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Read this document to learn essential details about your unit. It will also help you to get started with your studies.

Consumer Decision Making
Semester 2, 2015

Taught by:

Professor Aron O’Cass
(Unit Coordinator)

CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Contact Details ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Unit Description ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Prior Knowledge &/or Skills OR Pre-Requisite Unit(s) ............................................................................ 3
Enrolment in the Unit ............................................................................................................................. 3
When does the unit commence? ............................................................................................................ 3
University of Tasmania Graduate Quality Statement ............................................................................. 3
Intended Learning Outcomes for BMA604 ............................................................................................. 4
Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies/Approach .................................................................... 5
Learning Resources ................................................................................................................................. 5
Student Feedback via eVALUate ............................................................................................................. 8
Details of Teaching Arrangements .......................................................................................................... 8
Assessment ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Submission of Assessment Items .......................................................................................................... 16
Review of Assessment and Results ....................................................................................................... 17
Further Support and Assistance ............................................................................................................ 18
Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism .................................................................................................. 18
Seminar and Workshop Program .......................................................................................................... 20

Contact Details
Unit Coordinator:

Professor Aron O’Cass


Sandy Bay

Room Number:

410, Centenary Building



03 6226 7432


Monday 10am – 12pm or by appointment

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Unit Description
For marketers, understanding how buyers and consumers behave is an integral part of correctly identifying their needs, and developing effective marketing strategies. Buyers often go through decision-making processes before making a purchase or make a decision to continue to buy and to consume a product or service. Thus, consumer decision-making and the popular use of the term consumer behaviour refers to the decision-making processes and behaviours of consumers.
Understanding consumer behaviour enables marketing managers to critically analyse their potential or current target markets and design strategies tailored to meet their needs.
The focus of this unit is on developing students’ knowledge of consumer decision-making processes and the factors that influence consumers’ decisions, purchases and consumption of products and services. The unit will help students identify, synthesise and critically evaluate how consumers perceive marketing stimuli and make decisions to purchase. The unit will develop students’ theoretical and applied knowledge of consumer behaviour theories and concepts in order to analyse, explain and predict consumers’ behaviour. The unit will help students to identify what stimuli marketers can use to influence consumers’ decision-making, purchase and consumption.

Prior Knowledge &/or Skills OR Pre-Requisite Unit(s)
Prior assumed knowledge is BMA506 Foundations of Marketing.

Enrolment in the Unit
Unless there are exceptional circumstances, students should not enrol in this unit after the end of week two of semester, as the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (TSBE) cannot guarantee that: •

any extra assistance will be provided by the teaching team in respect of work covered in the period prior to enrolment; and penalties will not be applied for late submission of any piece or pieces of assessment that were due during this period.

When does the unit commence?
The unit’s teaching schedule commences in the week beginning 13 July 2015.

University of Tasmania Graduate Quality Statement
The units in your course, including this unit, have been designed to cumulatively develop the graduate qualities outlined in the University’s Graduate Quality Statement:
Our graduates are equipped and inspired to shape and respond to the opportunities and challenges of the future as accomplished communicators, highly regarded professionals and culturally competent citizens in local, national, and global society. Graduates acquire subject and multidisciplinary knowledge and skills and develop critical and creative literacies and skills of inquiry. Our graduates recognise and critically evaluate issues of social responsibility, ethical conduct and sustainability.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Intended Learning Outcomes for BMA604
Intended Learning Outcomes
In this unit you will learn:
Theories and concepts of consumer behaviour

In assessing this unit I will be looking at your ability to:


Explain consumer behaviour theory.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Describe buyer decision-making process.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Present arguments in relation to consumer decisionmaking theory and practice.
To critically evaluate marketing strategies in relation to consumer decision-making (3)
Knowledge of:
• the impact on society of marketing strategies and ethics of marketing
• consumer research
• the place of consumption in modern society

Consumer decisionmaking processes

Analyse decision-making and apply this for marketing decisions to gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Identify the role of theory as it applies to the ‘realworld’ of consumer/buyer behaviour.
Describe the impact of marketing practices on individuals and groups in society.

4, 5

1, 2, 3, 5

1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Research, analyse, and synthesise information relevant to consumer decision-making and behaviour.

4, 5

Recognise, compare and evaluate consumer decisionmaking and behaviour issues in an Australian and a global context.


