...of Contents Graded Assignments 2 Unit 1 Assignment 1: It Takes Courage 2 Unit 2 Assignment 1: Left in the Lurch 3 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Gratitude Journal 4 Unit 4 Assignment 1: Create a Business Letter 5 Unit 5 Presentation 1: Small Group Presentation: Leadership, Conflict Resolution, and Teamwork 7 Unit 5 Assignment 1: Compare and Contrast Effective and Ineffective Leaders 8 Unit 6 Assignment 1: Create a Long-Term Financial Plan 10 Unit 7 Assignment 1: Calculating Credit Scores 11 Unit 8 Assignment 1: Writing a Prospective Schedule 12 Unit 9 Assignment 1: Using Social Media for Job Searches 14 Unit 10 Assignment 1: Putting the Finishing Touches on Your ePortfolio 15 Laboratory Assignments 17 Unit 1 Lab 1: Personal Persistence Narrative 17 Unit 1 Lab 2: Grit Test 21 Unit 2 Lab 1: Optimism 24 Unit 2 Lab 2: Self-Control 25 Unit 3 Lab 1: Curiosity in Modern Times 27 Unit 3 Lab 2: Integrity Matters 28 Unit 4 Lab 1: Create a Research Summary Memorandum 29 Unit 5 Lab 1: Resolving Systemic Conflict: Scenario Analysis 31 Unit 6 Lab 1: Time Value of Money 32 Unit 6 Lab 2: Budget Exercise 33 Unit 7 Lab 1: Calculating House Cost 35 Unit 7 Lab 2: Delayed Gratification 37 Unit 8 Lab 1: Initiative Reflection 39 Unit 8 Lab 2: Time Management Reflection 40 Unit 9 Lab 1: Creating a Professional Profile 41 Unit 10 Lab 1: Creating a Personal and Professional Development Plan 43 Graded Assignments Unit 1 Assignment 1: It Takes Courage ...
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...UNIT DESCRIPTION Bachelor of Networking (BNet) Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Telecommunications) BEng(Tel) BN106-Networking Fundamentals Trimester 1, 2016 1. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND SUBJECT WEIGHTING Prerequisites: N/A Co-requisites: BN103 Platform Technologies Credit Points: 15 credit points Level: Year 1, Core Workload: Timetabled hours/week: 4 (Lecture = 2 hours, Tute/Lab = 2 hours) Personal study hours/week: 5 2. STAFF Moderator: Unit Coordinator: Lecturer (Melb): Lecturer (Syd): 3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION This is a second trimester core unit out of a total of 24 units in the Bachelor of Networking (BNet) and Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Telecommunications) BEngTech(Tel). This unit addresses the BNet and BEngTech(Tel) course learning outcomes and complements other courses in a related field by developing students’ knowledge and skills in networks. For further course information refer to: http://www.mit.edu.au/courses/bachelor-networking and http://www.mit.edu.au/courses/bachelor-engineering-technology-telecommunications Computer Networks are built with a combination of computer hardware and computer software. Networks can be categorized in different ways such as according to the geographic area (LAN, WAN, MAN etc) or based on topology or on the types of protocols they support. This unit covers design, networking equipments, protocols and technologies essential to build computer networks. You will also learn principles, benefits...
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...Aims MGMT641 Week 1 Organisational Behaviour 1. Definition of OB 2. Historical Perspectives of OB 3. OB in the Managerial Context 4. Importance of Ethics 5. Five sources of OB MGMT641_S1_2015_JLarkin MGMT641_S1_2015_JLarkin What is OB? • An interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work • Why study OB? – To interact more effectively with others in organizations – People skills complement technical skills MGMT641_S1_2015_JLarkin • • • • Human Relations Movement The Quality Movement E-Business Revolution Human and Social Capital History of Organizational Behaviour MGMT641_S1_2015_JLarkin Management • Process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives efficiently and ethically • What skills are exhibited by an effective manager? • 21st Century managers have to play chess, not checkers MGMT641_S1_2015_JLarkin Evolution of 21st-Century Managers Primary Role Cultural Orientation Source of influence View of people Decision-making style Ethical considerations Past Managers Monocultural, monolingual Formal authority Potential problem Limited input for individual decisions Afterthought Future Managers Multicultural, multilingual Technical knowledge and interpersonal skill Primary resource; human capital Broad-based input for joint decisions Forethought MGMT641_S1_2015_JLarkin 1 The Ethics Challenge “In the Post Enron, post-bubble world, there’s a yearning for corporate values...
