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Unit 3


Submitted By lsarduy89
Words 5979
Pages 24



1. Issues
2. Rules of Law
3. Application of the Law to the Problem’s Facts
4. Conclusion


The IRAC chapter focuses on the writing style used for the discussion portion of the memo. IRAC is an acronym for Issue, Rule, Application,
Conclusion. These are the building blocks of a memo’s discussion. You will learn to identify issues and applicable legal authority. You will also learn how to extract the legally significant facts and apply them to the relevant law to draw substantiated conclusions. You will learn to identify effective IRAC use by dissecting discussions and labeling the IRAC components, and you will learn to draft IRAC sequences as well.



! What Is IRAC?
IRAC stands for Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion. IRAC is the architectural blueprint for the discussion portion of a legal memo. It gives legal writing continuity and clarity and organizes the contents of the discussion. IRAC provides legal support and analysis for the issues posed by the problem and guides the writer toward a well-supported conclusion. IRAC benefits both the writer and the reader because the components are essentially a checklist designed to ensure that the discussion is analytically well thought-out and that it contains the necessary legal authority. IRAC is very important because it lets the reader see the particular legal point being addressed, the relevant legal rule, the application of the law to the facts, and the conclusion. It is formula writing in the same way that formula movie romances, westerns, and thrillers are.
The predictability of the IRAC format enables the reader to obtain the information quickly.

The CUNY Law School Writing Center Web site has handouts on using the
IRAC format at Click ‘‘For Students.’’ Then click the ‘‘Resources on Specific Writing topics’’ link and then the ‘‘IRAC’’ link.

Each IRAC sequence is composed of an issue, which is really a legal element or component; the legal rule or holding from a case or statutory authority; the application, which is a demonstration of how the legal authority applies to the problem that you are writing about; and the conclusion, the final assessment of how the rule applies to the facts of your problem.
! What Does an IRAC Paragraph Look Like?
This fact pattern forms the basis of the IRAC paragraph example.
On August 7, 2011, Ms. Howard went to Rough & Tough Pawn Shop in
Chicago to obtain a loan using a diamond ring as collateral. Rough &
Tough loaned Ms. Howard $800, and she agreed to pay $75 per month for a total of 13-1/2 months. Ms. Howard knew that she would have to pay


off the balance of $1,025 in 12 months because at that time Rough &
Tough would have the right to sell the ring. On September 11, 2011,
Ms. Howard received a postcard from Rough & Tough stating that it was selling the shop and all of its assets to Able Pawn. Mr. Sam Able would assume the business of Rough & Tough, including all pawned items and outstanding loans. On the bottom of the postcard was a notice stating; ‘‘If you want your item, please pick it up by September 29, 2011, and pay off your note by September 29, 2011. Because Ms. Howard did not have the money to pay off the note, she decided to pay Able Pawn the
$75 per month once the loan was transferred in the sale. In October 2011,
Able Pawn was robbed and all the jewelry, including Ms. Howard’s ring, was stolen. Able Pawn had a security alarm system and a guard dog to protect the property, but the robbers were able to circumvent these obstacles. We will work through the following sample IRAC paragraph, based on the Howard fact pattern, and its components to illustrate how to draft an IRAC paragraph.
(I) Whether a bailment for the mutual benefit of Rough & Tough and
Howard existed. (R) A pawn is a form of bailment, made for the mutual benefit of bailee and bailor, arising when goods are delivered to another as a pawn for security to him on money borrowed by the bailor. Jacobs v.
Grossman, 141 N.E. 714, 715 (Ill. App. Ct. 1923). In Jacobs, the court found that a bailment for mutual benefit arose because the plaintiff pawned a ring as collateral for a $70 loan given to him by the defendant.
Id. (A) Similarly in our problem, Howard pawned her ring as collateral to secure an $800 loan given to her by Rough & Tough, the pawnbroker. (C)
Therefore, Howard and Rough & Tough probably created a bailment for mutual benefit.

Note that the first sentence of the IRAC paragraph is a statement of the issue that will be examined in the paragraph. The issue is narrowly defined and focused on one of the analytical elements of the problem.
The rule of law, the next component of the paragraph, provides the legal basis for the analysis of the issue. Then, it is appropriate to discuss some of the facts of the cited case if these facts help explain how the legal rule can be applied to your facts. Notice that everything that comes from an opinion is given citation credit.
The most important component of the IRAC paragraph is the application portion. The application is where you use the facts of your problem to demonstrate, but not to conclude, why the legal rule should apply to the issue posed. This is the legal analysis. (See Chapter 23 for more discussion.) The facts speak for themselves when you demonstrate how the legal rule applies to the scenario at hand by contrasting or paralleling the facts of the case and the problem. After laying out this relationship, you will then draw a conclusion. The conclusion answers the issue posed. The issue is the question being examined in the discussion, and the conclusion is the answer.



This example illustrates how the conclusion responds directly to the issue: Issue:

Whether a bailment for the mutual benefit of Rough &
Tough and Howard existed.
Therefore, Howard and Rough & Tough probably created a bailment, for it was for their mutual benefit because a loan was given upon the receipt of valuable collateral. 1. Issues
The question presented is the overall legal issue that will be resolved in the memo. A subissue in the IRAC paragraph is a point or query that must be addressed to substantiate one legal element of the problem.
When analyzing and writing about a legal problem objectively, it is often important to address subissues in the order that they must be resolved to support legal analysis. For example, the general rule for arson in
Illinois is the malicious burning of the dwelling house of another. The question presented for a memo on arson would be:
Whether Mr. Smith committed arson by intentionally burning down his brother’s factory.