Assess the needs and wants of consumers.
Justify marketing decisions made by sellers in terms of consumer decision-making processes.

Graduate Attribute Outcomes

1, 2, 5
1, 2, 3, 5

Successful completion of this unit supports your development of course learning outcomes, which describe what a graduate of a course knows, understands and is able to do. Course learning outcomes are available from the Course Coordinator. Course learning outcomes are developed with reference to national discipline standards, Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), any professional accreditation requirements and the University of
Tasmania’s Graduate Quality Statement.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies/Approach
The University is committed to a high standard of professional conduct in all activities, and holds its commitment and responsibilities to its students as being of paramount importance. Likewise, it holds expectations about the responsibilities students have as they pursue their studies within the special environment the University offers. The University’s Code of Conduct for Teaching and
Learning states:
Students are expected to participate actively and positively in the teaching/learning environment. They must attend classes when and as required, strive to maintain steady progress within the subject or unit framework, comply with workload expectations, and submit required work on time.

Work, Health and Safety (WH&S)
The University is committed to providing a safe and secure teaching and learning environment. In addition to specific requirements of this unit, you should refer to the University’s policy at: Learning Resources
Prescribed Text/Software

A prescribed text is a resource that you must have access to for the purposes of studying this unit. Information regarding how these may be purchased is attached.

Schiffman, L, O'Cass, A, Paladino, A, Carlson, J 2014, Consumer behaviour, 6th edn, New South
Wales, Pearson Australia.

Recommended Texts/Software

A recommended text is a resource that you can use to broaden your understanding of the topics covered in this unit. You may also find a recommended text helpful when conducting research for assignments.

Hoyer, WD & MacInnis, DJ 2010, Consumer behavior, 5th edn, South Western, Mason OH.
Quester, P, Pettigrew, S & Hawkins, D 2011, Consumer behaviour: implications for marketing strategy, 6th edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde NSW.
Solomon, MR 2013, Consumer behavior: buying, having and being, 10th edn, Pearson Education
Limited, England.

Other Recommended Resources/Software
In addition to the texts recommended above, students are also expected to be familiar with the key academic journals in the marketing discipline from which useful insights can be derived. In particular, students are encouraged to review regularly the relevant papers that are published in:

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Journals and Periodicals

European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Journal of Consumer Research
Psychology and Marketing
Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Journal of Product & Brand Management
Australasian Marketing Journal
Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services
Journal of Services Marketing
International Journal of Consumer
Journal of Sport Management
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Economic Psychology
Journal of Marketing Research

Electronic Markets
Internet Research
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Fashion Management &
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Consumer Policy
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of International Consumer
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing &

Useful Websites
Online Research Firms
Forrester Research:
Gartner Group: comScore Media Metrix:

My Learning Online (MyLO)
Access to the MyLO online learning environment unit is required for this unit. The unit has its own
MyLO site.
To log into MyLO and access this unit, go to: To access the unit, select BMA604.
For help using MyLO go to
Technical requirements for MyLO
MyLO can be accessed via Library computers and in computer labs on campus. See: For further technical information and help, contact the UTAS Service Desk on 6226 1818 or at during business hours.

Learning to use MyLO
When you log into MyLO, you will see a unit called Getting Started with MyLO. Enter this unit to learn more about MyLO, and to practise using its features.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


MyLO Expectations

Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct across all modes of communication, either with staff or with other students. Penalties may be imposed if the Unit
Coordinator believes that, in any instance or mode of communication, your language or content is inappropriate or offensive. MyLO is a public forum. Due levels of respect, professionalism and high ethical standards are expected of students at all times.


Submission of assessment tasks via MyLO presumes that students have read, understood and abide by the requirements relating to academic conduct, and in particular, those requirements relating to plagiarism. All work submitted electronically is presumed to be “signed-off” by the student submitting as their own work. Any breach of this requirement will lead to student misconduct processes.


MyLO is an Internet service for teaching and learning provided by the University. It is expected that you check your units in MyLO for updates at least once a day.

Using MyLO for BMA604
IMPORTANT!: Before you are provided with access to your unit’s MyLO resources, you must complete the Student Agreement form. To do this:
1. Access the unit’s MyLO site.
2. Locate the Begin Here folder and click on it to open it. You can find the Begin Here folder by scrolling down until you see Content Browser OR by clicking on the Content button.


