...SECURE ROUTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS By [Name] The Name of the Class (Course) Professor (Tutor): The Name of the School (University): The City and State The Date: Abstract. Wireless sensor networks (WSANs) are a group of sensors and actors that are linked by a wireless medium for the purpose of performing distributed sensing and action on a given task. This involves the sensors collecting information about the surrounding physical environment and sending the information to the actors which take the decisions and perform some needed action basing on the information received from the sensors about the surrounding environment. These sensor networks are sometimes referred to as wireless sensor and actuator networks. They monitor physical or environmental conditions such as sound, pressure, temperature among others and send the collected data to the required location. Effective sensing and acting requires a distributed local coordination methods and mechanism among the sensors and the actors in addition to this, sensor data should be valid in order for right and timely actions to be performed. This paper describes secure routing in wireless sensor networks and outlines its threats on security. Keywords: Wireless sensor and actor networks; Actuators; Ad hoc networks; Sybil attack; Real-time communication; Sinkhole; Routing; MAC; adversary. Introduction With the recent rapid improvement on technology, many networking technologies have been created to make...
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...their online business with their customers. SSL defines a secured abstraction layer of communication on the existing network infrastructure. Once the secure connection is established, the session key will be used to encrypt all transmitted data over the network. Web browser connects to a web server (for example, website) using secured SSL connection. However, the browser requests the server identify itself in order to establish the secured connection on the network. Once the connection is established, the server sends a copy of its SSL Certificate, which includes the server's...
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...Denial of service attacks in Network security introduction and short history of DoS attacks: Denial of service attacks are one of the major threat to the modern computer networks.It has been said that first DDoS attack was launched in 1999 against the IRC server of university of minnesota which affected 227 systems and server was down for several days.Another DoS attack was documented in the week of feb 7 2000.A 15 year old canadian hacker named “mafiaboy” performed a series of DoS attack against some sites like ebay and amazon.Companies suffered from 1.7 billion of damage.After that it became the best way of hacking among cybercriminals. People used to perform these attacks for profits.Hackers will follow the procedures like mafiaboy and ask for the money.In 2005 ,it became more easy to implement those attacks ,a boy of 18-yr old named Farid Essabar developed a worm called MyTob which used to open a backdoor in Ms windows hosts and connect to the remote IRC server.The computer then used to wait for the commands from the servers.Farid was arrested for distributing the worm.This was surely not the last case.DDoS attacks were used to attack and money extortion. As name suggests Denial of Service aka DoS, it’s main objective is to make the system to deny the legitimate service requests. Basically DoS attacks are performed by exhausting the resources of the computer like processing power,network bandwidth,TCP connection and service buffers,CPU cycles and so on.Hackers actually...
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...For a better understanding of the situation in the network of the company I decided to start the analysis by the vulnerabilities that this one presents. Many of these vulnerabilities are the cause for different types of network attacks. It should be noted that while many of these vulnerabilities may be mitigated or eliminated the possibility of an attack always exists. The first vulnerability is the email server. Although very well controlled for been within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), this is always a vulnerability with which most companies have to deal with. This vulnerability opens the way for phishing attack. One way to mitigate this vulnerability is configuring the email server so that only authorized email may enter. This is difficult because our video game company has a large list of customers and suppliers that are in constant change. The best option is to alert users about the security measures and company policies regarding private and unknown emails. The Web and FTP server can be a not very alarming vulnerability. Because it is located in the DMZ and after the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), is unlikely to be corrupted without being detected. The location of the file servers in the network is totally unprotected against internal attacks. Any successful attack in the LAN would leave the data servers exposed. The establishment of a demilitarized zone with a completely different set of log on names and password than any other machines would give these servers better...
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...Types of System Attacks Bryan Francia Coleman University Abstract This paper is a brief overview of different types of Information Security System attacks. Without Security measures or system controls, your data could be stolen, your computer hijacked or corrupted, or your network destroyed. There are so many different methods attackers use, attempting to cover down on all of them in a two page paper would be pointless, but will briefly cover some of the more common types of network attacks. Without a security plan, your data is vulnerable to any of the following types of attacks. There are active attacks and there are passive attacks. An active attack means the information is changed with intent to corrupt or destroy the data or network, while a passive attack generally means your information is being monitored. Eavesdropping is when an attacker who has gained access to data paths in your network listens or reads the traffic. It is known as sniffing or snooping. Eavesdroppers have the ability to monitor networks because the majority of network communications occur in an unsecured format and is generally the biggest problem that administrators face in an enterprise. After an attacker has accessed your data, he or she may alter it. This is referred to as Data modification. It is possible for an attacker to modify the data in a packet while in transit without the knowledge of the sender or receiver. This is especially important in business, as you would not want...