The subissues addressed in the IRAC paragraphs would be:
Whether there was a malicious burning.
Whether the factory is a dwelling house.
Whether the factory of Mr. Smith’s brother constitutes the property of another person.

The subissues form the topic sentences of the IRAC paragraphs.
They provide the analytical steps that you must take in your thought process and your legal reasoning to resolve the overall issue the problem poses; the overall question is the question presented for the entire memo. The topic sentences in the IRAC paragraph introduce the legal element in question that needs to be resolved to complete the steps necessary to thoroughly examine the problem and to determine a response to the question presented.
! What Is the Difference Between the Question Presented and the Issues in IRAC Paragraphs?
The question presented is the overall problem that must be resolved in the objective memo. The question presented for the Howard fact pattern is:
Whether Ms. Howard has a claim against Rough & Tough or against Able
Pawn Shop for the value of her ring.


The subissues are determined by the legal elements or tests involved in the problem. The elements are discussed individually along with the relevant legal rule. There is a certain logical order when presenting the elements. Let the legal rules guide you in establishing the order of the subissues. Notice that each issue centers on a single step of the legal analysis necessary to fully examine the question presented.
The subissues that form the topic sentences of the IRAC paragraphs in a memo addressing Ms. Howard’s problem would be as follows:
The first issue is what type of relationship does a pawner and a pawnee have? What property rights do Ms. Howard and Rough & Tough Pawn have when they enter into a mutual bailment?
Can Rough & Tough Pawn transfer its interest in Ms. Howard’s property to
Able Pawn?
Did Rough & Tough Pawn receive the proper consent for the transfer of the ring from Ms. Howard?
Is Rough & Tough liable for the loss of Ms. Howard’s property after transferring its interest to Able Pawn?
Is Able Pawn liable for the theft of Ms. Howard’s property while it was in its possession? All of these queries are really elements that must be addressed, step by step, to resolve the question presented.
Each of the subissues will be a topic sentence of the IRAC paragraph highlighting the analytical focus of the legal discussion in that paragraph. Each issue is a step in the thought process required to thoroughly prove all of the underlying elements necessary to address the question presented.
Notice how one issue statement logically leads into the next. A good test to see if your discussion is well organized is to write down all your issue statements from your IRAC paragraphs. If the issue statements flow logically, one to the next, then the organization of your discussion will be logical.
To analyze the problem thoroughly, a number of issues must be examined in the discussion. To make the analysis logical, the issues must be examined in a certain order.

2. Rules of Law
The legal holding or rule, or synthesized compilation of the pertinent legal rules, follows the issue at the beginning of the IRAC paragraph.
(For an in-depth discussion of the process of synthesizing authority, see
Chapter 23.)
A rule of law is the court’s test, standard, or principle on the point. A rule also can be a statute and the legal elements laid out by the statute. A synthesis of a statute and a case applying or interpreting the statute also constitutes a rule.



In our IRAC example, note that the first sentence is the issue, and the second sentence is the legal rule.
Rule, followed by pinpoint citation:

Whether a bailment for the mutual benefit of
Rough & Tough and Howard existed.
A pawn is a form of bailment, made for the mutual benefit of the bailee and the bailor, arising when goods are delivered to another as a pawn for security to him on money borrowed by the bailor. Jacobs v. Grossman, 141 N.E. 714, 715
(Ill. App. Ct. 1923).

When organizing the discussion, first discern what issues are to be addressed, then find the pertinent mandatory authority that addresses the issues raised. Do not write the discussion around the authority, but make the authority address the issues. To demonstrate clearly how the authority supports or addresses the issues raised, discuss the pertinent facts of the cited case after you state the case’s holding or legal rule.
This is particularly helpful when the holding is very broad. You must demonstrate that the cited case truly supports the premise discussed in the IRAC paragraph.
! Why Is Citation Important?
Citation is an essential component of the rule portion of the IRAC paragraph. (See Appendix B.) You must always give proper credit in
Bluebook or ALWD format to any statement made that is not wholly your own. Any legal principle or authority must be attributed to its source.
Proper attribution of authority tells the reader where you obtained the legal principle that supports the discussion. The cite allows the reader to find the source too. Most important, the cite tells the reader whether the authority is primary mandatory authority, primary persuasive, or secondary authority. A cite also provides information without including the information in the discussion’s text. For example, you could write a rule as follows:
The state of Kimberly Supreme Court held in 1983 that individuals have a right to privacy. Jones v. City of Moose, 121 Kim. 12, 13 (1983).

A more effective version of the same rule, to include in the rule portion of the IRAC paragraph, is:
Individuals have a right to privacy. Jones v. City of Moose, 121 Kim. 12, 13

The citation itself provides the information about the court, its jurisdiction and level, and the year. The text need not repeat this information.


Citations are valuable sources of information about the legal authority presented in the rule component of the IRAC paragraph.

3. Application of the Law to the Problem’s Facts
! How Do You Use the Legally Significant Facts?
Think of the legal rule as a test or a series of elements requiring certain facts to be used to support the outcome of the test. The facts used are legally significant facts because they bear legal significance as to the outcome of an issue. Our arson example mentioned at the beginning of the chapter illustrates this point.