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...[pic] Foundations of Finance BUSI 506 40 Fall 2013 – 2014 Instructor: Dr. Mela Wyeth Office: Jones Hall – Room 102, Business Department Suite, parking lot side Office Phone: 863-8092 E-mail: mwyeth@csuniv.edu Skype: drmelawyeth Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 2:00 – 5:00pm; Thursdays and Fridays by appointment only. These office hours may not be convenient for all students. I will be happy to arrange for meetings outside of these hours. Please send me an e-mail or call for an appointment to ensure my undivided attention. Required Textbook/Resources 1. Textbook: FINANCE 2nd edition Cornett, Adair, Nofsinger McGraw-Hill Irwin 2014 ISBN 978-0-07- 803481-7 2. Access card: Connect/LearnSmart (available from CSU bookstore or on-line at www.mhhe.com/canM2e) 3. Financial calculator, recommended HP 12C 4. Skype Account Prerequisites: ACCT 211 (Accounting II) with a C or higher, COINS 209 (or preferably COINS 211) with a C or higher. If you have not met these requirements, please contact the instructor immediately. You will need intermediate proficiency in Excel to do well in this class. Course Description: This course deals with the principles of capital management within corporations. Topics include the time value of money, valuation concepts, capital budgeting, project cash flow analysis, cost of capital and capital structure. Forecasting, planning and control, specifically financial statement analysis, as well...
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...School of Computing and Information Systems Unit Outline KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation Management September 2013 - January 2014 Shanghai, China Unit Coordinator Ying Chen E-Mail: Ying.Chen@utas.edu.au Phone: (03) 6226 6213 Room: Cent 352, Sandy Bay Campus, Hobart Lecturing Staff Yuan Hongchun UNIT OVERVIEW Introduction In this unit students will be introduced to the concept and issues involved in managing external software acquisition and implementation. They will gain knowledge and skills in: identifying the issues relevant to purchasing or renting software; selecting the most appropriate solution for a particular organisational need - whether that be via purchase or Software as a Service; understanding the issues and problems associated with software acquisition and its subsequent implementation; and identifying the causes for human resistance to change and the range of potential solutions which can be used in overcoming this resistance. The unit is suitable for future or practicing consultants, managers; and business and systems analysts. Although students are required to reason abstractly and creatively, there is no specialist prerequisite knowledge required for this unit. Prerequisites KXO222 Unit Weight 12.5% of one academic year Teaching Pattern Lecture: 2 hr/wk Tutorials: 1 hr/wk Unit Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IS contract negotiation and management IS procurement Understanding the business implications of Open Source architectures...
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...Table of Contents MASTER OF ENGINEERING PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................ 4 FUNG INSTITUTE FACULTY & STAFF .......................................................................................................................... 4 DEPARTMENT STAFF .................................................................................................................................................. 5 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES CONTACT INFORMATION ................................................................................ 6 MASTER OF ENGINEERING HONOR CODE ..................................................................................................... 7 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY................................................................................................................................................ 7 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ............................................................................................................................................. 10 THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM ....................................................................................................................................... 10 ADVANCEMENT TO CANDIDACY .............................................................................................................................. 10 REGISTRATION & ADD/DROP .................................................................................