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...Risk, Response and Recovery Karen Raglin Professor West Networking Security Fundamentals March 3, 2013 I previously identified several types of attacks, threats and vulnerabilities that exist with your multilayered network. You have requested that I develop a strategy to deal with these risks as well as a plan to mitigate each risk to reduce the impact that each will have on your organization. With any network organization you want to make sure that you keep on top of vulnerabilities of anything that reaches out to the internet. Computers and servers that touch the internet are ones that must be scanned. As a company you have to make sure that you configure the security settings for the operating system, internet browser and security software. As a company you also want to set personal security policies for online behavior. There also needs to be an antivirus installed on the network like Norton or Symantec which blocks threats targeting the vulnerabilities. Your firewall, which is your first line of defense, is susceptible to two common types of attacks. First there are attacks against the firewall itself with the purpose of the attacker being to take control of the firewalls functionality and then launching a DoS attack. The second type of attack against firewalls is an attack on the LAN side of the firewall. These attacks circumvent the rules and policies of the firewall to gain access to the devices that are supposed to be protected by the firewall. The largest...
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...This attack on university was DDos attack. However, the attack initiated from the inside network. Following are the recommend defensive measures to counter such type of attack. 1. Prevent systems from installation of attack tools: The attacker was able to install attacking software on many lab computers. These computers (secondary victims) were then participated in this DDoS attack. One of the precautionary steps that can be taken to prevent such type of attack is preventing installation of distributed attack tools. An antivirus or antiTrojan should be installed. The university needs to proactive scan and test systems on the network to find installed attacking software (daemons and/or masters) in the internal network (EC-Council, 2010, p.29). 2. Load balancing: The university needs to implement load balancing which would mitigate a DDoS attack and improve normal performance as well. They should advance in and maintain the computers that can be positioned into service quickly in the event that the registration server or other services server is disabled (hot spares) (cert.org, 1997). 3. Throttling: When an attack is being carried out, throttling will prevent servers from going down. This will throttle incoming traffic such that number and load of requests for the service will be safe for the server (princeton.edu, 2004). Deflect Attacks: They can intentionally set up systems with limited security, which is called Honeypots, to be an invitation for an attack. This...
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...Chapter 4 Threats and Attacks to a Computer Network Research shows that “threats to the computers and networks have been an issue since computers began to be used widely by the general public. Nowadays, any computer or network that is connected to the Internet is at risk” (http://infopeople.org/resources/security/basics/threats_vulnerabilities.html, 2008) There are unlimited different types of threats exists in computer networking field but in this report mainly six different common but important threats were discussed. 4. 1 Spoofing Spoofing is a technique used to hide identity of traffic originator or assume identity of trusted entity or fooling a computer into believing which actually you are not. The most common spoof is email where a hacker pretend to be a different internet address from the one you have just to gain his/her credit card no, passwords, personal information or to theft any identity. Spoofing normally involves sending many packets/messages pretending to be a real legitimate person and spoofed IPs are very hard to back track. There are many different types of spoofing, such as ▪ IP addresses, MAC addresses changing attacks ▪ Link alteration ▪ DNS server spoofing attack ▪ Content theft ▪ E-mail address changing attack 4.2 How Penetration Attack Works? Penetration attack is basically to an attempt to break the security features of a system in order to understand the system or system design and implementation. The main purpose of penetration...
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...Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense Second Edition Chapter 3 Network and Computer Attacks Objectives • After this lecture and completing the exercises, you will be able to : – Describe the different types of malicious software and what damage they can do – Describe methods of protecting against malware attacks – Describe the types of network attacks – Identify physical security attacks and vulnerabilities Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, Second Edition 2 Malicious Software (Malware) • Network attacks prevent a business from operating – Malicious software (malware) • Virus • Worm • Trojan program – Goals • • • • Destroy data Corrupt data Shutdown a network or system Make money 3 Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, Second Edition Viruses • Virus attaches itself to a file or program – Needs host to replicate – Does not stand on its own – No foolproof prevention method • Antivirus programs – Detection based on virus signatures • Signatures are kept in virus signature file • Must update periodically • Some offer automatic update feature Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, Second Edition 4 Table 3-1 Common computer viruses Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, Second Edition 5 Viruses (cont’d.) • Encoding using base 64 – – – – – – – – Typically used to reduce size of e-mail attachments Also, used to encrypt (hide) suspicious code. Represents zero to 63 using six bits A is 000000… Z is 011001 Create groups of four characters...
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...marketing; while IT teams can handle any and all aspects of the organizations network. Security is becoming more important to organizations, as various attacks are on a rise. Natural disasters, malicious attacks, internal breach, and loss of team members, are all good cause to maintain strong security monitoring systems. The paper that follows will address security monitoring systems that should be conducted in the Cellular Phone Organization (CPO) with both Internal IT and e-commerce applications. Network Security Systems Organizations must have a secure network, in order to stay in business. There are many types of variations of ways to secure the network of an organization, and each must cater the type of business. The internal network is comprised of all servers, applications, data, and equipment used within the organization. The security of the internal network must consist of a mixture of both hardware and software. The Cellular Phone Organization employs 150 associates in an appropriate sized building. There are three teams: Customer Care; Tech Support: and Sales. There is also a Human Resources Team and Management team, for perspective departments. The company works primarily through a LAN/WAN set up, and work is performed primarily over the web. CPO must keep personal information safe, as they are trusted by each customer. CPO must also keep the information held within the facility and network safe, belonging to their employees. The Human Resource Team and Management...