John Smith lived in Arkville. John Smith’s brother, Richard Smith, lived in Barkville Estates. Richard Smith owned a factory in downtown
Barkville. John Smith was consumed by a jealous rage over his brother
Richard’s success and intentionally and maliciously burned down the factory in Barkville. The question to be examined is whether John
Smith committed arson by intentionally and maliciously burning down his brother’s factory.
The general rule for arson is the malicious burning of a dwelling house of another. This general rule would be the legal authority used in the rule portion of the IRAC paragraph.
An IRAC paragraph on this topic would be as follows:
Issue: Whether John Smith committed arson when he burned down his brother’s factory.
Rule: Arson is the malicious burning of a dwelling house of another. 9 Stat. §§21, 23 (2011).
Application: John Smith burned down the factory of his brother, Richard Smith. John Smith’s actions were intentional and malicious. Richard resides in Barkville
Conclusion: John Smith did not commit arson because he burned down his brother’s factory, not his brother’s residence or dwelling house.
The application lays a factual foundation on which the conclusion can be based. The facts are selected because each fact illustrates a legal point related to your rule of law: the malicious act, the intentional burning down of a building, the use of the building—whether it serves as a residence or dwelling house or whether it serves another purpose.
The rule indicates which facts you should examine. After you lay the



factual foundation by using the problem’s facts to illustrate how the law should apply, you can draw a conclusion.

4. Conclusion
The conclusion resolves the issue posed at the beginning of the IRAC sequence. The conclusion should reflect directly the issue posed. If you remove the rule and the application portions of the IRAC paragraph, the issue and the conclusion should read as if they are a question and an answer. The conclusion generally restates the issue and includes the basis for the answer. The arson example with John Smith illustrates the role of the conclusion.

Whether John Smith committed arson when he burned down his brother’s factory.
John Smith did not commit arson because he burned down his brother’s factory, not his residence or dwelling house. Notice how the conclusion responds directly to the issue posed. The conclusion focuses directly on the question raised at the beginning of the IRAC sequence. Each element of the discussion is resolved before addressing the next element or issue.

To test if your conclusion is focused on the issue raised, read the issue at the beginning of the IRAC sequence, then read the conclusion. If the issue and the conclusion read like a question and a reasoned answer that responds directly to the question raised, then you have stayed focused and adequately addressed the issue.

IRAC—standing for Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion—provides the structure for the legal discussion. The IRAC structure provides a checklist for you to make sure that you have included all the necessary components in the discussion and supported every premise with legal authority. Because it follows a predictable pattern, IRAC permits the reader to obtain information quickly. Mastering the IRAC format requires practice, which involves rereading and revising your work. Once you feel comfortable with the IRAC format, you should be confident that the discussion portions of your memos are logically ordered and analytically complete.


KEY TERMS application citation conclusion IRAC issue legal holding legal rule legally significant facts subissue topic sentence

1. What does ‘‘IRAC’’ stand for? Define each component.
2. Why do we use the IRAC format?
3. What is a legally significant fact?

4. Diagram the IRAC components of each paragraph in the discussion section. Note where the writing digresses from the IRAC format.

To be successful in a claim against Rough & Tough or Able Pawn, Ms. Howard would have to prove that Rough & Tough was liable for the loss of her ring.
First, for an action against Rough & Tough, she would have to show that the company had no right to transfer her pawned property without her written consent. Illinois Pawnbrokers Act, 205 Ill. Comp. Stat. 510/7 (2011). If pledged property was transferred without written consent of the property owner, the pawnbroker can be held responsible for loss or theft of pawned property because the property was in his safekeeping and was transferred illegally. Jacobs v. Grossman, 141 N.E. 714, 716 (Ill. App. Ct. 1923). Rough &
Tough did not get a written consent for the transfer of Ms. Howard’s property.
In its defense the company could claim that written correspondence without the written consent would be enough to inform the pawner of the transfer of her property. Second, for an action against Able Pawn, Ms. Howard would have to show negligence in its care of her pawned ring. Illinois courts have ruled that in bailment for mutual benefit, the ordinary care or diligence that one would give to one’s own property would be adequate to avoid negligence. Id. at
715; Bielunski v. Tousignant, 149 N.E.2d 801, 803 (Ill. App. Ct. 1958). Mrs.
Howard would have to prove that a security system and a guard dog would not be ordinary care and diligence. In his defense Mr. Able could argue that these were sufficient to be considered ordinary care and diligence. For a claim against Village Jewelers to be successful, Ms. Howard would have to establish that she held good title to her property because a thief cannot convey good title to stolen property. Hobson’s Truck Sales v. Carroll Trucking, 276 N.E. 89, 92
(Ill. App. Ct. 1971). Village Jewelers, which purchased the ring from the robbers, could not have good title to Ms. Howard’s ring. Ms. Howard probably


