...What a week first week I was definitely not prepared at all for this. Thinking back on the last time I was in a classroom setting was about 7 years ago. Having two evening classes then one morning class that is on a Saturday. I am making a big step in my education. I’ve been thinking if I am going to have to take a Saturday class for the next twelve weeks might as well go all out and take a Saturday course every quarter. Realistically I know that won’t happen but maybe a few quarters. The course I am attending now Strategies for the Technical Professional appears to be very exciting. I’m not going to jump the gun though it was only the first day. I am excited that I get to do a team project and put some of my project managing skills to work. I have a lot of experience in examining and strategizing. I believe that my background would definitely make a huge impact in this course and for my new project team. Somehow we still have not came up with a team name but we will soon. In my life I have experienced the best of times and the worst of times. The path I have walked s very unique and I know not everyone is capable or willing to experience things that I have. My knowledge and experience is all I have and I am will to assist and help everyone that I can if they ask. I don’t just jump out there and help the world. I realized not every fight is mine but if I feel someone needs my help I will take that initiative. This course will definitely be an addition to the experience I already...
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...INSTITUTE GS1145 Graded Assignments Unit 1 Assignment 1: Change Wheel Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes Describe personal changes in relation to global/historical changes. Communicate information using Microsoft Office productivity tools and email. Assignment Requirements Review Chapter 1, pp. 4-19 and then complete the Change Wheel Worksheet (found on the next page in this graded assignment.) Required Resources Completed Preparation for Success Checklist Textbook Submission Requirements Submit completed worksheet to instructor by the beginning of Unit 2. The Change Wheel Personal and Global Perspectives Before completing this assignment, please review Chapter 1, pp. 4-19. In Unit 1, we looked at change from several vantage points, including need, difficulty, and strategies for success. To complete this assignment, think carefully about change you have experienced in your personal life, and change in the world around you during your life. Task 1: Personal Change Identification Directions: Brainstorm a list of significant changes you have personally experienced throughout your life. Review your list, and identify six major changes that have affected you in very important ways. List them here: 1. Paying Car note 2. Changing Friends 3. Keeping Postive Attitue 4. Stop Complaining 5. Becoming Independent 6. Looking and Talking Professional 7. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ ...
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...the Unit for Professional Development University of Namibia, Windhoek Date next revision: 2018 Unit for Continuing Professional Development University of Namibia Private Bag 13245 Pioneers Park Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 61 206 4671 Fax: +264 61 206 3521 E-mail: cpd@unam.na Website: www.unam.cpd.na Acknowledgements The Unit for Continuing Professional Development wishes to thank those below for their contribution to this support guide: Ms Alina Hambelela Angula Mr Simson Shaakumeni Ms. Laetitia Willemse Ms. Agatha Lewin Mr Simson Shaakumeni Author Content Editor(s) Instructional Designer Technical Care of Template Quality Controller Water Contents About this support guide 1 How this support guide is structured ................................................................................. 1 Course overview 3 Welcome to Water (Natural Science and Health Education) ............................................ 3 Water (Natural Science and Health Education)—is this course for you? ......................... 3 Study skills ........................................................................................................................ 4 Need help? ......................................................................................................................... 5 Getting around this support guide 6 Margin icons ...................................................................................................................... 6 Unit 1 8 Water:...
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...Leadership Practice Assignment (Unit 5013) By: Name Tutor: Name Contents Introduction 2 Task 1 1.1 Management and leadership 3 – 4 1.2 Balancing the roles of management and leadership 4 – 6 1.3 Creating organisational vision 6 – 7 1.4 Self-belief, personal energy and commitment to leadership; 7 – 8 style of leadership 1.5 Building trust, empowering others and promoting ethical 8 – 9 leadership 1.6 Transformational, transactional and situational leadership 9 – 10 and impact on organisation Task 2 – Reflective statement about learning on the course 10 References 11 Introduction In 2009 Karl Moore of Mc Gill University interviewed Henry Mintzberg on his new book Henry Mintzberg on Managing – Pure and Simple, and asked the question as to whether Mintzbergs book should not have been called Leadership. Mintzberg’s response was that management and leadership are part and parcel of the same thing and shouldn’t be seperated in practice. He expressed the belief that the seperation of leadership from managament is utterly destructive, because managers who do not lead are boring and leaders who do not manage do not know what is going on. Whilst Mintzberg seems to make a very valid point and the fusion of leading and managing appears logical, it is undeniable that cenceptual differences exist between the term management, and the term leadership. Even without an accepted or definitive distinction...