3. Once you have opened the Begin Here folder, click on the Student Agreement file.

4. Read the terms, then check the I agree box. You should now be able to access all available unit content on MyLO. You only need to do this once in each MyLO unit.
Other important resources on MyLO
Students are expected to regularly check on MyLO for any updates in relation to the unit. Essentially,
MyLO has been incorporated into the delivery of this unit to enhance students’ learning experience, by providing access to up-to-date course materials, and allowing for online discussion. In addition to the lecture slides which are uploaded on MyLO on a weekly basis, other unit-related materials such as supplementary readings and assessment guides can also be accessed on MyLO. Further, students are also expected to engage in an active discussion about issues related to the unit through the

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


discussion forums or chat rooms that are available on MyLO: this is particularly helpful for distance students who may utilise the facilities available on MyLO to contact their fellow distance students and form groups to complete any group assessment tasks for this unit. In this regard, MyLO should be treated as the unit's critical platform for learning and communication.

Student Feedback via eVALUate
At the conclusion of each unit, students will be asked to provide online responses to a number of matters relating to the learning and teaching within that unit. All students are asked to respond honestly to these questions, as all information received is used to enhance the delivery of future offerings. Changes to this Unit Based on Previous Student Feedback
The assessment tasks have changed and the class sessions run one-hour seminar and one-hour workshop. Details of Teaching Arrangements
Seminars and Workshops
The unit will interweave seminars and workshops built around theory, exercises, case discussions and problems. Each week for 13 weeks there will be a one-hour seminar, and a one-hour workshop held throughout the semester for on-campus students. Development of subject-specific knowledge and skills are introduced in seminars and further developed through workshops and readings.
Students are expected to participate actively and positively in the teaching environment. In this unit, theory and practice go together, and therefore, students must read the assigned readings in advance to be able to use it in seminars and workshops.

There will be a series of 13 one-hour workshops held weekly throughout the semester for face-toface students and 13 weekly one-hour online workshops for distance students. The workshop program will start in week 1.

Distance Mode
The workshops for distance students will be held in ‘Online Sessions’ on MyLO. The timing of workshops will be arranged by the lecturer and announced accordingly.

Blended Learning Mode
This unit will be delivered based on a blended learning mode. Prior to coming to the class, students are required to have reviewed the chapter(s) from the prescribed textbook, related seminar slides, case studies, and workshop questions and exercises as specified in the ‘Study Schedule’ and
‘Workshop Schedule’ for the respective week. Each workshop will start with a brief review of the seminar topic(s) and slides put on MyLO in advance, accompanied by any questions students may have, followed by the case study activities (if applicable for the week). Next, the workshop will

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


continue with discussion questions and exercises by students focusing on an interactive discussion of workshop questions and exercises.

Self-directed Study
Self-directed study is important too. You cannot develop the desired level of knowledge and skill from merely attending seminars and workshops. There is a unit textbook – read it! Also, your attention is drawn to supplementary readings – you are not expected to read all of these, but you should study a selection of them and use them to inform your thinking and your work. In particular, many of the readings will highlight alternative perspectives and they will help you hone your skills in making critical evaluations.

Purpose and Function of Group Work
Group work facilitates peer learning and encourages students to develop collaborative skills, a crucial graduate attribute. The educational benefits of students working cooperatively in groups are wellrecognised. Studying collaboratively has been shown to directly enhance student learning by:

enhancing understanding;

students learning from one another and benefiting from activities that require articulation and testing of their knowledge; and

providing an opportunity for students to clarify and refine their understanding of concepts through discussion and rehearsal with peers.
Group work can also facilitate the development of generic skills valued by employers which include:

teamwork skills (skills in working within team dynamics; leadership skills);

analytical and cognitive skills (analysing task requirements; questioning; critically interpreting material; evaluating the work of others);

collaborative skills (conflict management and resolution; accepting intellectual criticism; flexibility; negotiation and compromise); and

organisational and time management skills.

