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Rti Case Study Summary

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After reading and completing the activities in The Iris Center’s (2006) Case Study 1, there are two options for identifying students with learning disabilities. The first option available is the IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model. This model identifies struggling readers who have learning disabilities and is the traditional model in use for more than three decades (The Iris Center, 2006). The use of this model often results in students having to wait a long time before receiving services because the student is most often doing poorly in school before the teacher refers the student to the school psychologist for the test (The Iris Center, 2006). The test is easy to employ, and the teacher does not have to spend lots of time in the identification process (The Iris Center, 2007). One concern regarding this model is that it rarely identifies students with learning disabilities in the early grades, and students struggle for years before they are finally identified (The Iris Center, 2007).
The second option for identifying students with learning disabilities is the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. RTI has the potential to improve the education of struggling readers based on a …show more content…
This method provides early support to those students with academic difficulties (The Iris Center, 2006). Another benefit of using the RTI approach is that it is an alternative to the IQ- Achievement Discrepancy Model, and can deliver services as soon as students begin to struggle (The Iris Center, 2006). Also, using the RTI method “…ensures that all students receive high-quality instruction in the general education classroom” (The Iris Center, 2006, p. Wrap Up). A fourth benefit of using the RTI approach with struggling students is that this method uses classroom data rather than subjective observations to make decisions about referring a student for special education services (The Iris Center,

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