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Clorox Advertisement Analysis

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Living A Cleaner Life Who honestly likes messy things? I know some people say they don’t mind a mess, but they would probably not mind a little less mess. Being organized is satisfying and appealing to the eye and the mind. I’m not saying being a clean freak is a must, but knowing there isn’t little germs going around does make me feel better. Especially having two little brothers. There is always a way to tell where they have been, it is like they leave a breadcrumb trail of messes everywhere they go. I am constantly cleaning up after them, and all of their friends.
What I am getting at is that a Clorox ad of two little boys having a “distance race” in the bathroom reminded me of my little brothers. I am always shocked at what they can come up with. Just as shocked as the mother when she finds her boys. This ad was meant to be funny, and it very much was. But it also gets the point across that cleaners and cleaning supplies are going to be highly necessary afterwords. So the central point of the ad was definitely was made clear. …show more content…
It didn't feel as if the ad was focused on any certain race. It felt like it could appeal to any person. No matter what the race, gender, or age. Most comical commercials manage to appeal to most people. It doesn't have the type of focal point to go for just one certain type of audience. But if I had to say that Clorox was trying to appeal to any certain type of people, I would say families. Many of Clorox’s ad focal points are families. It is as if they want to put the idea that if you really care about your family, you will use their products to keep a clean and safe

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