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Ulcerative Colitis Research Paper

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Ulcerative Colitis
Did you know that it is possible to live without a large intestine? Have you ever had such an excruciating pain that you thought it would be better if you just curled up in a ball and never felt a thing ever again? Well that’s how I felt when I had Ulcerative Colitis. The idea of having a chronic illness is one of the scariest things you could imagine. That’s why I am here, with a personal experience to help talk through and explain it. It has been recently argued that, “Since we do not know the basic cause of Ulcerative Colitis, formal definition of the disease is impossible and should not be attempted” (Bargen 1966). However, that is wrong. Ulcerative Colitis itself, the symptoms and effects it has on your body, and the …show more content…
The worst lab testing I have ever been through was the Contrast X-Rays. Contrast x-rays “track the movement of a thick, chalky liquid called barium through the intestines… You will be asked to drink barium when you arrive for the test… (You will also need to follow a bowel cleansing routine the day before the test” (C&CF 2018). These were the worst tests because they mixed the barium with lemonade so I could not taste it, however, I could still taste it and it was the nastiest taste I had ever tasted. If you have been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, there are a few things you can do to help maintain a healthy life. Some of those things include medication, diet, nutrition, and if things get out of hand, surgery. “In one-quarter to one-third of patients with ulcerative colitis, medical therapy is not completely successful or complications arise. Under these circumstances, surgery may be considered.” Again, that is only my luck that my case would be that bad. When I was eleven years old, I had a total colectomy. A laparoscopic total abdominal colectomy is an operation that removes the entire large intestine. Don’t be alarmed; however, a LTAC is only option in worst case

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