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Unit 3 Assignment 1 Dental Care Of Maui

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Dental Care of Maui is a local owned dentistry business located in Kahului on the island of Maui. Owned by Doctors John and Bonnie Uehara, the dental office provides cosmetic dentistry, preventative dentistry, implants, and family dental services to a multitude of locals. Their mission statement is “to provide the finest dental care to our friends and ‘ohana in a caring, comfortable state-of-the art environment” (Dental Care of Maui, 2013a). In efforts to carry out their mission, John and Bonnie are continuously educating themselves on and performing state-of-the-art procedures such as waterlase drill-less dentistry, CEREC, and teeth whitening (Dental Care of Maui, 2013c). Under insurance, all new and returning patients receive free cleaning, polishing, dental exams, and children’s exams and cleanings (Dental Care of Maui, 2013b). In addition to offering friendly service, Dental Care of Maui makes comfortable and affordable procedures a priority.
Overview of Acceptable Computer Use …show more content…
This policy, by no means, is intended to contradict our openness, trust, and integrity. Information technology resources must be treated and managed appropriately to protect the computer equipment, software, operating systems, storage, and network accounts under the authority of Dental Care of Maui. Potential repercussions include, but are not limited to, malware infection, legal and financial penalties, and lost productivity. All employees are responsible to observe and abide by this policy at all times in using technology equipment for business purposes

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