454 CHAPTER 22 / THE IRAC METHOD could have a successful claim against Rough & Tough and Village Jewelers. She probably would not be able to prove Able Pawn negligent in the care of her ring. Does a pawnbroker have the right to transfer pawned property or interest in that property without written consent of the pawner? Pawned property cannot be transferred within a year from the pawner’s default without written consent of the pawner. Illinois Pawnbrokers Act, 205 Ill. Comp. Stat. 510/7.
One Illinois court ruled that a pawnbroker had no right to transfer the plaintiff’s pledged diamond ring to another pawnbroker within a year of the plaintiff’s default of her loan, without written consent of the pawner.
Jacobs, 141 N.E. at 716. In our situation, Rough & Tough sold its shop and assets to Sam Able within two months of Ms. Howard’s pawning her grandmother’s engagement ring. Because the sale occurred within a year of Ms.
Howard’s transaction with Rough & Tough, the company had a legal obligation under the Illinois statute to require a written consent for the transfer of her property. Also, the statute states that the time period for requirement of written consent for transfer of pledged property is established from the time of the pawner’s default. 205 Ill. Comp. Stat. 510/7. Our client has not defaulted, and she deserves at least all the rights offered by the statute to a pawner who is in default. Rough & Tough did send Ms. Howard a postcard notifying her that it had sold all the pawned items and outstanding loans, including her ring, but it did not get her written consent for the sale of her property. Rough & Tough did not have the right to transfer Ms. Howard’s ring without her written consent, and the sale of her property was probably not a legal sale.
Is a postcard sent to a pawner by a pawnbroker sufficient notice for the transfer of pawned property? Personal pawned property cannot be sold by a pawnee within one year from the time the pawner has defaulted in the interest payment unless the pawner has given written consent. Illinois Pawnbrokers
Act, 205 Ill. Comp. Stat. 510/7. The statute uses a definite and clear term:
‘‘written consent.’’ Ms. Howard did not default, and she would have at least all the rights of a pawner that did default. Therefore, the pawnbroker was required to receive her written consent before transferring her property. A postcard with written notice of a sale of pawned property is not a written consent by the pawner and would probably not be sufficient notice to constitute a legal sale.
5. Diagram the IRAC components of each paragraph in the discussion section. Note where the writing digresses from the IRAC format.

The Blacks came to us with the following problem and want to know what type of damages they are entitled to.
Mr. and Mrs. Black wanted to have a chair and a loveseat made to match the living room in their new home. The Blacks searched for weeks at various local furniture retailers for a furniture style and fabric that they liked but were unsuccessful. Finally, the Blacks went to a fabric sale at Fabric Retailers and found the upholstery fabric of their dreams. The Blacks purchased 50 yards of


the fabric to make sure that they would have enough for any project. Mr. Black called all the furniture retailers in the area to inquire whether customers can have furniture covered in their own material. Finally, Comfy Furniture said that they permit customers to bring in their own material to cover upholstered furniture ordered from Comfy. The Blacks hurried over to Comfy with the 50 yards of fabric and placed an order for a chair and a loveseat using their own fabric. The price agreed on was the base price of $500 for the chair and $800 for the loveseat. Mr. Blaine, of Comfy Furniture, was their salesperson. Mr.
Blaine said that the fabric was ideal for the styles selected because it required no matching. He added that there was plenty of yardage because 30 yards is adequate for jobs of this nature. The fabric was a small paisley print, with the right side having a lovely sheen and vibrant coloration. The Blacks placed the order on July 7, 2011, because they were planning a family reunion for Thanksgiving and felt that that date would give them plenty of time to completely decorate their living room. The new pieces would provide plenty of seating for the family reunion. The Blacks indicated to Mr. Blaine that they needed the furniture for the reunion. Mr. Blaine asserted that the furniture would be ready by September 15. The Blacks gave Comfy Furniture a deposit of
$1,000. The loveseat and the chair were delivered to the Black home on September 10, but the furniture was upholstered with the fabric’s reverse side showing. The Blacks were devastated.

Whether the Blacks are entitled to damages from Comfy Furniture for incorrectly upholstering their furniture.
Whether the Blacks are entitled to damages from Comfy Furniture for the expense of decorating their living room to match the furniture they did not receive in the agreed-on condition.

Are the Blacks entitled to special damages from Comfy Furniture for the cost of the redecoration of their living room? An Illinois Appellate Court decided that the nonbreaching party should be put back in the position that it was in when the contract was formed. Kalal v. Goldblatt Bros., 368 N.E.2d 671, 673 (Ill.
App. Ct. 1977). The Blacks stated their intention at the beginning concerning the fabric, the redecoration of the living room, and the family reunion. This fact was a part of their original position. The living room was redecorated. The furniture was delivered; however, the fabric was incorrect. Therefore, the
Blacks have a right to recover consequential damages for the cost of the redecoration of their living room because the end result was not achieved: correctly upholstered furniture, newly redecorated living room to match, and sufficient seating for the reunion. The conditions of the original contract were not met, and there was a breach of contract as embodied by the incorrectly upholstered furniture. Under contract law, what damages are the Blacks entitled to pursue?
Damages for breach of contract should place the plaintiff in a position he would have been in had the contract been performed. Kalal, 368 N.E.2d at
671. The plaintiffs in Kalal received a sofa that had been reupholstered in the