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...March 27, 2014 Unit 1, Assignment 2 Change Wheel Reflection; Fri AM After working for JPMorgan Chase for 7 years I was laid off April of 2013 and it’s a year that I have been without a job has made me realize that I had to change my life around, plan for a new career and going back to school really put a damper in my life. Change in a new career is very scary and thought of going back to school that I have not attended since my oldest daughter was born was even scarier. Not only those challenges occurred but during this time I was engaged and married a few weeks before I was laid off. Now I have brand new family to care for, my wife, her two kids and my high school daughter came to live with us. Moved in to a one bedroom apartment with 5 people, no job, receiving unemployment, my wife also had no job except for what she receives for her son’s SSI got really challenging. Yes, of course negative thoughts and negative attitude started settling in. Job application after job applications no calls and no interviews for 4-6 months. No one was hiring and especially I being over qualified for some jobs or no degree set me back even more. This was a huge life changing experienced in my life ever. Knowing that my sisters and mom had their own families to care for and my wife’s family going through the same similar situations got even harder. My unemployment was running out and knowing that there was no extension by the end of December was another negative outcome to the situation...
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...Assignment Front Sheet Assignment title 1 Unit 21: Managing Human Resources LearningOutcome | Learningoutcome | Assessmentcriteria | In this assessment you willhave the opportunity topresent evidence that showsyou are able to | TaskNo. | Evidence(Page no) | LO1 | Understandthe differentperspectivesof humanresourcemanagement | 1.1 | explain Guest’s model ofHRM | 1 | | LO1 | Understandthe differentperspectivesof humanresourcemanagement | 1.2 | compare the differencesbetween Storey’s definitionsof HRM, personnel and IRpractices | 1 | | LO1 | Understandthe differentperspectivesof humanresourcemanagement | 1.3 | assess the implications forline managers andemployees of developing astrategic approach to HRM | 1 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.1 | explain how a model offlexibility might be applied inpractice | 1 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.2 | discuss the types of flexibilitywhich may be developed byan organization | 2 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.3 | assess the use of flexibleworking practices from boththe employee and theemployer perspective | 2 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.4 | discuss the impact thatchanges in the labour market | 2 | | Qualification | Unit Number and Title | Pearson BTEC Level 4 HND DiplomaBusiness | K.601.1264/Unit 22/Managing HumanResources | Student Name | Student No. | Word...
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...PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL FOR REDUCING MANUFACTURING THROUGHPUT TIME Amey Dhar Dubey (fy7096) Arpit Sharma (fe2365) Bhavditya Sisodiya (fw6052) College of Engineering Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan ABSTRACT This paper scans the present state of Production Planning and Control (PPC) regarding the manufacturing industry. PPC needs to undergo internal and external changes by being more dynamic and properly utilizing resources and delivery performance. In order for this to happen, the concept of crashing much be applied to better understand of how different factors affect PPC systems performance. Crashing is reduces project time by overlapping or performing two or more different steps simultaneously using additional resources (PM PrepCast). Crashing the network is the reduction of project duration by contracting and compressing the network at minimum cost. Project duration can often be reduced by appointing more labours to project activities. However, when appointing more labours, the project cost increases due to overtime and more resources being used. Time and cost requirement must be balanced to reduce project duration. The gist of this paper covers production time, along with the cost applying the concept of crashing. In addition, time management with optimum cost is vital for any project. A method to obtain optimum cost and project duration minimization is outlined. This is achieved by fully crashing the critical path or by removing non-added...
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...|Qualification |Unit number and title | |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (QCF) |Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour | |Student name and ID number |Assessor name | | |Joseph Tawiah (Module Leader) | |Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on | | 25th January 2016 |22nd April 2016 before midday | | |Internal Verifier | | |Assignment title | Toyota Motor Corporation | |Instructions2o |An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline date and time. | | |You must submit one single...
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...iNTEGRATIVE Perpetual evolution: A dynamic integrative approach to developing praxis in counselling psychology Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Theory Building in Counselling Psychology 2 The Impulse Toward Eclecticism 4 My Bohartian History 6 Adlerian Psychotherapy as Structured Eclecticism 10 My Adlerian Roots 11 Beyond Adler: Robertsonian Meme Therapy 13 The Nature of Self 13 The Potential for Using Memes in Counselling 15 A Use of Meme Theory in Counselling a Suicidal Youth 17 Holistic, Dynamic and Integrative: Looking Forward in Our Profession 21 Summarizing the Foundational Principles of My Practice 21 Revisiting Holism 23 Future directions 25 Footnotes 27 Theory Building in Counselling Psychology An early text lamented, “A good theory is clear, comprehensive, explicit, parsimonious, and useful. We appear to have a paucity of good theories in psychology” (Stefflre & Matheny, 1968). Lent attempted to reduce this paucity by formulating his own theory: Wellness is intended to capture the notion of health as a dynamic state or process rather than a static endpoint; psychosocial wellness acknowledges the importance of both intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning. The multiple aspects of wellness would include a) self-perceived (domain and/or global) satisfaction (hedonic well-being), b) domain/role satisfactoriness, c) presence of prosocial versus antisocial behavior, and d) low levels of psychologistical...
