...Swan@hzsd.ca f. school: 306.946.7929 home: 306.946.3000 g. text: 306.946.7929 skype: jim.swan COURSE DESCRIPTION The aim of Wildlife Management 20 is to provide students with the opportunity to study beliefs and attitudes about wildlife. Units of study include interactions of wildlife and society, managing wildlife, and issues in wildlife. The intent of this course is to raise an awareness of the importance of wildlife in the daily life of an individual and for society as a whole. Modules of study will be flexible and allow students to build on their own knowledge to create new found understandings. Students will be provided with the opportunity for success through a blending of theory and practical experience achieved in and out of school. The activities and theory are intended to lead to an understanding of career development opportunities and hobbies in the field of wildlife appreciation and management. Course Prerequisite (None) Module 1: The Value of Wildlife The world has been enriched by the poetry, literature and art that has its roots in the natural world. Nature and wildlife have always been a source of inspiration as well as economic value. In this unit we will examine the cultural, social and economic significance of wildlife both a group and a personal point of view. We will work to:...
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...Chapter 1: Cadet Safety and Civilian Marksmanship Program Lesson 2: Firearm Safety and Safe Range Operation LESSON 2: FIREARM SAFETY AND SAFE RANGE OPERATION PURPOSE This lesson introduces you to the rules for safe air rifle handling and the range procedures that you must follow in air rifle firing activities. RULES FOR SAFE GUN HANDLING There are three basic rules that are the foundation for the safe handling and shooting of all types of guns. These rules fully apply to the air rifles that are used in JROTC marksmanship programs. These fundamental safety rules focus on three key parts of every gun that control when and where the gun can be fired. Those parts are the MUZZLE, ACTION, and TRIGGER. Everyone should know these basic parts of a gun, whether or not they ever will be involved in target shooting, so that they can practice the rules for safe gun handling any time they are in a situation where a gun is present. • MUZZLE. The forward end of the barrel. The point where the pellet or projectile leaves the barrel when the gun is fired. A gun is aimed by pointing its muzzle at the target. ACTION. The working mechanism of the gun. Gun actions typically have a bolt or lever that is used to open and close the action so that the gun can be loaded and unloaded. TRIGGER. The trigger is part of the action or working mechanism of the gun. The trigger is a lever that projects out of the bottom of the gun. A trigger guard protects the trigger. After a gun is loaded and the action...
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...arrests for violent crime declined between 2006 and 2008. According to Puzzanchera (2009) “In 2008 there were 2.11 million juvenile arrests, which is 16% lower than the arrests in 1999” (p.3). In 2008 juvenile arrests for forcible rape was at an all time low since 1980, aggravated assault arrests were also at its lowest since 1988. However, juvenile arrests for murder were at its low in 2004, but increased from 2005 to 2007. Further, the Property Crime Index decreased by 20%, larceny-theft by 17%, murder by 5%, motor vehicle theft by 50%, and burglary by 14% (Puzzanchera, 2008). Juvenile Arrests and Monitoring Unit Due to an increase in firearm offenses in Fort Myers, Florida, probation officers as well as police officers were forced to monitor juveniles convicted of firearm offenses for prosecutors, judiciary, and probation. “At least fourteen juvenile offenders convicted of firearm offenses are JUVENILE CRIME STATISTICS...
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...Police Department Roles and Functions Ashlee Hoagland CJS/241 March 16, 2015 Norman Healy Police Department Roles and Functions The Police Department must serve many roles and purposes so they also must take care of any issues that arise, dealing with the law and with the safety of the public. This is why the departments have different level of officers designated to carry out certain functions. These roles vary by jurisdiction where there are state, local, and federal jurisdictions. Police Functions and Roles The principal roles and functions of police organizations are the prevention of crime and protection of life, to uphold and enforce the law, to combat public fear of crime, to promote community safety, to control traffic, to encourage respect for the law, to protect the civil rights and liberties of individuals. The police are to protect and serve the community in which they work in. The basic mission of law enforcement is to maintain public safety by reducing the occurrence of crimes in society. To make this happen the Police must play a certain role in society. They are to enforce the laws, help maintain the peace. By providing their service they help prevent crime and by arresting offenders they enforce the laws. (Schmallenger, 2011.) The law determines the functions and roles of the police. The law dictates how they will fulfill these duties. The police have guidelines and restrictions they must follow. There are many different...