456 CHAPTER 22 / THE IRAC METHOD wrong fabric after numerous delays, during which they had chosen three different fabrics in succession. Id. The court held that the defect could be remedied by the cost of reupholstering the sofa in the proper fabric. Id. at
674. The Blacks’ sofa and loveseat were improperly upholstered. Comfy Furniture upholstered their furniture with the reverse side of the fabric showing.
Therefore, they were entitled to damages equal to the cost of upholstering their furniture correctly. However, the Blacks’ situation is distinguished from
Kalal in that their furniture was delivered before the date set in the contract, and it can be argued by Comfy that there was time to remedy the defect before their target date of Thanksgiving.
Are the Blacks entitled to compensation for the loss of use of their furniture? The question of compensation for loss of use of the furniture was considered by both parties in Kalal to be appropriate since the plaintiffs in the case were without their furniture for several months while waiting for it to be reupholstered. Id. The Blacks have been similarly inconvenienced in that they, too, have been without the use of their new furniture. Thus, they are entitled to compensation for the loss of use of the furniture. However, it can be argued by Comfy Furniture that the furniture in the Kalal case was used and had been removed from the home for the purpose of reupholstering it. Id. In the present case, the furniture was new and had never been in the Blacks’ home, and Comfy may argue that the Blacks did not actually suffer loss of use of the new furniture.
Are the Blacks entitled to damages for the expense of decorating their living room to match the furniture they did not receive in the agreed-on condition? The redecorating of the living room in Kalal was not in the contemplation of either party at the time the contract was executed. Kalal, 368
N.E.2d at 671. Subsequently, the court held that the only damages that were recoverable for breach of contract are limited to those that were reasonably foreseeable and were within the contemplation of the parties at the time the contract was executed. Id. at 674. By the express terms of the Uniform Commercial Code, the court cannot follow tort theories to award damages. The legislative history of the U.C.C. indicates that contractual disputes should apply to the findings of the court. Moorman Mfg. Co. v. National Tank Co.,
435 N.E.2d 443, 453 (Ill. 1982). The Blacks only told Mr. Blaine that they needed the furniture to be completed in time for a family reunion. Comfy knew that the Blacks were under a time constraint for the delivery, but apparently there was no communication regarding the redecorating of the living room. With regard to Comfy Furniture, the redecorating of the Blacks’ living room was an unforeseeable event, and consequently they would not be held responsible for the expense. Because the fact that the redecorating of the living room was unforeseeable, it was not included within the terms of the contract. Therefore, Comfy only breached the express terms of the contract.
The Blacks probably will not be awarded compensatory damages.

6. Write an IRAC paragraph using the following information. You need not include all the information. The issue is whether the plaintiff can show that


his attorney’s failure to attend hearings was excusable neglect. A number of the text blocks below contain statements of rules. Other text blocks include legally significant facts. In some paragraphs, conclusions have been drawn for you. Combine the rules where necessary and form an IRAC paragraph for the issue.
Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b) provides for relief from judgment if plaintiffs can show that a mistake was made or that there was excusable neglect on the part of their attorney.
Rule 60(b) is an extraordinary remedy, granted in only exceptional cases.
Harold Washington Party v. Cook City. Illinois Democratic Party, 984 F.2d 875
(7th Cir. 1993).
In this case, the plaintiff’s attorney, Mark Adly, missed four court-set status hearings. He failed to appear. He failed to answer motions. Court status hearings are routinely held every three months.
Adly claims he did not have any notice of the hearings. Adly knew status proceedings normally were held. He attended depositions in this matter.
Court records show that he was sent notices of the hearings to the address
Adly says is correct.
‘‘Excusable neglect may warrant relief under Rule 60(b).’’ Zuelzke Tool &
Eng’g v. Anderson Die Casting, 925 F.2d 226 (7th Cir. 1991). In this case, the defendant relied on a third party who told them to refrain from further action because efforts were being made to have the defendant removed as defendant. Id. at 228. Anderson did not answer any complaints or file any pleadings. Id. The lack of response led the court to enter a default judgment against the company. Id. at 229. The district court refused the motion to vacate, saying that the defendant had voluntarily chosen not to control its fate in the litigation. Id.
7. Review the following paragraph. Note the issue, the rule, the application of law to facts, and the conclusion.
An important factor in determining whether a funeral home is a nuisance is the suitability of its location. ‘‘Funeral homes are generally located on the edge of purely residential but not predominantly residential areas.’’
Bauman v. Piser Undertakers Co., 34 Ill. App. 2d 145, 148, 180 N.E.2d 705,
708 (App. Ct. 1962). A carefully run funeral home may be located on a property zoned for business at the edge of a residential neighborhood. Id.
The funeral home in this case is located in a predominantly rural area. It is outside the boundary lines of the Up and Coming Acres subdivision. It is a lawful business located on a parcel zoned for business. The funeral home is in a suitable location.
8. Read the following facts carefully.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer reserved the party room at Harvey’s Restaurant and gave Harvey’s a $500 deposit. Their party was scheduled for November