Communication, Consultation and Appointments
Check the MyLO News tool at least once every two days. The unit News will appear when you first enter our unit’s MyLO site. Alternatively, click on the News button (towards the top of the MyLO screen) at any time.
Other students may have the same question that you have. Please go to the Q&A Forum on our course’s MyLO site. Check the posts that are already there – someone may have answered your question already. Otherwise, add your question as a new topic. Students are encouraged to support each other using this forum – if you can answer someone’s question, please do. We will attempt to respond to questions within 48 business hours. If your question is related to a personal issue or your performance in the unit, please contact the appropriate teaching staff member by email instead.
If you have a personal question related to your studies or your grades, please contact teaching staff by email.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


For general questions about the unit, please add them to the Q&A forum on our unit’s MyLO site.
This way, other students can also benefit from the answers.
You are expected to check your UTAS email (WebMail) on a regular basis – at least three times per week. To access your WebMail account, login using your UTAS username and password at You are strongly advised not to forward your UTAS emails to an external email service (such as gmail or Hotmail). In the past, there have been significant issues where this has occurred, resulting in UTAS being blacklisted by these email providers for a period of up to one month. To keep informed, please use your UTAS email as often as possible.
We receive a lot of emails. Be realistic about how long it might take for us to respond. Allow at least
TWO (2) business days to reply. Staff are not required to respond to emails where students do not directly identify themselves, are threatening or offensive, or come from external (non-UTAS) email accounts. When you write an email, you must include the following information. This helps teaching staff to determine who you are and which unit you are talking about.

Family name;
Preferred name;
Student ID;
Unit code (i.e., BMA604)
If your question is about an assessment task, please include the assessment task number or name.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


How Your Final Result Is Determined
In order to pass this unit you must achieve an overall mark of at least 50% of the total available marks. Details of each assessment item are outlined below.

Assessment Schedule
Assessment Item

Due Date


Assessment 1
Case study analysis presentation Weeks 4 to 13


Link to Learning
1, 2, 4

Assessment 2
Assessment 3
Buyer behaviour - brand analysis Assessment 4
Workshop portfolio
Assessment 5
In-class participation and engagement Week 10


1, 2, 3, 4

Method of
MyLO - Turnitin. Submit hard copy of slides and marking rubric to lecturer before class.
MyLO – Turnitin

Week 13


1, 2, 3, 4

MyLO - Turnitin.

Weeks 2 to 13


1, 3, 4

MyLO - Turnitin.

Weeks 2 to 13


1, 2, 3, 4

In class.

Assessment Item 1 – Case study analysis presentation
Task Description:

The case study analysis presentation is a group task that will assess students’ ability to analyse a case, marshal their thoughts and ideas and communicate them via an oral presentation. The aim of case study analysis presentation is to apply theory to solve the case and answer the case questions. The group must identify at least TWO (2) consumer behaviour theories/concepts which directly relate to the issues discussed in the case study. Students will be assessed on the identification of relevant consumer behaviour theory/concepts that they have selected; depth of their understanding and research/analysis skills in applying these theories/concepts to the case study, inclusion of other examples to support their assertions, their presentation style as well as the group’s ability to manage class discussion.
Students must develop their presentation in terms of addressing an audience.
Students are to form a group of 3. Students can form groups prior to the commencement of the week 1 classes. If students have a group of 3 they can use MyLO prior to week 1 class to enrol in a workshop (with the same group members). Students who have a group of 3 can enrol via MyLO and if they do not, they will be allocated a group in the week 1 workshop. Groups will be finalised in the 1st seminar/workshop, where cases will be allocated. Students should follow the instructions on MyLO. This group will form the basis of all group activities throughout the semester. The case presentations will be drawn from the cases in the textbook.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


The group mark is an overall mark. However, the group mark is to be peer moderated, which means individual group members may receive different marks. Each group member is required to complete and submit a Peer
Assessment form with the assessment. A Peer Assessment form is available on
**NOTE: Students will be briefed in class about the content and format of this assessment task.
**NOTE: Emphasis in this assessment is placed on facilitating a meaningful interactive discussion with the tutorial participants. Failure to generate such a discussion will be penalised.
**NOTE: Students should recognise that the teaching staff have thoroughly read the material and are familiar with the solutions; do not rehash the case facts. Due Date
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Task Length:

Case Studies
Case study 4.1
Case study 5.1
Case study 6.1
Case study 7.1
Case study 8.1
Case study 10.1
Case study 11.1
Case study 13.1
Case study 15.1
Case study 16.1


15 minutes + 5 minutes for question & answer (20 minutes total).
Marking criteria will be provided on MyLO.

