...Howard Mayo NT1230 4/3/12 8 Common Types of Computer Viruses Dictionary.com defines a computer virus as “a segment of self-replicating code planted illegally in a computer program, often to damage or shut down a system or network (“Virus,” 2012).” The term virus has become more generic over the years and has come to represent any type of malware, or malicious software. There are many types of malware that can be classified as viruses but it is the intention of this paper to examine 8 of the most common types. These types are virus, worms, trojans, adware/pop-up ads, spyware, keyloggers, rootkits, and scareware. * Virus- as defined above, a virus is self-replicating code planted in a computer program. This malware’s sole purpose is to destroy or shut down systems and networks. (“Virus,” 2012). * Worms- These are standalone programs whose sole purpose is to replicate and spread themselves to other computers. Their main use is to search for and delete certain files from computers. * Trojans- This malware is designed to look like a useful program while giving control of the computer to another computer. It can be used for several malicious things: * As part of a botnet to use automated spamming or distribute denial-of-service attacks. * Electronic money theft * Data theft * Downloading or uploading of files to the computer * Deletion or modification of files * Crashing the computer * Watching the viewer’s screen * Anonymous...
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...Abstract— Computer viruses are widely recognized as a significant computer threat. The “birth rate” of new viruses is high and increasing due to global connectivity, and technology improvements can accelerate their spread. In response to this threat, some contemporary research efforts are aimed at creating computer virus immune systems. This paper analyses the computer viruses and attacks and also some countermeasures to prevent them. In particular, we discuss Intrusion Detection and Prevention techniques for handling web based attacks and to patch up different kinds of vulnerabilities in computer system. I. INTRODUCTION Web based system makes the next way of computing. Global prosperity and even faster pace of business are driving the desire for employees, partners and customers to able to communicate from different location in this world. With this phenomenal growth of computing devices, the threat of viruses is likewise growing. New platforms such as MAC OS of Apple and Microsoft Windows are highly attractive targets to virus and Trojan writers. As technology in the world of networking industries advances, virus writers have plenty of room for growth. Worse thing is security measures such as firewalls and virus scanners i.e. antivirus softwares are not widely used. The future may be even worse. With distributed programming platforms such as .NET, combine with Microsoft’s Windows platform the potential for viruses is even greater. II. OVERVIEW OF THREATS AND POTENTIAL...
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...According to the article”What is a Computer Virus” computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. Computer virus can attack computers in many ways and are often damaging to the computer. These viruses often spread without a persons knowledge about the virus and can be specially damaging to computers and expensive to those who own the computers to repair. Viruses can also affect program and the performance of the computer and cause severe harm. The main component in describing a virus is the viruses’ ability to replicate itself through computers or the internet. The first computer virus was created by Dr. Cohen, 26 yrs ago at the University of Southern California. Dr. Cohen realized that if a Trojan horse copied itself into other programs, then all those programs would be infected, and then everybody that ran any of those programs would get infected and so forth (Lee). From here, Dr. Cohen has since developed many ways to remove viruses and is one of the leading experts in that field. One of the most difficult things with viruses are they come in all different forms and are often disguised to the user. One type of virus is a direct action virus. According to the article “Different Types of Computer Viruses” on buzzle.com, the purpose of a direct action virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific condition is met, the virus will go into action and...
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...analyses the spread of viruses and defines certain measures that computer users may take into account to avoid viruses. Overall ,it was learnt from the report that it is important to keep us updated about computer viruses to be able to successfully safeguard us from computer virus attacks Introduction to Computer Virus: Viruses are mischievous programs, the purpose of which is to disrupt the sensible use of computers. It is a type of a mal-ware and do little more than display a message( Usually insulting!!!) on the screen , but some are designed to act after a certain period of time and do such things as make the letters start to drop off the screen or even erase the entire contents of your hard disk. As their name suggests, viruses are able to spread by infecting other disks and they do this by copying themselves onto other disks which are being used by the computer. Viruses are little programs or scripts that can create files, move files, erase files, consume your computer's memory, and cause your computer not to function correctly or to crash completely. Some viruses can duplicate themselves, attach themselves to programs, and travel across networks. They can self-modify or change over time as they copy themselves. Viruses only spread across multiple computers if an uninfected computer is connected to a network, or if the computer gets connected to infected media such as a USB drive or a CD. Although there are many viruses, the main problems...