3, 2011. Mrs. Mortimer sent the invitations out on October 1, 2011. The
Mortimers agreed to the quoted price of $62.50 per person. The purpose of the event was for Mr. Mortimer to establish relationships with current and prospective legal clients.
On October 20, 2011, Mrs. Mortimer called Harvey’s to confirm party details. She was informed that the party room was under demolition and could not be used for the party. Mrs. Harvey offered to lower the price to $57.50 per person and reserve a portion of the dining room.
Although she believed these arrangements were not suitable, Mrs. Mortimer agreed to use the dining room since the invitations were sent and many people accepted.
Mrs. Mortimer ordered lump crab meat as an appetizer for the party. A waitress told Mrs. Mortimer that imitation crab meat was used when Mrs.
Mortimer inquired about the crab’s unusual crunchiness.
The Mortimers want to sue Harvey’s for breach of contract and believe that they relied to their detriment on this contract. They assert that Harvey’s failed to notify them of the changes in a timely manner, consequently preventing them from making other arrangements. Additionally, the Mortimers want to know if they have a cause of action for the substitution of imitation crab meat for genuine.
The following is a portion of a memo relating to one of the issues raised by the Mortimers. Read the paragraphs carefully and revise in IRAC format.
Remember that each IRAC sequence can span more than one paragraph
(for example, paragraph 1—issue and rule; paragraph 2—application and conclusion). Did the Mortimers suffer a loss of business because of Harvey’s Restaurant’s promise of the entire party room? The Mortimers can argue that a false representation surrenders the restaurant’s interest. ‘‘When parties enter into a contract for the performance of the same act in the future they impliedly promise that in the meantime neither will do anything to harm or prejudice the other inconsistent with the contractual relationship they have assumed. . . .
If one party to the contract renounces it, the other may treat the renunciation as a breach and sue for damages at once.’’ The restaurant can argue that the contract did not cover the entire performance but was modified; therefore, no harm was done to the contractual relationship. Pappas v. Crist, 233 N.C. 265, 25
S.E.2d 850 (1943).
The Mortimers can argue that ‘‘damages are not speculative merely because they cannot be computed with mathematical exactness, if, under evidence they are capable of reasonable approximation.’’ Hawkinson v. Johnston, 122 F.2d 724 (8th Cir. 1941). The ‘‘rainmaking’’ potential was minimized because of the restaurant’s failure to supply the room contracted for.
The restaurant would argue that the ‘‘period for which the damages can be reasonably forecast or soundly predicted in such a situation must depend on the circumstances and evidence of the particular case.’’ Id. at 727. Therefore, the Mortimers can only quantify the number of RSVPs, not the number of rejects due to the smaller room.


9. This exercise will highlight organizational problems in the discussion and help you to write more logically.
Review the discussion section of a previously drafted memo. Label, in the margin, the issues, the rules, the application portions, and the conclusions.
Examine each component to see where you digress from the IRAC format in the discussion. Revise the discussion to conform more closely with the IRAC format. 459

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...Task 1 The Control Unit There are two types of control unit which are hardwired and micro program where hardwired are for fixed architecture and are typically RISC and cost more than micro program because of the time required to design the circuits , but they are faster. Micro program control units are slower than hardwired but are easier and cheaper to implement as the instructions are stored in special control memory. The control unit controls all data going in, out and inside the CPU. The control unit decodes the data from ram and turns it into an instruction depending on what instruction set the control unit is programed or hardwired to have. Then if the instruction involves any logic or mathamatical caluculations it gets sent to the alu where it gets calculated and outpeted to the accumulator. The ALU The ALU is an acronym for arithmetic and logic unit, this is one of the most important parts of the CPU as it does all of the calculations. The ALU is a big array of different logic gates that are interconnected to preform basic logical and mathematical operation such as putting adding numbers or xoring two values. How the ALU is designed makes a big difference in terms of how powerful the processor will be as the more complicated...

Words: 1323 - Pages: 6

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Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment

...CS 2301- Unit 3 Learning Assignment Abebe Erena University of the people term 5 (2015-2016) July 6, 2016 An operating system (OS) is a program that manages the computer's resource and its CPU, primary storage, it's input/output device. so that the resources can be correctly and fairly used by one or more persons and /or computer programs. an operating system will initialize the various registers when started, something like buffers, and controllers used by the computer. *multi-programming has come to be a given in modern computing. a computer allows multiple programs to execute more than one program at a time. for example, say a word processor,...

Words: 643 - Pages: 3

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Pharmacology Unit 3

...Determine the correct metric length: 1. 15 cm = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____150_____mm 2. 1800 cm = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_18________m 3. 0.4 m = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_______40__ cm Determine the correct metric volume: 4. 1300 mL = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____1.3____ L 5. 8.01 L = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_______8010__ mL Determine the correct metric weight : 6. 0.6 mg = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___600______ mcg 7. 40 mg = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_______0.04__ g 8. 0.05 g = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___50______ mg 9. 320 g = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____0.32____ kg 10. 100 mg = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____0.1____ g 11. 7 g = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______7000___ mg 12. 1200 mg = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_1.2________ g Determine the correct household measurement: 13. 3 tbs = ______9____ tsp 14. 2 pt = _____32____ oz 15. 7 tsp = ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____2.3_____ tbsp PART 2: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Each question is worth 3 points for a total of 15 points. 1. A medication comes in 0.5 g or 500 mg strengths. Explain which medication is weaker (smaller strength). Neither one they are the same strength. 2. An incision measured 55 mm. How many centimeters is this? It would be 5.5 centimeters 3. A patient drank 2250 mL of water. How many liters is this? 2.25 L 4. A syringe contains 0.5 mL of sterile water. How many cubic centimeters does the syringe contain? 0.5 cc 5. The directions on a cough syrup are “take two tablespoons.” How many teaspoons are equivalent to two tablespoons? 4tsps PART 3: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS What is the difference between a prescription and a medication order? (5 points) A...

