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Unit 3 P1 Research Paper

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Unit 2 assignment 1
Task 1 - Explain the function of computer hardware components (P1)

Central processing unit
CPU stands for central processing unit and is a piece of hardware in the computer, the role of a CPU is to carry out tasks in the computer. The CPU produces a fair bit of heat therefore it tends to be found under a heat sink and a fan. The heat sink and fan helps the processor to stay cool while it is running, this is to ensure that the processor doesn’t over heat.

AGP stands for Accelerated Graphics Port, the AGP is based on the PCI but is designed for graphics. The AGP uses point to point channels to communicate with the graphics cards improving both the look and the speed of the computer graphics.

RAM (random access …show more content…
The operating system also deals with errors and allows the user to store data onto storage devices such as a hard disk drive.

Features of an operating system
Desktop feature:
• Themes – this features allows to customize how they want their background to look like, also the themes features allows the user to set up a screen saver and sounds for their personal likings. The user can do this by clicking the windows start button and then click the control panel > appearance and personalization > personalization. Then there will be a list of themes for example the aero themes and the installed theme.

Here is the list of the themes of all the different types of themes and backgrounds you can get, from the aero themes or installed themes depending on your computer.

Taskbar feature:
• The taskbar has also been changed from windows vista, the taskbar icons are larger than the ones in vista and the taskbar shows all the programs running as individual …show more content…
With this platform you can solve a lot of problems almost automatically.
To access the troubleshooter in Windows 7, go to the control panel and then change the “view by” to either large or small icons then scroll down to find troubleshooting, or simply type troubleshooting in the search bar in the start menu. After you have open the appropriate troubleshooter, just follows the instructions on the screen to solve the problem.
Comparing operating system – Mac OS X vs Windows (M1)
How much does it cost?
Mac OS X tends to be more expensive compared to windows, this is because apple has less users compared to the amount of people who uses computers with a version of the windows operating installed. Neither of the two operating systems are free.
Does the operating system let you customize the layout?
Both windows and mac operating systems allow the user to customize the layout of their computers, however this is much easier to do on windows compared to mac. Also many mac users choose not to customize the layout as apple makes the operating system look very professional.
How secure is the operating

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