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...Heckler & Koch GmbH Table of Contents Introduction 3 Early History 4 Firearms History 4 U.S. Bound 6 Other Countries 8 Negative Image 9 SWOT Analysis 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction There are over 30 different major firearm manufacturers in the world today. This doesn’t even included small, privately owned companies within the United States and other countries. As children, we have played many different games that include some type of “firearm” whether it is our hand or a plastic toy. So it may come to some more naturally to be drawn towards firearms. Many families around the world own firearms. Even the United States Bill of Rights has a section, that “… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (U.S. Const. amend. II). Early History Interestingly enough, Heckler & Koch came about due to another firearms company, Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme GmbH, otherwise commonly known as Mauser. Mauser was a German arms manufacturer located in Oberndorf, Germany that was started in 1811. They manufactured weapons that would soon be used by the German Army during several wars. It wasn’t until World War II that Mauser would be out of commission as the territory the plant was located in became under control by the French military. The French dismantled the entire factory and destroyed all records. However, former Mauser engineers...
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...National Police Commission Philippine National Police National Capital Regional Police Office MANILA POLICE DISTRICT SAMPALOC POLICE STATION (PS-4) G. Tuazon St., Balic-Balic, Sampaloc Manila Tel. No. 254-71-92 BOOKING AND INFORMATION SHEET (CONFIDENTIAL) Booking No. I. PERSONAL DATA | NAME: | Alias: | ADDRESS: St, Sampaloc, Manila | AGE: yrs. old | SEX: Female Male | NATIONALITY: Filipino | CIVIL STATUS: M S D W | BIRTHDATE: | BIRTH PLACE: Manila | RELIGION: Roman Catholic | HEIGHT: cm | WEIGHT: lbs | BUILD: Slim/ Medium/ Large | COMPLEXION: White/ Fair | EYES(Color): Black | HAIR(Color): Black | IDENTIFYING MARK/S: | EDUC. ATTAINMENT: | OCCUPATION: | NAME/ADD. OF NEXT OF KIN: | RELATIONSHIP: | NAME/ADDRESS OF FATHER: | NAME/ADDRESS OF MOTHER: | II. ARREST DATA | OFFENSE CHARGED: | DATE/TIME ARRESTED: | ARRESTED BY: | PLACE OF ARREST: St. Sampaloc, Manila | UNIT OF ARRESTING OFFICE:, MPD PS4 Sibama PCP | UNIT HANDLING THE CASE: MPD PS-4 | BGY; ETHNIC GROUP: GROUP AFFILIATION: Brief Facts of the Case: Herein suspect was booked and charge for the above cited offense on the complaint of MPD Sampaloc Police Station represented by PO3 Michael Carabeo of, Sibama PCP committed as follows: (Pls. see attached Affidavit of Apprehension and Complaint) During apprehension, suspect was...
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...Jessica Oliver June 10, 2015 Unit Four Assignment After reading this tragic and disturbing event, I looked at the Connecticut statutes to find the crimes Hayes and Komisarjevsky committed. Hayes and Komisarjevsky could be charged with the Connecticut statute, Sec. 53a-134. Robbery in the first degree: Class B felony. This statute states that: (a) A person is guilty of robbery in the first degree when, in the course of the commission of the crime of robbery as defined in section 53a-133 or of immediate flight therefrom, he or another participant in the crime: (1) Causes serious physical injury to any person who is not a participant in the crime; or (2) is armed with a deadly weapon; or (3) uses or threatens the use of a dangerous instrument; or (4) displays or threatens the use of what he represents by his words or conduct to be a pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or other firearm, except that in any prosecution under this subdivision, it is an affirmative defense that such pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or other firearm was not a weapon from which a shot could be discharged. Nothing contained in this subdivision shall constitute a defense to a prosecution for, or preclude a conviction of, robbery in the second degree, robbery in the third degree or any other crime. Hayes and Komisarjevsky both broke into the Petits’ home and caused the family physical harm with a dangerous instruments (baseball bat and gasoline). Hayes and Komisarjevsky could...
