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Native American Child Research Paper

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The Worth of a Native American Child In the 1960s, 1/3 of all Native American children were “snatched” away from their families and put in foster homes; is that a surprise to you? To the Native elderly, it’s not. Most of their children had been taken away by social workers as their living environment was deemed “unfit”. But since 1978, the system has been changed as the Indian Child Welfare Act was put in place. The ICWA is a federal law that established standards for the placement of Native American children and gave tribes legal authority in child welfare cases. However, it contradicts with the 14th amendment of the constitution. It states “all persons born or naturalized in the United States…within its jurisdiction to the equal protection of the laws.” Natives are citizens of the United States, but the ICWA treats children differently through the adoption system. The real question is – do Native American children deserve to be treated specially with the ICWA, especially since it’s unconstitutional? The ICWA is unconstitutional, but so was the mistreatment of those children before this law was passed. Ivan Brown was 6 years old when he has stolen away his grandmother. One day, the social workers showed up at his doorstep and took …show more content…
The amendment states “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” But the existence of the ICWA alone deprives US citizens who aren’t Natives of equal rights, as Natives were treated specially in the process of adoption. It’s a good thing how the ICWA exists, because although they’re not all treated equally, the Native American child will be reunited with his/her family and will grow up in an environment that should be comfortable, and their cultural heritage will be

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