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...cyber security awareness -Topic- Network intrusion detection methods INTRODUCTION Intrusions are the activities that violate the security policy of the system, and intrusion detection is the process used to identify intrusions. Intrusion Detection Systems look for attack signatures, which are specific patterns that usually indicate malicious or suspicious intent. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are usually deployed along with other preventive security mechanisms, such as access control and authentication, as a second line of defense that protects information systems. Intrusion detection provides a way to identify and thus allow responses to, attacks against these systems. Second, due to the limitations of information security and software engineering practice, computer systems and applications may have design flaws or bugs that could be used by an intruder to attack the systems or applications. As a result, certain preventive mechanisms (e.g., firewalls) may not be as effective as expected. Intrusion detection complements these protective mechanisms to improve the system security. Moreover, even if the preventive security mechanisms can protect information systems successfully, it is still desirable to know what intrusions have happened or are happening, so that we can understand the security threats and risks and thus be better prepared for future attacks. IDSs may be classified into Host-Based IDSs, Distributed IDSs, and Network-Based IDSs according to the sources...
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...Running Head: PERFORM A FORENSICS ANALYSIS OF A NETWORK BREAK-IN Perform a Forensics Analysis of a Network Break-in Tiffany McGarr IT540-02: Management of Information Security Dr. Flick January 10, 2014 Table of Contents Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………3 Part One: Screen Shots for OSForensics………………………………………………………………….4&5 Part Two: What servers were compromised?...................................................................................................6 Was network equipment compromised?.............................................................................................................................6&7 What user accounts were employed to gain access?..................................................................7&8 What vulnerabilities were exploited?..............................................................................................8 What can be done to prevent a recurrence?................................................................................8&9 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………...9 References……………………………………………………………………………………….10 Abstract The purpose of this paper was to perform a forensics analysis of a network break-in. In the first part of the paper, six screen shots are inserted from the OSForensics software. In the second part of the paper, it discussed how to go about finding information when you are told there has been a break-in...
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...Michael Coschigano Network Security Some DoS attacks can be avoided by applying vendor patches to the software that has been compromised. Another way to deal with DoS attacks in the case of an attack coming from a number of known IP addresses is to put up a rule to drop all incoming traffic from those known attackers. Yet another way to deal with these types of attacks is to set up packet filters. This will act as a proxy for connections. Once the handshake is validated it will be forwarded to the correct destination instead of just forwarding the packet to the destination. TCP SYN flooding attack effects can be reduced or removed by limiting the number of TCP connections a system accepts and by shortening the amount of time a connection stays partially open. This is done by limiting the number of TCP connections made at the entry and exit points of the network structures. (Kaeo, 2004) Recently there has been a variation of a DoS attack that has caused further problems. This is known as Distributed Denial of Service attack. How this is accomplished is a number of computers are used to launch a DoS attack. The thought is that these attacks come from the external internet. One of the best ways to mitigate this is to set up a firewall between the internet and the trusted network of the corporation. The first step one should take to eliminate this type of attack it to find out precisely what type of attack it is. You want to filter these attacks by creating an access control list;...
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...other node in the network. Routes data is generally kept in the routing tables and is occasionally updated as the network topology differs. Proactive routing protocols are driven with the help of tables. The routes are updated continuously and when a node wants to route packets to another node, it uses an already available route. These protocols maintain routes to all possible destinations even...
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...Point-of-View Wireless Security Technical Point-of-View W ireless network (Wi-Fi) is now widely established and utilized at home, offices and everywhere in public areas such as rail stations, streets, and etc. This newsletter provides the technical knowledge of Wi-Fi technologies, relevant threats and countermeasures for building a secure internal Wi-Fi network. For the end user best practices of using Wi-Fi, please refer to another newsletter entitled “Wireless Network, Best Practices for General User”. Wireless Technologies | Classification of Networks Technological advancement in wireless communications has led to the worldwide proliferation of networks. The various kinds of network technologies developed can be classified into the following categories according to their range of coverage: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) WWAN offers the largest coverage. Voice and data can be transferred between mobile phones via messaging apps, web pages and video conferencing. In order to secure the transfer, encryption and authentication methods are adopted. Examples of WWAN are 4G, 3G and 2G networks. Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) covers across the entire city and WMAN provides the Wi-Fi network similar to MAN. WiMAX and Wireless MAN are both examples of this kind. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) WLAN is an 802.11i wireless network that facilitates the access of corporate environment. It is optimal for low...
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