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...Faculty of Business, Economics & Accounting Department of Business Studies HELP Bachelor of Business (Hons) Year 1 HELP Bachelor of Management (Hons) Year 1 HELP Bachelor of Business Psychology (Hons) Year 1 INTERNAL SUBJECT DETAILS Semester 3, 2015 Subject: MKT 101 Principles of Marketing Subject Lecturer/Tutor: Ms Liew Huey Min Telephone: 03-2716 2000 Fax: 03-2095 7100 Email: liewhm@help.edu.my Consultation: By appointment PRE-REQUISITE(S) No pre-requisite is required. SYNOPSIS MKT101 has been designed to provide students with an introduction to the field of marketing. The subject focuses on the relationship between organisations and the consumer, expressed through the marketing mix. Essentially, studies are concentrated on the nature and behaviour of supplying organisations, nature and behaviour of the consumer and the various marketing mix elements (product, price, place, promotion) which are used by organisations to satisfy needs and wants of consumers. While the subject has a theoretical base, practical application of the marketing concepts to 'real world' situations via a specific project is an essential part of the subject. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to: Provide an understanding and appreciation of the areas of marketing principles including its theories, concepts and importance for businesses; Demonstrate knowledge of the broad range of marketing skills necessary...
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...Forced to Pay $3 Billion Over Faking Research, Bribing Doctors by Michael Belkin The Refusers GlaxoSmithKline is a top 3 global vaccine manufacturer. This settlement does not involve vaccines, but this is the same Glaxo that was fined $88,000 ‘for the killing of 14 babies during illegal lab vaccine trials conducted between 2007 and 2008.’ according to the Buenos Aires Herald. The Lancet medical journal commented that this Argentine dead baby vaccine scandal exposes inadequate ‘ethical and procedural standards of trials done in developing regions of the world.’ Duh. This settlement shows Glaxo follows similar unethical business practices in the developed world with its primary pharmaceutical products. An Australian professor wrote a revealing article about how Glaxo manipulates research evidence in medical journals. He gained this insight through internal company documents he had access to during a lawsuit. Bottom line? If you think corrupt and dishonest drug companies are being honest about vaccine safety, efficacy and adverse reactions, you have been deceived by their marketing and PR departments. Glaxo is pleading guilty and paying a criminal fine of $1 billion for misreporting efficacy data and failing to report adverse safety data from post marketing studies. ****************************************************************************************** Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, July 2, 2012 GlaxoSmithKline...
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...UNIT OUTLINE Read this document to learn essential details about your unit. It will also help you to get started with your studies. BMA604 Consumer Decision Making Semester 2, 2015 THIS UNIT IS BEING OFFERED IN: HOBART & BY DISTANCE Taught by: Professor Aron O’Cass (Unit Coordinator) CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B BMA604, Consumer Decision Making 2 Contents Contact Details ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Unit Description ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Prior Knowledge &/or Skills OR Pre-Requisite Unit(s) ............................................................................ 3 Enrolment in the Unit ............................................................................................................................. 3 When does the unit commence? ............................................................................................................ 3 University of Tasmania Graduate Quality Statement ............................................................................. 3 Intended Learning Outcomes for BMA604 ............................................................................................. 4 Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies/Approach ..........................................................
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...UNIT OUTLINE Read this document to learn essential details about your unit. It will also help you to get started with your studies. BMA604 Consumer Decision Making Semester 2, 2015 THIS UNIT IS BEING OFFERED IN: HOBART & BY DISTANCE Taught by: Professor Aron O’Cass (Unit Coordinator) CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B BMA604, Consumer Decision Making 2 Contents Contact Details ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Unit Description ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Prior Knowledge &/or Skills OR Pre-Requisite Unit(s) ............................................................................ 3 Enrolment in the Unit ............................................................................................................................. 3 When does the unit commence? ............................................................................................................ 3 University of Tasmania Graduate Quality Statement ............................................................................. 3 Intended Learning Outcomes for BMA604 ............................................................................................. 4 Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies/Approach ........................................................
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...Student Lab Manual © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LL NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUT © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Student Lab Manual © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LL NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUT Auditing IT Infrastructures for Compliance © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION IS4680 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LL NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUT © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett©Learning, LLC Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company Bartlett Current Version Date: 11/21/2011 © Jones & Learning, LLC Copyright 2013 by Jones & Bartlett www.jblearning.com! NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION ...