Words: 392 - Pages: 2

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Nt1330 Unit 3 Essay

...performance. Parallel computing is very much the same except the workload is divided among different processors on the one machine. Distributed computing is considered a sub set of parallel computing but it is slower due to the network interface that has to be set up between the different computers. 3) Is a supercomputer composed interconnected off the shelf standard PC’s. It is a cheaper way to construct a supercomputer which can perform large computations through parallel processing. 4) Is a volunteer project in which the public can participate by running a free program that analyzes radio data from space. It is a type of distributed computing which is connected via the internet. It is a cheaper way for companies to process large amounts of information and is also used as an education tool or as way to get the general public interested in science. Similar projects are run by other companies, for example, HTC’s power to give initiative. It does not affect the mobile users experience as it only uses a small percentage of the phone’s processing power but it effective at processing information because it uses such a large number of phones. Question 3 1) A Raspberry Pi is a small, cheap computer which is aimed at young people to teach computer literacy and to make computing more accessible around the world. It has however been taken on by many hobbyists who have used it to make an array of different projects. It has many functions; it is programmable (mainly...

Words: 818 - Pages: 4

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Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment File Analysis

...For the unit 3 assignment, you must develop a program that reads the file icecream.dat. This file is supplied in the “Files for Unit 3 Assignment” directory in Unit 3. You must use TextIO methods to read the file. As you read the file, count the total number of ice cream cones that were sold. (This is the same as the number of lines that you read from the file.) Also count the total number of "Strawberry" cones that were sold. At the end of the program, print out the total number of cones, the number of Strawberry cones, and the percentage of cones that were Strawberry. Note: To do this program, you have to know when to stop reading from the file. TextIO has a function named TextIO.eof() to check whether the entire file has been read. The value of this function...

Words: 431 - Pages: 2

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Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 3 Tool Belt Equipment

...Whether you’re using the simple, lightweight utility belt or the padded tool belt, high-quality tool belts (e.g., Klein) offer comfort and durability for the hands-on professional handyman. But a belt is just a belt until it implemented with the right gear. In this article, we’ll look at three tool belt accessories that every contractor should have. Bosch Laser Distance Measurer Although they will never replace traditional tape measures altogether, laser distance measures are perfect for quick and easy evaluations without the need for a second person to hold one end of a measuring tape in place. Bosch makes incredibly high-quality laser distance measures that can come with their pouch that attaches conveniently to the tool belt. Ideally, you'll want one that measures up to 130 feet with extraordinary accuracy and allows you to quickly convert to the metric system if needs are. The bonus is that some models include a nifty, easy to use area and volume calculator for onsite calculations. All in all, a handy piece of equipment that offers ease and efficiency when gathering measurements at construction sites. Makita 18V BHP 454 Cordless Drill This top of the range cordless drill is a must for contractors and household handymen. The Makita BHP is one of the best cordless drills on the market: it’s compact, powerful and at only 5.3lbs, it’s also super lightweight. One of the most attractive features is the 18V lithium battery: it charges incredibly quickly, going from flat to full in...

Words: 506 - Pages: 3

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Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment Analysis

...For the unit 3 assignment, there will be three tasks: First you must create a logic circuit using only basic gates such as AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOT, etc. to implement an ADDER capable of adding two 4 bit binary numbers. Second you must create a logic circuit using only basic gates such as AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOT, etc. to implement a Subtractor that is capable of subtracting the second number from the first, by converting the second number into its 2's complement form and then adding the resulting number to the first number. You do not need to worry about accomodating the addition or subtraction of negative numbers as part of your assignment. Finally, for the third part of the assignment you must create a limited ALU (Arithmetic logic unit) circuit using Logism that implements a Full...

Words: 945 - Pages: 4

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Unit 5 Video Summary 3

...among AMD and Intel processors are the LGA 775 and 754 and ZIF locks hold the CPU into socket. Fans that are placed around or on the CPU are used to draw heat away from it and out of the case. * System bus carries info into and out of the CPU; controls the functioning speed of the computer * Frontside (uses 64 bit) bus is when the system bus enters the CPU * Controllers manage communications between motherboard, basic functions and other components * ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit * ALU performs multiple calculations. These gave earlier Pentiums their multiprocessing capabilities * Internal bus is used to provide communication between the ALU and the Controller and uses a 32-bit wide data path * Backside is used to provide communication between the ALU and the Cache * Multiprocessors are two CPUs on one motherboard * Cache uses SRAM(static RAM) and is much faster and holds memory without being refreshed unlike DRAM(dynamic RAM) which must be refreshed * 3 types of cache: * L1 is on the processor chip * L2 is inside the processor housing, not on chip * L3 also in processor housing, further away from chip * Optimal temperature is around 90-110 F Almost all the information from this video I understood and noticed some things that I had no knowledge about and can be found by one looking at the motherboard. The buses are used to connect all these components to one another on the board. I also learned the difference between specific...

Words: 379 - Pages: 2

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Nt1310 Unit 3 Board Analysis

...It has following components on the board : Power: Arduino board can be powered either directly from wall power supply or using the USB cable.Two elements used for this purpose is labeled as 2 and 1 respectively.It is with the USB cable the code is loaded onto the board. There are several ground pins labeled as 3; supply or Vcc has also got options i.e Arduino works in either 5 V or 3.3 V(labeled as 4 and 5); 6pins (A0 to A5) are the analog In pins, which reads data of sensors nad convert them to digital values.Digital pins labeled as 7 ( 0 through 13) can be used as both input and output. Label 8 indicates PWM pins,i.e some pins are marked with symbol (~) act as normal pin as well as Pulse width modulation pin. Label 9 indicate the analog reference pin....