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...SENIOR SECONDARY COURSE PHYSICS 1 (CORE MODULES) Coordinators Dr. Oum Prakash Sharma Sh. R.S. Dass NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OPEN SCHOOLING A-25, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, SECTOR-62, NOIDA-201301 (UP) COURSE DESIGN COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Prof. S.C. Garg Former Pro-Vice Chancellor IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, Delhi MEMBERS Prof. A.R. Verma Former Director, National Physical Laboratory, Delhi, 160, Deepali Enclave Pitampura, Delhi-34 Dr. Naresh Kumar Reader (Rtd.) Deptt. of Physics Hindu College, D.U. Dr. Oum Prakash Sharma Asstt. Director (Academic) NIOS, Delhi Prof. L.S. Kothari Prof. of Physics (Retd.) Delhi University 71, Vaishali, Delhi-11008 Dr. Vajayshree Prof. of Physics IGNOU, Maidan Garhi Delhi Sh. R.S. Dass Vice Principal (Rtd.) BRMVB, Sr. Sec. School Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi-110024 Dr. G.S. Singh Prof. of Physics IIT Roorkee Sh. K.S. Upadhyaya Principal Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Rohilla Mohammadabad (U.P.) Dr. V.B. Bhatia Prof. of Physics (Retd.) Delhi University 215, Sector-21, Faridabad COURSE DEVELOPMENT TEAM CHAIRMAN Prof. S.C. Garg Former Pro-Vice Chancellor IGNOU, Delhi MEMBERS Prof. V.B. Bhatia 215, Sector-21, Faridabad Prof. B.B. Tripathi Prof. of Physics (Retd.), IIT Delhi 9-A, Awadhpuri, Sarvodaya Nagar Lucknow-226016 Sh. K.S. Upadhyaya Principal Navodaya Vidyalaya Rohilla Mohammadabad, (U.P.) Dr. V.P. Shrivastava Reader (Physics) D.E.S.M., NCERT, Delhi EDITORS TEAM CHAIRMAN Prof. S.C. Garg Former Pro-Vice Chancellor IGNOU, Delhi MEMBERS Prof. B.B. Tripathi Prof...
Words: 131353 - Pages: 526
...all students undertaking Business Law, including: * ------------------------------------------------- Course Guide for Business Law; * ------------------------------------------------- Unit of Study Syllabus for Business Law: * ------------------------------------------------- Lecture Program for the Unit of Study; * ------------------------------------------------- Tutorial Programs and Questions; * ------------------------------------------------- Past Examination Papers; and * ------------------------------------------------- Other essential data regarding the Unit of Study. Manual and Tutorial Program compiled by Darren Parker (College of Law and Justice) VICTORIA LAW SCHOOL College of Law and Justice Unit Coordinator – Robert Alvarez Robert.Alvarez@vu.edu.au TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------- ITEM DESCRIPTION PAGE/S NUMBER 1. Table of Contents 2 2. Introduction 3 3. Assessment 4 4. Assignment instructions 4 -17 5. Assignment Topics for 2014 18-21 6. Tutorial attendance and Participation 22 7. Final Examination 22 8. Unit of Study Content 23 9. Teaching Method 24 10. Texts and References 24-25 11. Plagiarism 25 12. Student Support programs 25-26 13. The Internet as a...
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...istockphoto Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness How Teacher Performance Assessments Can Measure and Improve Teaching Linda Darling-Hammond October 2010 w w w.americanprogress.org Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness How Teacher Performance Assessments Can Measure and Improve Teaching Linda Darling-Hammond October 2010 Contents 1 Introduction and Summary 5 Why performance assessments are needed 7 National Board Certification 9 Assessment of beginning teachers 11 Prospects for a national system of Teacher Performance Assessments 12 How performance assessments can help teachers improve their practice 17 Improving preparation through the use of performance assessments 22 Policy recommendations and conclusion Introduction and Summary Parents, practitioners, and policymakers agree that the key to improving public education in America is placing highly skilled and effective teachers in all classrooms. Yet the nation still lacks a practical set of standards and assessments that can guarantee that teachers, particularly new teachers, are well prepared and ready to teach. This report discusses a promising approach to the question of how to measure teacher effectiveness. Specifically, it describes the ways in which assessments of teacher performance for licensing and certification can both reflect and predict teachers’ success with children so that they can not only inform personnel decisions, but also...