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...MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAM Arizona State University GENERAL STUDENT INFORMATION MANUAL MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAM Arizona State University PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT FOR THE MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAM The profession which you are entering is dedicated to one major purpose, the welfare of the patient. The laboratory is that part of the health care team which serves the primary function of assisting the physician in the diagnosis and treatment of disease by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis of body fluids and tissues. The responsibility of the laboratory is to provide the physician with reliable laboratory data, always cognizant of the primary concern, the PATIENT. At times, the convenience and private life of each laboratory professional and student must be of secondary concern. The patient's needs continue day and night, weekends and holidays, and must be met by all health care professionals. A career in the Medical Laboratory Sciences demands your time, your sincere efforts and your sympathetic interest in other people. These demands must be met by you in a mature and responsible manner. Your education in the Professional Study Program will be a challenging and rewarding experience. By applying for this program of study you have indicated your sincere desire to become a competent Medical Laboratory Scientist. You have been accepted as a student in the Arizona State University Medical Laboratory Sciences Program because of your qualifications...
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... |P/D |C | | |English |2+1 |- |4 | | |Mathematics - I |3+1 |- |6 | | |Mathematical Methods |3+1 |- |6 | | |Applied Physics |2+1 |- |4 | | |C Programming and Data Structures |3+1 |- |6 | | |Network Analysis |2+1 |- |4 | | |Electronic Devices and Circuits |3+1 |- |6 | | |Engineering Drawing |- |3 |4 | | |Computer Programming Lab. |- |3 |4 | | |IT Workshop |- |3 |4 | | |Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab |- |3 |4 | | |English Language Communication Skills Lab. |- |3 |4 | | |Total |25 ...
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...CN LAB REPORT Dept. of ISE, BVBCET Department of Information Science & Engineering, BVBCET Hubballi COMPUTER NETWORKING LAB Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 CN LAB REPORT Dept. of ISE, BVBCET LAB-01 List the hardware components 1) Difference between switch and Hub: 2) Difference between SWITCH and ROUTER 3) Differences between Router and Gateway 4) What is the Difference between Subnetting and Supernetting? HARDWARE COMPONENTS Cables: 1|Page Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 CN LAB REPORT Dept. of ISE, BVBCET Cables: which are used to connect one or more devices to computer or network. Different types of network cables are available market they are Coaxial cable, Optical fiber cable, Twisted pair cable. RJ-45 The most common UTP connector is RJ45 (RJ stands for registered Jack), as shown in Figure. The RJ45 is a keyed connector, meaning the connector, meaning the connector can be inserted in only one way. 2|Page Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 CN LAB REPORT Dept. of ISE, BVBCET SWITCHES: Switches contain many ports to connect different network segments. They are similar to hubs, but offer greater performance. When a network contains a large number of devices, switches are needed instead of hubs to make sure the communications between devices does not slow down. Contrary to hubs, switches send the data it receives only to specific ports. NIC(NETWORK INTERFACE CARD) A network card, network...
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...spread of severe infection. Knowledge of the signs and symptoms of SIRS, sepsis, and septic shock is key to early recognition. Early recognition allows for appropriate treatment to begin sooner, decreasing the likelihood of septic shock and life-threatening organ failure. Once sepsis is diagnosed, early and aggressive treatment can begin, which greatly reduces mortality rates associated with sepsis. sep•sis (ˈsep-səs) n. Sometimes called blood poisoning, sepsis is the body's often deadly response to infection or injury (Merriam-Webster, 2011) Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the immune system's reaction to an infection; it is the leading cause of death in intensive care units (Mayo Clinic Staff, Mayo Clinic 2010). It is defined by the presence of 2 or more SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) criteria in the setting of a documented or presumed infection (Rivers, McIntyre, Morro, Rivers, 2005 pg 1054). Chemicals that are released into the blood to fight infection trigger widespread inflammation which explains why injury can occur to body tissues far from the original infection. The body may develop the inflammatory response to microbes in the blood, urine, lungs, skin and other tissues. Manifestations of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) include abnormalities in temperature, heart, respiratory rates and leukocyte counts. This is a severe sepsis that arises...
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