Words: 454 - Pages: 2

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Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 1

...It can be quite annoying if the PC is often unresponsive, especially if there is something really important to be done or the user requires instant access to data for someone who is sitting in front of them. The following guidelines could be helpful to make computer faster. Lessen the Number of Applications Installed One of the main causes that slow down the PC is having too many applications installed in it, regardless of the system being used. When games and applications are installed to a computer, some files are stored in the Windows directory structure and a lot of changes happen in the Windows Registry file. Majority of these changes are not promptly obvious to the Windows user. Programs that are redundant repeatedly ask the system to run a maintenance and occupy the hard disk drive, causing Windows to become unacceptably slow to respond. The appropriate removal of these programs needs uninstalling the application by going to the Control Panel – Programs and Features icon. Uninstalling an application or a software instantly after using it can speed up pc. There are also available third party programs that could help to remove applications that don’t have uninstall procedures or don’t completely remove themselves. Stop All Unnecessary Background Processes At the left hand corner of the computer screen, there is a group of small icons called the “system tray” or “notification area.” Every icon corresponds to a program that has been initiated or is just running in the background...

Words: 754 - Pages: 4

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Nt1310 Unit 3 Venn Diagrams

...watching/listening to a file. There are many types of video formats being used in Multimedia, some of these would be MPEG, GIF and AVI. MPEGs would be used for Motion Graphics that have been compressed, it would be known globally as the best compatible lossy format. GIFs would be used in Motion Graphics as it is basically a mini video clip that is being played in a loop, this can be used graphically and creating a nice motion graphic. AVIs would be the best Motion Graphic option because it has a number of codec options, it would be mainly used as a media container. Screen Ratios Ratios is relating on the display that would be found on screens like a TV, monitor or cinema. There are many different types of ratios like 21:9, 16:9 and 4:3. The screen resolution for 16:9 is 1920x1080, which is know the most commonly used. But what a rations does is that if the video is a different ratio than 16:9, it will resize it so it can fit onto that size. When creating Motion Graphics you would have to make sure that it is the manageable size so that it will be able to be played on all or most types of screens. Resolution Screen resolution is all about the size of the screen or the video itself. When the Motion Graphic is set to a size like 840 x 400 it will come out in a lower quality. But if the graphic were to come out in a size like 1920 x 1080 it would be a higher quality. If the motion graphic was being displayed on a bigger screen, it will show each pixel bigger, this is because...

Words: 1023 - Pages: 5

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Unit 3 P1 Research Paper

...Unit 2 assignment 1 Task 1 - Explain the function of computer hardware components (P1) Central processing unit CPU stands for central processing unit and is a piece of hardware in the computer, the role of a CPU is to carry out tasks in the computer. The CPU produces a fair bit of heat therefore it tends to be found under a heat sink and a fan. The heat sink and fan helps the processor to stay cool while it is running, this is to ensure that the processor doesn’t over heat. AGP AGP stands for Accelerated Graphics Port, the AGP is based on the PCI but is designed for graphics. The AGP uses point to point channels to communicate with the graphics cards improving both the look and the speed of the computer graphics. RAM RAM (random access...

Words: 2372 - Pages: 10

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Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 2.3.1

...A.3.1 Christo should purchase option 2 as it is cost effective and along with that has a high frequency distribution , due to which the tasks can be done effectively and with pace. Option 2 has Graphics card and a CUDA core workstation suitable for the graphics designer and the Primary hard drive has a greater Storage capacity, which allows Christo to have the accounts of all the tasks. A.3.2.1 Corei7 is of the 7th generation core microprocessors indicated by the suffix in the name. A.3.2.2 CPU performs the data processing task in real time.It also acts as a controlling unit by means of which Data a sequence of Data input and output is maintained through CPU’s busesSerial and Arthimetic. A.3.3 Integrated Intel HD Graphics NVIDIA Quadro M4000...

Words: 628 - Pages: 3

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Nt1310 Unit 3 Research Paper

...SET-UP OF HARDWARE The system will be built based around the Arduino Mega as the main board and the three main components for the circuit to be used are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GSM modules. The Arduino Mega 2560 will serve as the main component of the system while the other modules will be responsible for the collection of data from the user. For the Wi-Fi connections, the Arduino Ethernet module will be connected to the Mega via its respective pins. On the other hand, the Arduino JY-MCU HC-06 will be responsible for the Bluetooth connections and will be connected to the Mega in pins 6 and 9. After those connections are set, the GSM module SM5100B will be attached to pins 1 and 4 into the main board and will be used for the GSM capabilities of the system. Once the main circuitry is set, the relay module can now be attached to the respective wirings of the appliances and will be responsible for receiving the output commands from the main board. The module will act as the receiver for the appliances and will be responsible for conveying the commands given by the main board from the user. SET-UP OF SOFTWARE C++ program language will be used as the main software language of the system. The code will be designed accordingly on the response of the circuit in the system. In order to set up the main program of the Arduino system, the mega will be connected into the PC/laptop via USB first and its code will be written next through the Windows application Arduino CC software. Once that is...

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