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Unit 4 Assignment 1 P1 M1 D


Submitted By leahdade13
Words 1348
Pages 6
Leah Dade
Unit 4- Business Communications assignment (P1 M1 D1)
Business information is used to pass on important information to people inside or outside the company. Marks and Spencer’s have used business information a lot in their company within the 130 years of existents.
In M&S verbal information is used, which is where two or more people communicate face to face in either a formal or in-formal manure.
Verbal Communication
Verbal or oral communication uses spoken words to communicate a message. When most people think of verbal communication, they think of speaking, but listening is an equally important skill for this type of communication to be successful. Verbal communication is applicable to a wide range of situations, ranging from informal office discussions to public speeches made to thousands of people.
Improving M&S’s verbal communication skills can help them to foster better relationships with their co-workers and maintain a large network of contacts that anyone can call on when necessary. Consultants are one group of professionals that need to pay particular attention to this area of communication, as they need to constantly meet with new people and quickly communicate large quantities of important information.
Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication includes body language, gestures, facial expressions, and even posture. Non-verbal communication sets the tone of a conversation, and can seriously undermine the message contained in your words if you are not careful to control it. For example, slouching and shrinking back in your chair during a business meeting can make you seem under-confident, which may lead people to doubt the strength of your verbal contributions.
The different types of business information are speech, writing and on screen.
Public speaking is the aspect of verbal communication that many otherwise

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