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Tac Break Off 5 Advertisements

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The research essay will include the following question, how effective is the TAC Wipe off 5 advertisements? Also what is the purpose of it? The reason why it is worth investigating because they use really horrifying images and really horrifying accidents, which makes people think why have they used that strong images and if people really do wipe of 5 after they see this advertisement. The organisation who had published this advertisement is the TAC and the Australian government. A really famous technique is using some attractive or interesting footage. This will instantly gain your attention. Unlike print advertisements, TV advertisements are superior to print advertisement. They have the advantage of using sound. TV advertisements also interest a viewer by include a really popular song in the background which will gain the viewers attention. This essay will also analyse the slogans used by TAC.
One technique used in the TAC ad is the use of sound. The way they divert the sound with the footage is actually really intelligent. TAC makes their own soundtracks so they gain the audience attention. The affect of the soundtracks they include in there footage is actually really successful. Audience will be viewing past the channels on the …show more content…
The road show is just part of the TAC’s latest campaign, with a community competition also underway where Victorians can win $5,000 for their most creative ideas of how to Wipe off 5 (TAC 2013). Then they had prepared and organised to make a new wipe of 5 advertisements. They brought in the advertisement two famous football stars. Chris Judd and Nick Maxwell. Whether its football clubs wiping off the number 5 from one of their player’s backs’, gym instructors wiping off 5 minutes from their classes or school kids wiping off the number 5 from their maths display, Ms Dore said the brief required just one thing: creativity (TAC

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