and Public Enemies. Those films all have a long story line, and they also have several parallel story lines running at the same time. They all structured generally in the same way, which is: Protagonist/Antagonist story They have some conflicts They meet in a way without violence involved Protagonist/Antagonist story keeps going on Climax, big conflict. I think this is a well-thought structure. For this structure, it requires a complicated protagonist and an also complicated antagonist, so that it can help establish the cause and effect. The story of The Dark Knight is actually quite simple if you look at it in a simple way. It’s just about how Batman takes the joker down and how he becomes the dark knight of the Gotham city. But if we have to add more details to it, then it will become way more complicated. However,...
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...The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Lord of the Rings provides a great look into what it takes to be a successful leader. There are a number of important characters in the series that contribute to these important lessons. For this paper, we will be focusing on the leadership roles of the characters within The Two Towers book and movie. We will also explain some of the major differences between the book and movie. The important characters that will be discussed are Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo, Gollum, Merry, Pippin, and Treebeard. It has been said that a true leader is someone who has followers, which is something that is definitely portrayed by Gandalf the White, as well as Gandalf the Grey. Many characters in the movie and book look to Gandalf for assistance and direction, such as Frodo, Aragorn, and King Théoden. Gandalf is the type of leader that could be followed anywhere, as he makes it a priority to always manage the current situation, and to look into the bigger picture as well. He is always calculating the next moves in order to get the right people in place for the greater challenges that are going to come. He has developed many great relationships with those who follow him, and he has shown that he greatly empowers the individuals that he comes into contact with. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers shows Gandalf in a different light than he had been shown in the previous film. Gandalf started out being Gandalf the Grey in “The Fellowship of the Ring”...
Words: 3136 - Pages: 13
...bad of a person into two different personalities. Dr. Jekyll soon realizes that his very appearance changes along with the transformation into this other form and gives this form the name of Edward Hyde. At the beginning of these experiments, Dr. Jekyll is satisfied with the results, he feels more youthful and more energetic than ever before, however his alter ego, Mr. Hyde, enjoys indulging in acts of evil and malevolence and grows stronger with each passing moment until Jekyll is not able to suppress him any longer. Soon the conscious of Dr. Jekyll and conscious of Mr. Hyde fight for control of the body that they share. Stevenson uses characters Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, to symbolize two core parts of human nature, good and evil, to depict the conflict that is experienced by an individual in everyday life. Character is a very prominent element throughout the story and is often used to depict the good and innocence of Dr. Jekyll or the evil and cruelty of Mr. Hyde. At one point, Dr. Jekyll is recounting the effects of the transformation potion and the fact that it has given him “two characters as well as two appearances, one was wholly evil and the other was still the old Henry Jekyll” (Stevenson 96). Dr. Jekyll’s character develops throughout the course of the book. He transitions from being more-or-less of a static character who remains the same through the entirety of the novel to a dynamic character from the effects of the potion splitting him into two personalities. Mr. Hyde...
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