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...needs to express what type of virus, he/ or she wants to use. Once the attacker determines what type of virus is going to be used, then they must determine who they want to attack. Lastly, ask what type of data they want to gain from the attack. People write computer viruses. The person has to write the code, test it to make sure it spreads properly and then release it. A person also designs the virus's attack phase, whether it's a silly message or the destruction of a hard disk. . There are at least four reasons why this is done. The first is the same psychology that drives vandals and arsonists. For some people, that seems to be a thrill. If that sort of person knows computer programming, then he or she may funnel energy into the creation of destructive viruses. Secondly the reason has to do with the thrill of watching things blow up. Some people have a fascination with things like explosions and car wrecks. Creating a virus is a somewhat like that, it creates a virtual bomb inside a computer, and the more computers that get infected; the more "fun" the explosion. The third reason involves bragging rights; some people enjoy the status it holds. Certain types of programmers see security holes that could be exploited, and are compelled to exploit the hole themselves before someone else beats them to it. The reason that drives many people on a day-to-day basis to commit crimes, get easy cash, obtain illegal money, a fast payout; the idea of easy money. Viruses can trick you into...
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... view Presentation The term virus is as old as hills are now in the world of computer technologies. A virus basically is software that is made to run automatically usually used for destructive purpose by the computer experts. Though virus is a well known but not known well. Definition : A computer virus is a coded program that is written in Assembly or a system programming language such as ‘C’ to deliberately gain entry into a host system and modify existing programs and/or perform a series of action, without user consent. In this paper we would like to throw light on some of the unturned stones of the world of virus. We would start from history of the virus i.e. who created the first virus, for what purpose and hoe it affect to the computer. Then classification of viruses by to different methods: Ø General classification of the virus. Ø Behavioral classification of the virus. We covered the topic how nowadays viruses affects to the Mobiles, how they come to the mobile. The small and most important topic that we covered is the ‘Positive Virus’. We covered how the virus actually works in the host computer along with one example as they would enlighten our knowledge about viruses, this is because we want to secure of viruses and actually need to known how are they programmed and executed automatically. We also covered some information about the most popular viruses with some vital information i.e. how they work, how much harmful to the host etc. At...
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...author of Cybercrime: The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age, once said, “In a nutshell, we are shocked by cybercrime, but also expect to be shocked by it because we expect it to be there, but – confusingly – we appear to be shocked if we are not shocked (if we don’t find it)!” In today’s society, cybercrimes are considered a greater threat than ever. Computer crime can be defined as a crime that is committed where the computer or electronic data device is integral to the criminal act (Kranacher, Riley, and Wells 114). Although many do not believe that they can cause any vital damage, cybercrimes such as wiretapping, piggybacking, and computer viruses can have significant repercussions on various organizations. By identifying the type of cybercrime, discussing how organizations can protect themselves from it, and multiple real-life examples, an insightful analysis of the implications of cybercrime can be better understood. Wiretapping Wiretapping has become a very common way of committing computer fraud. This occurs when perpetrators read information being transmitted between an organization’s computers. In order to decrease this, companies can implement various encryption techniques to help ensure that confidential information does not reach the hands of a person who can use it with malicious intent (Kranacher, Riley, and Wells 120-21). This information that is obtained could be pertaining to an organization’s consumers, employees, or to the daily activities that...
