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Unemployment Problem


Submitted By abmu
Words 4400
Pages 18
Unemployment Problem and Its Causes

Based On 2007 Economics Report of Bangladesh.

Unemployment Problem and Its Causes

Based On 2007 Economics Report of Bangladesh.

Prepared for

Course Instructor
BUS: 201

Prepared by

SAIMA AFREEN (06304018)
HUMAIRA NAZIA (07204013)

Section: 01

Date of submission

4th December, 2008


To: Shamim Ehsanul Haque
From: Saima
Date: December 4th, 2008

Sub: Submission of the report titled Unemployment Problem and Its Causes.

In accordance to your advice here is the report on “Unemployment Problem and Its Causes” that we are submitting on 4 December, 2008 which was assigned during the last part of semester Fall 08.

To serve our purpose, we have followed standard research methodology to extract our findings. We have applied sophisticated analysis techniques to get consistent and sound output. As per the direction of yours, we have tried our best to highlight our findings through applying our acquired concepts and models.

As a BBA student we appreciate having this assignment. We sincerely hope this report will fulfill the requirements for the course of Business Communication.

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to work on this assignment. It’s been a real education. If you need any assistance in interpreting this report please call us.



Executive Summary v
Introduction 1-3 Background of the report 1 3

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