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...PHYSIC AL CONSTANTS CONSTANT Speed of light Elementary charge Electron mass Proton mass Gravitational constant Permeability constant Permittivity constant Boltzmann’s constant Universal gas constant Stefan–Boltzmann constant Planck’s constant Avogadro’s number Bohr radius SYMBOL c e me mp G m0 P0 k R s h 15 2p"2 NA a0 THREE-FIGURE VALUE 3.003108 m/s 1.60310219 C 9.11310231 kg 1.67310227 kg 6.67310211 N # m2/kg 2 1.2631026 N/A2 1H/m2 8.85310212 C 2/N # m2 1F/m2 1.38310223 J/K 8.31 J/K # mol 5.6731028 W/m2 # K4 6.63310234 J # s 6.0231023 mol21 5.29310211 m BEST KNOWN VALUE* 299 792 458 m/s (exact) 1.602 176 4871402 310219 C 9.109 382 151452 310231 kg 1.672 621 6371832 310227 kg 6.674 281672 310211 N # m2/kg 2 4p31027 (exact) 1/m0c2 (exact) 1.380 65041242 310223 J/K 8.314 4721152 J/K # mol 5.670 4001402 31028 W/m2 # K4 6.626 068 961332 310234 J # s 6.022 141 791302 31023 mol21 5.291 772 08591362 310211 m *Parentheses indicate uncertainties in last decimal places. Source: U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2007 values SI PREFIXES POWER 1024 1021 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 102 101 100 1021 1022 1023 1026 1029 10212 10215 10218 10221 10224 THE GREEK ALPHABET PREFIX yotta zetta exa peta tera giga mega kilo hecto deca — deci centi milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto SYMBOL Y Z E P T G M k h da — d c m μ n p f a z y Alpha ...
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...Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 1.1 What is Change and Change Management 2 2.0 Literature Review 4 2.1 Drivers of change 4 2.1.1 Globalisation to change 4 2.1.2 Education to Change 4 2.1.3 Technology to change 4 2.2 The Process of managing change 5 2.2.1 Force Field Analysis on Change 5 2.2.2 Lewin’s Change Model 6 3.0 Change Management 7 3.1 John Kotter: Leading Change in today’s business 7 Urgency growth 8 Build Guiding Team 8 Getting Right Vision 8 Communicating for buy-in 9 Empower Action 9 Creating Short-term wins 9 Don’t Let Up 9 Make Change Stick 10 4.0 Conclusion 11 References 12 1.0 Introduction 1.1 What is Change and Change Management The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. “Albert Einstein”. Basically, definition of change is to make or create something different. Indeed, change happens to two reasons which are change for better or worse. Moreover, change means a movement from current state to a transition and a future state. In fact change happens all around the world such as in our community, work and at home. (Thomas G. Cumming, 2009) Figure 1: Change structure, Source: (Change Management Tuitorial , 2014) In fact, change happens everywhere even in companies therefore, all companies come up with change management in order to control changes which are internal and external. Basically, change management focused to provide a competitive...
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...Managing and Leading Strategically (MLS) Cohort : G2 Name : Jacqueline Joseph & David Kadzirange Lecturer : Mr. Kayekera Word Count : 3877 Due Date : 19th November 2012 AFFIRMATION OF OWN WORK Both, Jacqueline Joseph and David Kadzirange affirm that:- The submission of this assignment on Managing and Leading Strategically module is the result of our own work. Primary and secondary sources of information and any contributions to this work by third parties other than the tutor’s have been fully and properly attributed. Should this declaration prove to be untrue, We recognise the right and the duty of the Board of Examiners to take appropriate action in line with the University of Gloucestershire regulations upon assessment. Signed....................................................... On the ..................day of........................... 2012 Executive Summary The following report is an analysis of the contribution that Jim Collins has made to the literature and field of leadership. It has been written by the two authors in response to assignment requirements for the Managing and Leading Strategically module which is a partial fulfilment for a Masters in Business Administration degree with the University of Gloucestershire. Olivine Industries is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company, that is a key player in the manufacturing of cooking oil margarine and soaps The business is headed by the...
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