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...A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term "virus" is also used to refer to other types of malicious software, including: adware and spyware programs. A virus can spread from one computer to another. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. As stated above, the term "computer virus" is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware (malicious software). Malware includes computer viruses, computer worms, Trojan horses, most rootkits, spyware, dishonest adware and other malicious and unwanted software, including true viruses. Viruses are sometimes confused with worms and Trojan horses, which are technically different. A worm can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread itself automatically to other computers through networks, while a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but hides malicious functions. A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is malicious software designed to secretly access a computer system without the owner's permission or approval. It appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to run or install but instead, it facilitates unauthorized access of the user's computer system. On the other hand, a computer worm is a self-reproductive malware computer program. It uses a computer network to send copies of itself to other computers on the network and it may...
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...Anti-virus software on the client computers is another issue that needs to be updated. After discussing the situation with the different employees, the following recommendations should be implemented to ensure the future security of each of the sites. Recommendations include firewalls, software security for viruses and malware, and remote access for automatic updates. Firewalls are programs that keep out hackers, viruses, and worms from reaching the computers of employees. There are 2 types of firewalls, a hardware firewall and a software firewall. Commercial software firewalls are usually more powerful than those that come with the operating system. These are installed on each computer from a CD or by downloading it from the internet. Hardware firewalls is a physical device that attaches to the computer and is configured through a cable connection. A hardware router installed between client computers and the internet will help with external security issues. A software firewall should also be installed on each computer to prevent the spread of viruses that might infect the network if a computer becomes infected. Firewalls work by closing ports that are unused by the computers and regulating the traffic in ports that are used by the computer. Several firewalls programs are available, Norton 360 from Symantic, Armor2net, McAfee, and more. Each software package has different features as well as many of the same. Norton 360’s top features are: stops viruses, spyware and other threats...
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...Attacks As computer users, we often just go about our lives, using our computers and networks and not even worrying about what may be out there waiting to attack our systems. Many attacks occur and the user has no idea that it is occurring or has occurred until something goes wrong with the system. System attacks occur when a hacker finds ways to take advantage of any vulnerability that your computer may have to gain access to the user’s system. One of the main ways that they do this is by delivering a Web page or an e-mail that contains a Trojan horse better known as a computer virus, which comes in several different forms. Denials of service attacks are another type of system attack that can attack a system via a computer site. In order to implement these attacks, the hackers use certain tools in order to get into the systems, and manipulate them. Although these attacks occur often on a daily basis, there are ways to protect our systems from these things whether it’s physical or some type of antivirus software. A virus is defined as “a small program that alters the way a computer operates without the knowledge of the computers users and often does different types of damage by deleting and corrupting data and program files, or by altering operating systems components, so that any computer operations are impaired or halted” (White) When the computer is infected with a virus, sometimes there is indication that it is there and sometimes it’s not. All viruses tend to present...
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...Executive Summary on the effects of computer Virus and Malicious software Introduction This paper is intended to outline the effects of computer viruses and malicious software. The paper will start by describing what a virus is and what malicious software is. it will then outline some of the common types of viruses and malicious software; the effects both threats could potentially have on ABC’s computer networks and finally suggest ways in which ABC estate agency may protect itself from such threats. Definitions Malicious software often referred to as Malware is as its name implies malicious software that is intended to cause some type of damage or do some unwanted action to a computer system often without the user’s knowledge or consent. Some types of malware are disguised as honest piece of software which does what it is intended to do, however malicious code has been embedded which tracks a user’s activity for marketing purposes A virus is a type of malicious software. A virus is a computer program capable of attaching itself to hard disks or other files and replicating itself repeatedly, typically without the user’s knowledge or permission (Stair, Reynolds and Chesney 2012). The virus often hides itself in memory or attaches itself to another program waiting to be executed. Once executed it performs some type of harmful action on the infected system, such as freezing up the CPU, eating up disk space, accessing personal information, corrupting important files and data...
