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Submitted By s1209
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Pages 3
What is a typeface?
In typography, a typeface (also known as font family) is a set of one or more fonts each composed of glyphs that share common design features. Each font of a typeface has a specific weight, style, condensation, width, slant, italicization, ornamentation, and designer or foundry (and formerly size, in metal fonts).
What is a serif typeface?
A serif typeface is a font that has a small ornamental line added to the basic form of a character.
Examples of serif fonts are: Times New Roman, century, Palatino linotype, Garamond, Bodoni MT.
What is a sans serif typeface?
A sans serif typeface is a font that does not have ornamental lines added to the basic structure of the character hence the use of the French word ‘sans’ which means ‘without’.
Examples of sans serif fonts are: Arial, Comic sans MS, Gill sans MT, Franklin Gothic.
Some uses of sans serif and serif typefaces Uses SERIF | SANS SERIF | Used to guide the horizontal ‘flow’ of the eyes. | Sans serif are better at small size because the fonts can survive reproduction and smearing due to their simple fonts. | Mainly used for printed documents. | Mainly used for soft copy documents and is the typeface used mainly in web design. | Serif are used for body text as they are easier to read and will most unlikely cause fatigue. | On prints they are mainly used for headings, caption or short text/ documents. | |

Image 1: Differences between a serif and a sans serif font.
As a graphic designer how far do you agree with the uses of serif and sans serif typefaces?
Sans serif fonts tend to have a more contemporary or business feel and most operating systems render them neatly. Serif fonts tend to look on windows computer hence the use of the clear type ability of windows is primordial to smooth the edges of screen fonts. The use of sans serif fonts in web design for main contents is a good typography rule; many popular sites use sans serif fonts for online viewing. Examples of such websites are: Google, Microsoft and yahoo.
However there are some websites that uses serif fonts in their advantage; its not that sans serif fonts are boring or tiring but seeing them being mostly used on the web certainly make serif fonts a little refreshing when they are well used. One of the websites I have come across while leisurely browsing is “The 3rd SEED Conference” website where the entire design is based on the use of serif fonts and on top of that no image are found on the website.
For short the type of typeface used does not matter as long as the layout, placement and typography is well worked on so as the reader is far more interested in the content of the text rather than the font used.

Image 1: Differences between a serif and a sans serif font [Accessed on: 21st July 2014]

Opticentre. (2014) frequently asked questions. [Online] Available from:
[Accessed on: 21st July 2014]

Wikipedia. (2014) Serif. [Online] Available from: [Accessed on: 21st July 2014]

Wikipedia. (2014) Sans-serif. [Online] Available from: [Accessed on: 21st July 2014]

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