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Union Pacific Case Summary

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Case Summary

Did Union Pacific use age as a factor in its decisions during the re-organization negatively impacting older workers?

Steven Maxwell, Dir HR Services & Claims

Union Pacific strictly prohibits any discrimination or harassment based on a person's race, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, religion, military and veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other ground prohibited by law ("protected status"). This policy covers all aspects of employment, including hiring, promotions, terminations, pay, and the work environment.

On October 23, 2017 an anonymous claim was assigned for internal investigation. Complainant was …show more content…
The concern expressed a particular employee (Marcillin Troung) a recent hired was given a title rated above others in the department, and provided an opportunity that was not shared “veteran” employees.

Ms. Troung was previously named in an anonymous claim when she was selected over male employees. The case was investigated (962588 PWL) and the evidence did not substantiate the claim. Ms. Troung is once again alleged to have received preferential treatment but this time based upon age.

Maxwell was interviewed to obtain information on the claim. The position decision on Ms. Troung was not made at his level but was a part of the UP reorganization. The process entails submission of job descriptions to a third party consultant firm who evaluated jobs and “leveled” titles. Ms. Troung positions was one of many impacted. The decision was made at a senior level and identities of the incumbent were not variables in the decision. The reorganization focused on positions and not incumbent. Frankly, many employees throughout Union Pacific were unhappy about the outcome of the total rewards

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