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Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

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Type 2 Diabetes - Signs and Symptoms
Diabetes Mellitus more commonly known as Type 2 Diabetes is a long-term disorder due to high levels of blood sugar, the body’s resistance to insulin or the pancreas not producing insulin. Insulin is a hormone which transports sugar from the blood stream to the cells and is crucial to our day-to-day functioning. Almost 90% of diabetes cases are Type 2 Diabetes with the remaining 10% being Type 1 or Gestational Diabetes.

Short-Term Signs and Symptoms
Type 2 Diabetes develops slowly over a number of years and sometimes it is difficult to notice its signs and symptoms. In fact, detection often done during a routine blood test. We have below a list of key signs and symptoms which should make early detection …show more content…
Thus, your body is low on energy and you begin to feel hungry on a frequent basis.

Weight Loss - You may be eating more than usual but you still end up losing weight. This is mainly because of your body’s inability to metabolize the glucose which is then released from the body into your urine. You body then relies on your fat reserves for energy, using up important calorie reserves.

Frequent Urination - Due to a build up of glucose level in the body, the kidneys flush the glucose out of the blood and into the urine. Thus, the need to urinate is more frequent - sometimes even a couple of times at night. Fluid is pulled from the tissues which leads you to feel thirsty all day and thus the need for frequent urination.

Feeling Thirsty - Due to the frequent urination you are losing a lot of important body fluid so there is a need to drink more water.

Dry Mouth - Due to frequent urination, you may feel more thirsty and as a result your mouth may end up feeling …show more content…
Long-term Signs and Symptoms
If you have had Type 2 diabetes for a while and your blood sugar level has not been brought under control then the following symptoms can also occur:

Eye damage - People with diabetes are 40% more likely to develop glaucoma; 60% more likely to develop cataracts; and, also more likely to develop retinopathy. However, with proper check-ups and a control of your diabetes the majority of diabetes sufferers are able to keep eye ailments under check.

Skin conditions - People with diabetes are more likely to develop skin conditions such as bacterial and fungal infections and itchy skin. However, there are some skin conditions which only occur in people suffering from diabetes, such as diabetic dermopathy, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticoruma, diabetic blisters, and eruptive xanthomatosis.

Kidney Disease - As a result of high glucose levels in the blood, the kidneys end up over-filtering the blood. Due to the filters overworking, they begin to leak and lose important protein required for the body. This is the early sign of kidney

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