Link to Unit’s Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Due Date:

Weeks 4-13



Assessment Item 2 – Essay
Task Description:

The essay is an individual assessment task that allows students to demonstrate their theoretical understanding and the practical application of important aspects of customer decision making. The essay focuses on analysing and critically examining the literature related to the specified topic.
Students are required to analyse, evaluate, and communicate the critical issues associated with the topic and draw an appropriate conclusion from the critical analysis of the literature. Each student should select one of the essay topics below. The essay must be appropriately cited and referenced with academic sources.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


1. Discuss the use of personality in understanding and influencing consumer behaviour. Do any specific human personality traits really explain consumers’ behaviour and do they apply to the ‘real-world’ of consumer decision making?
2. What is the notion of materialism. Is materialistic behaviour really important to marketers and does it apply to the ‘real-world’ of consumer decision making?
3. Discuss the concept of involvement with regard to how a marketer might be able to use involvement theory to market a specific brand or product type. 4. Discuss the status consumption and its relevance to contemporary consumer behaviour. Is status consumption important to marketing of brands and does it apply to the ‘real-world’ of consumer decision making? Task Length

2000 words ± 10% (excluding references)

Assessment Criteria:

Marking criteria will be provided on MyLO

Link to Unit’s
Learning Outcomes:

1, 2, 3, 4

Due Date:

Week 10 (Thursday 5pm)



Assessment Item 3 – Consumer behaviour - brand analysis
Task Description:

The Consumer behaviour - brand analysis assignment is designed to allow students to develop through research a practically orientated project. It is a group project which includes the same group members as the case presentation (3 members only). The ‘brand analysis’ offers the opportunity for students to tap into different aspects of the concepts and theories covered in the course on an applied basis to develop a deeper understanding of key areas of consumer behaviour. Each group is to write a report. The focus of the assessment requires that students apply the concepts and theories they have learned during the course to a brand of their choice.
** NOTE: Detailed information for the assessment task will be placed on

Task Length:

3000 words ± 10% (excluding references).

Assessment Criteria:

Marking criteria will be provided on MyLO.

Link to Unit’s
Learning Outcomes:

1, 2, 3, 4

Due Date:

Week 13 (Thursday 5pm)



BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Assessment Item 4 – Workshop portfolio
Task Description:

The Workshop portfolio represents an opportunity for students to relate the knowledge and skills developed in the unit to address specific discussion questions and exercises. This portfolio will focus on the activities taking place within the seminars and readings and direct these activities to the assigned tasks for the workshop. This is an individual exercise.
NOTE: Students should recognise that the teaching staff have thoroughly read the material and are familiar with the solutions.
NOTE: Students can work in groups prior to and during the workshop, but must submit their work individually (it must also be each member’s own work, submission will be checked for copying/similarity).
Students should combine both theory and practice in providing solutions and discussing questions and exercises. Students will be randomly assigned at the conclusion of the workshop to submit their workshop portfolio for that week’s tasks. Each week there are assigned discussion questions (DQs) and exercises (Ex) listed in the table showing the study schedule for the seminars and workshops.
Further information will be placed on the MyLO site for this unit.

Task Length

500 words ± 10% (excluding references) per submission.
Students must submit a maximum of 4 (they cannot submit more than 4) out of the 12 weeks teaching topics (weeks 2 to 13).
If assigned to submit their workshop portfolio task for a specific week, students will have time until 5pm that day to submit their work through the designated Dropbox on MyLO. Distance students will have until 12am the same day.


Marking criteria will be provided on MyLO.

Link to Unit’s

1, 3, 4

Due Date:

Weeks 2-13, by 5pm on the day of the workshop for that topic (except for distance students who have until 12am that same day).



BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Assessment Item 5 – In-class participation and engagement
Task Description:

Each week students are expected to read the assigned chapter/s prior to attending the seminar and workshop. Students are expected to actively engage in class activities (both seminars and workshops). The assessment of class participation and engagement covers both seminars and workshops.
There are two parts (Part A and Part B) to this assessment.
Part A: During the seminars groups will be presenting on particular case topics and non-presenters are expected to be able to contribute to presentations by asking pertinent questions. There will also be open discussion where students are able to engage in discussions, raise questions and provide input to the case topic. Also, during the seminars groups will be informed at the beginning of the seminar if they are assigned to ask questions at the end of a presentation and provide feedback to the presenting group. You will be asked to do this several times throughout the semester (see the rubric for more information).
Part B: During the workshops groups will be discussing particular topics and working on discussion questions and exercises. Students are expected to contribute to workshop activities by asking pertinent questions and providing input. Distance students are expected to undertake the same exercises and practices as face to face students. Distance students will participate in online sessions that are run through the “Collaborate Platform” which is a platform provided by university for online workshops. The lecturer/tutor will provide more detail on MyLO and support students in using collaborate to work on the exercises and participate in seminar/woskhop sessions through the platform in online workshops. Task Length



Marking criteria will be provided on MyLO.