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...Definition of virus "Computer viruses" is the term that defines the class of programs which illegally explore resources of systems. It is an executable code able to reproduce itself. Viruses are an area of pure programming, and, unlike other computer programs, carry intellectual functions on protection from being found and destroyed. They have to fight for survival in complex conditions of conflicting computer systems. Computer viruses have pervaded popular culture at least as successfully as they have the world's computer population. Computer viruses replicate by attaching themselves to a host a program or computer and co-opting the host's resources to make copies of themselves. Symptoms can range from unpleasant to fatal. Computer viruses spread from program to program and computer to computer. There are other computer pathogens, such as the "worms" that occasionally afflict networks, and the "Trojan horses" that put a friendly face on malicious programs, but viruses are the most common computer ill by far. Types of viruses. There are different types of viruses, and they have already been separated into classes and categories. For instance: dangerous, harmless, and very dangerous. No destruction means a harmless one, tricks with system halts means a dangerous one, and finally with a devastating destruction means a very dangerous virus. But viruses are famous not only for their destructive actions, but also for their special effects, which are almost impossible to classify...
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...adoption of the personal computer has changed the way we live. Every day personal computers (PCs) become more and more mainstream, performing various functions in our business, personal and recreational environments. They have automated many of the menial tasks of business, such as accounting, payroll, filing, record keeping, etc. This increased use of technology has caught the attention of the criminal element. The computer has become both target and tool to a new breed of cyber-criminal. Computers are becoming an increasingly important part of everyday life. They also provide new opportunities for criminal enterprise. The computer provides both new types of crime, and new ways of perpetrating traditional crimes. Computer crime investigation differs from more traditional crime investigation in several critical ways and will require law enforcement agencies to adopt new policies and practices. This paper documents the increasing rate of computer-based crime, points out several critical areas where it differs from more traditional crimes, and outlines some new problems and issues which law enforcement must address to combat computer crime. Finally, this paper suggests a plan of action suitable for many law enforcement agencies to prepare for dealing with computer based crime.The Birth of "hacking" Early use of the term "hacker" was applied to computer hobbyists who spent their spare time creating video games and other basic computer programs. However, this...
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...COMPUTER VIRUSES - CURRENT STATUS, FUTURE TRENDS AND POSSIBLE ADVANTAGES. (c) Jean-Paul Van Belle Note: this was an early draft version - couldn't dig up the final version ;-) Abstract This paper attempts to take a longer term perspective on the computer virus technology. Firstly, viruses are defined, described and classified. Popular anti-virus protection mechanisms are listed. The current impact of viruses is briefly assessed and an attempt is made to isolate and project some expected trends in virus technology. Finally, a number of potential advantages of viruses are discussed. 1. Introduction The computer virus and its technology represent a relatively new phenomenon, although its origins can be traced back to the late fifties. The emergence of the virus technology may be attributed to a combination of factors, including the wide availability of computer resources, the increased level of connectivity, the event of decentralized computing with a certain relaxation of security measures, the development of a hacker community (culture and literacy), and perhaps a general decline in morality principles. All of these factors have resulted in what may be called a democratization of the computer technology. This has in its turn established the necessary "critical mass" for the virus technology to develop. The media have publicized a large number of virus attacks; not necessarily in the most accurate or factual manner. But the very fast evolution of the technology...
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...Computer viruses have been aroud for many years, since about 1986. Who invented computer viruses? Where were they created? Can you create them? All of these questions will be answered, as well as a short timeline of virus history and highlight of some recent major viruses. First, What is a computer virus? And how do you protect yourself from them? Then, A short timeline of virus' history. And, finally a few recent major viruses. What is a computer virus? A computer virus is a program or piece of software that copies itself to your PC, or attaches itself to a document. For example, when you open an infected document it replicates and attaches to other files on your hard drive. The process goes unnoticed until it is too late and your computer crashes. There are 3 types of computer viruses; E-Mail Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses. E-Mail Viruses- Many Hackers use E-Mail Viruses to reek havock on the E-World. (According to WWW.HACKERS.COM-Hackers are evil people who have nothing better to do with their vast knowledge of computers than destroy them.) An E- Mail Viruse is sent from person to person via E-Mail. Once the infected E-Mail is opened it replicates by sending itself to everyone in your address book. Thus resulting, the people in your address book open the E-Mail and are then infected. Any simple Virus scaning software should be able to stop and remove E-Mail viruses. Norton Anti-Virus is one of the best choices for defense. ...
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