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Unequal Research Paper

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Why is the world so unequal? While people in america are eating three meals a day but people in Papua New Guinea are struggling just to have one .Inequality and geography are related because of the climate, everything to the domesticated animals to the weather so where you can't grow certain crops, or you can't have the certain help the animals provide. The world is so unequal because other places have different climates,food,animals, and geography. The more food there is and how efficiently it grows on a continent is more successful and technology advance in their culture. Papua New Guinea has no surplus in food and with technology and always worrying about food because “geography” the climate there is wet and tropical which crops can not grow in that …show more content…
They started to grow crops and settle and start a civilization while other places who doesn't have the supplies are still hunting and gathering. Then comes animal domestication adding on with the agriculture they now have animals to help them technology advancing but that comes with a price when the animals carry on germs and bring diseases and it can kill people. Steel came along and changed the civilizations diamedical they could concur with their strong weapons and strong tools to help with farming. This all leads to inequality because there is always one place that can't have the supplies, not can't have the animals, climate to grow crops, to not be immune to germs and this all has to do with “geography”. Why is papua new guinea to this day thousands of years behind then other civilizations? You should care about inequality because it changes how we look at things then what other people thing in papua new guinea. Other places don't have supplies like other places do and we should help out and give some resources if they want them to help them grow

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