Link to Unit’s

1, 2, 3, 4

Due Date:

Weeks 2-13



BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Submission of Assessment Items
Lodging Assessment Items
Assignments must be submitted electronically through the relevant assignment drop box in MyLO.
Students must ensure that their name, student ID, unit code, tutorial time and tutor’s name (if applicable) are clearly marked on the first page. If this information is missing, the assignment will not be accepted and, therefore, will not be marked.
Where relevant, Unit Coordinators may also request students submit a paper version of their assignments. Students will be advised by the Unit Coordinator of the appropriate process relevant to each campus (Hobart, Launceston or Cradle Coast).
Please remember that you are responsible for lodging your assessment items on or before the due date and time. We suggest you keep a copy. Even in ‘perfect’ systems, items sometimes go astray.

Late Assessment and Extension Policy
In this Policy:
1. (a) ‘day’ or ‘days’ includes all calendar days, including weekends and public holidays;
(b) ‘late’ means after the due date and time; and
(c) ‘assessment items’ includes all internal non-examination based forms of assessment
2. This Policy applies to all students enrolled in TSBE Units at whatever Campus or geographical location. 3. Students are expected to submit assessment items on or before the due date and time specified in the relevant Unit Outline. The onus is on the student to prove the date and time of submission. 4. Students who have a medical condition or special circumstances may apply for an extension.
Requests for extensions should, where possible, be made in writing to the Unit Coordinator on or before the due date. Students will need to provide independent supporting documentation to substantiate their claims.
5. Late submission of assessment items will incur a penalty of 10% of the total marks possible for that piece of assessment for each day the assessment item is late unless an extension had been granted on or before the relevant due date.
6. Assessment items submitted more than five (5) days late will not be accepted.
7. Academic staff do NOT have the discretion to waive a late penalty, subject to clause 4 above.

Academic Referencing and Style Guide
Before starting their assignments, students are advised to familiarise themselves with the following electronic resources.
The first is the Harvard Referencing System Style Guide, which can be accessed from the UTAS library: The Harvard style is the appropriate referencing style for this unit and the guide provides information on presentation of assignments, including referencing styles. In your written work you will need to support your ideas by referring to scholarly literature, works of art and/or inventions. It is important that you understand how to correctly refer to the work of others and maintain academic integrity.
Failure to appropriately acknowledge the ideas of others constitutes academic dishonesty
(plagiarism), a matter considered by the University of Tasmania as a serious offence.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


The second is the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics’ Writing Assignments: A Guide, which can be accessed at: ..
This guide provides students with useful information about the structure and style of assignments in the TSBE.

Review of Assessment and Results
Review of Internal Assessment
It is expected that students will adhere to the following policy for a review of any piece of continuous/internal assessment. The term continuous/internal assessment includes any assessment task undertaken across the teaching phase of any unit (such as an assignment, a tutorial presentation, and online discussion, and the like), as well as any capstone assignment or take-home exam. Within five (5) days of release of the assessment result a student may request a meeting with the assessor for the purpose of an informal review of the result (in accordance with Academic
Assessment Rule No. 2 Clause 22 – . During the meeting, the student should be prepared to discuss specifically the marks for the section(s) of the marking criteria they are disputing and why they consider their mark(s) is/are incorrect. The assessor will provide a response to the request for review within five (5) days of the meeting.
If the student is dissatisfied with the response they may request a formal review of internal assessment by the Head of School, with the request being lodged within five (5) days of the informal review being completed. A Review of Internal Assessment Form is available at the following link: The form must be submitted to the TSBE Office.

Review of Final Exam/Result
In units with an invigilated exam students may request a review of their final exam result. You may request to see your exam script after results have been released by completing the Access to Exam
Script Form, which is available from the TSBE Office, or at the following link – Your unit coordinator will then contact you by email within five (5) working days of receipt of this form to go through your exam script.
Should you require a review of your final result a formal request must be made only after completing the review of exam script process list above. To comply with UTAS policy, this request must be made within ten (10) days from the release of the final results (in accordance with
Academic Assessment Rule No. 2 Clause 22 – . You will need to complete an Application for Review of Assessment
Form, which can be accessed from Note that if you have passed the unit you will be required to pay $50 for this review.
The TSBE reserves the right to refuse a student request to review final examination scripts should this process not be followed.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Further Support and Assistance
If you are experiencing difficulties with your studies or assessment items, have personal or lifeplanning issues, disability or illness that may affect your study, then you are advised to raise these with your lecturer or tutor in the first instance.
If you do not feel comfortable contacting one of these people, or you have had discussions with them and are not satisfied, then you are encouraged to contact:
Name: Dr Rob Hecker
Room: 307, Centenary Building, Sandy Bay
Students are also encouraged to contact their Undergraduate Student Adviser who will be able to help in identifying the issues that need to be addressed, give general advice, assist by liaising with academic staff, as well as referring students to any relevant University-wide support services. Please refer to the Student Adviser listings at for your adviser’s contact details.
There is also a range of University-wide support services available to students, including Student
Centre Administration, Careers and Employment, Disability Services, International and Migrant
Support, and Student Learning and Academic Support. Please refer to the Current Students website
(available from for further information.
If you wish to pursue any matters further then a Student Advocate may be able to assist.
Information about the advocates can be accessed from The University also has formal policies, and you can find out details about those from that link.

Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism
Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, allowing another student to copy work for an assignment or an examination, and any other conduct by which a student:
(a) seeks to gain, for themselves or for any other person, any academic advantage or advancement to which they or that other person are not entitled; or
(b) improperly disadvantages any other student.
Students engaging in any form of academic misconduct may be dealt with under the Ordinance of
Student Discipline. This can include imposition of penalties that range from a deduction/cancellation of marks to exclusion from a unit or the University. Details of penalties that can be imposed are available in the Ordinance of Student Discipline – Part 3 Academic Misconduct, see Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own, for example:

using an author’s words without putting them in quotation marks and citing the source;

using an author’s ideas without proper acknowledgment and citation; or

copying another student’s work.

BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


It also means using one’s own work from previously submitted assessment items if repeating a unit.
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BMA604, Consumer Decision Making


Seminar and Workshop Program

Seminar Workshop

Week 1
Monday 13
Week 2
Monday 20
Week 3
Monday 27
Week 4
Monday 3
Week 5
Monday 10
Week 6
Monday 17
Week 7
Monday 24

Introduction to consumer decision making

Chp 1

Workshop - Weekly
Discussion Questions &
DQs 3 & 4, Exs 1 & 2

Consumer decision making & market segmentation Chp 2

DQs 2 & 9, Exs 2 & 5

Consumer needs and motivation

Chp 3

DQs 3 & 5, Exs 1 & 4

Chp 4
Case study
Chp 5
Consumer perceptions
Case study
Chp 6
Consumer learning and involvement
Case study
Chp 7
Consumer attitudes
Case study
Mid-Semester Break: 31 August – 4 September inclusive

DQs 4 & 7, Exs 1 & 3

Week 8
Monday 7

Social influences
Consumer behaviour and the family

Chap 8
Case study 8.1
Chp 9

DQs 3 & 8, Exs 3 & 7

Week 9
Consumer behaviour and social class
Monday 14

Chp 10
Case study

DQs 4 & &, Exs 3 & 4

Week 10 Consumer behaviour and culture
Monday 21

Chp 11
Case study

Chp 11: DQ 6

Week 11 Consumer behaviour and subculture
Monday 28 Consumer behaviour and cross-culture

Chp 12
Chp 13
Case study
Chp 14
Chp 15
Case study
Chp 16
Case study

Chp 12: Ex 1
Chp 13: DQ 7 & Ex 4


Week 12
Monday 5

Consumer personality and self-concept

Consumer decision making
Consumer behaviour and innovation

Week 13 Consumer protection
Monday 12

DQs 5 & 10, Exs 1 & 4
DQs 2 & 7, Exs 2 & 4
DQs 7 & 9, Exs 1 & 2

DQs 4 & 6, Exs 2 & 4

Catch up on consumer behaviour
- brand analysis project

Chp 14: DQ 3 & Ex 5
Chp 15: DQ 4 & Ex 3
DQs 4 & 8, Exs 5 & 6

Note: * see MyLO for additional readings
ALL STUDENTS: Ensure you have read through the assigned chapter(s), cases and completed your workshop tasks PRIOR to the class.

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Oic 11 E 12

...OIC 11 bilancio di esercizio, finalità e postulati Le finalità ed i postulati del bilancio sono specificamente richiamati dall'articolo 2423 del codice civile, in particolare: * L'articolo 2423 comma 2 del codice civile fissa la clausola generale ovvero la finalità primaria del bilancio secondo la quale quest'ultimo deve essere redatto con chiarezza e deve rappresentare in modo veritiero e corretto la situazione patrimoniale e finanziaria della società e il risultato economico dell'esercizio. L'uso dell'aggettivo veritiero non significa pretendere dai redattori del bilancio ne promettere ai lettori di esso una verità oggettiva di bilancio, irraggiungibile con riguardo ai valori stimati, ma richiedere che i redattori del bilancio operino correttamente le stime e ne rappresentino il risultato. * il comma 3 stabilisce che se le informazioni richieste da specifiche disposizioni di legge non sono sufficienti a dare una rappresentazione veritiera e corretta si devono fornire le informazioni complementari necessarie allo scopo. Ciò sta a significare che è già previsto che non sia possibile per le norme di legge regolare tutte le situazioni che si possono manifestare. * il comma 3 introduce l'obbligo della deroga qualora in caso eccezionali l'applicazione delle disposizioni di legge sia incompatibile con una rappresentazione veritiera e corretta. Questa norma rafforza la portata del principio generale, richiedendo la deroga a criteri specifici di rappresentazione o valutazione...

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Caso Southwest Airlines’approccio alla relazione con le risorse umane di Southwest, rappresentano rispetto e attenzione alla persone e costruzione di un ambiente di lavoro che incoraggia le persone a divertirsi lavorando. L’elevata produttività e il basso turnover di Southwest Airlines dimostrano che questo valore è ben valutato dalle persone che vi lavorano. I concorrenti di Southwest Airlines hanno tradizionalmente adottato delle strategie più convenzionali dedicate ad erigere delle barriere all’entrata controllando dei network di linee “hub and spoke” e utilizzando dei sofisticati sistemi di prenotazione computerizzata. Southwest è indubbiamente un caso atipico. Ma è difficile considerarla una semplice deviante che occupa una nicchia del mercato, se consideriamo questa affermazione tratta da uno studio del 1993 del Dipartimento dei Trasporti del governo federale: Nell’anno che si è concluso al 30 settembre 1992, Southwest Airlines controllava o influenzava significativamente più del 60% dei trasporti nei mercati più competitivi al di sotto delle 500 miglia... Nei primi 100...

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...LA CARTOLARIZZAZIONE: ORIGINI DELLA CRISI Abstract In questo paper andrò a spiegare il sistema di cartolarizzazione dei crediti il suo processo ed i soggetti che coinvolge; poi introdurrò la sua origine, la sua storia, dove, come e da chi veniva utilizzata. In seguito spiegherò l’evoluzione di questa tecnica in America e i mutui subprime e in nuovo modello di cartolarizzazione. Infine andrò a provare come la crisi americana si sia espansa e il perché della globalizzazione della crisi. IL SISTEMA DI CARTOLARIZZAZIONE DEI CREDITI La cartolarizzazione (securitization) è una complessa operazione finanziaria che consiste nel ricorrere a strumenti di debito, come l’emissione di titoli obbligazionari, per ottenere nell’immediato il rimborso di un credito a lungo termine, senza attenderne negli anni la restituzione da parte del debitore. Il processo di cartolarizzazione si svolge tramite l’intervento di apposite società, denominate “società veicolo”, poiché fungono da canale di congiunzione tra il soggetto titolare dei crediti (originator) e gli investitori sui mercati finanziari. Il processo si articola in due fasi; nella prima fase, al fine di recuperare nell’immediato il denaro prestato, l’originator “cede” - o meglio rivende - i suoi crediti alla società veicolo. A fronte della cessione, la società veicolo paga subito l’originator la somma corrispondente all’ammontare del prestito, e quindi si sostituisce al creditore originario...

Words: 5075 - Pages: 21