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...Right to Bear Arms and The Second Amendment October 20, 2010 Should only the criminals be allowed to own guns that they buy from the Black-market? Ask yourself this question next time you vote. A coalition of gun control groups and some politicians are trying to get the Second Amendment changed so that millions of Americans can’t and won’t be able to own guns legally in the United States. The Second Amendment reads: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The number of well-publicized public shootings during the past few years, especially the tragedy at Columbine High School, has re-energized the gun control movement. As a show of strength coalition of gun control groups have organized many protests. These types of events are designed to stir up emotions rather than promote rational thought. And when one looks at the facts about gun control, it's easy to see why the anti-gun lobby relies on emotion rather than logic to make its case. Some of their facts are: Thousands of children die annually in gun accidents. Actually the truth is that gun accidents involving children are actually at record lows, although you wouldn't know it from listening to the mainstream media. In 2008, the last year for which data are available, only 142 children under 15 years of age died in gun accidents, and the total number of gun-related deaths for this age group was 642. More children...
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... Unit Info AFVP-110-CO Date MEMORANDUM FOR PERSONNEL CONCERNED SUBJECT: ARMS ROOM STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) 1. References. a. AR 19011, dtd 12 Feb 98, Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives b. AR 19051, dtd 30 Sep 93, Security of Unclassified Army Property c. AR 7102, dtd 31 Oct 97, Inventory Management Supply Policy Below Wholesale Level d. DA PAM 71021, dtd 31 Dec 97, Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures) e. FH REG 1903, dtd 1 Sep 02, Administration and Management of Physical Security f. FH REG 19011, dtd 15 Aug 99, Weapons g. FH REG 700-15, dtd 15 Mar 01, Ft Hood Ammunition Handbook h. FORSCOM REG 190-13, dtd 1 Aug 99, FORSCOM Physical Security Program i. AR 190-56, dtd 21 Jun 95, The Army Civilian Police and Security Guard Program 2. Purpose: To establish responsibilities and procedures for the arms room. 3. Responsibilities. a. The commander is ultimately responsible for the physical security and accountability of the unit’s arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E), sensitive items, and other unit property secured in the unit arms room. b. The unit commander will: (1) Appoint a key control officer and alternate. (2) Appoint a unit physical security officer. (3) Appoint a unit seal custodian and alternate (if the unit uses seals). ...
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...and takes local lives at risk. They have now been brought to justice in Brooklyn. This kind of case picture is a warning to out-of-state firearm traffickers that we will continue to go against them and hold them under law; no matter where they are. " The Ag discovered the offender...
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... Individuals who fight for gun control focus on extinct items that are not the true issue.. Society needs to protect themselves due to recent cuts in public safety. If there is an emergency, the response time could mean life and death. The current gun control laws are vague and open up debate for interpretation. A segment of society is not supposed to bear arms because of their past transgressions but we should not base our argument on an irresponsible people who have unauthorized access to firearms. Since 1997, New York has had a 20% decrease in crime since implementing their crime tracking system. This system requires police to attend local meeting to discuss how to combat crime. (Gardiner, 2011, p. A.21). Individuals are responsible for these crimes and responsible adults should have the ability to own firearms. Increased gun safety education as well as training is more important to decreasing violence. Restricting the criminals and not the firearms will go further to resolve this issue. Everyone has the right to bear arms as stated in the US Constitution. In January of 2008, President Bush signed a measure to include the criminal mental health records when doing back ground checks (Schumer, 2008). A gentleman bought a gun at a gun show and shot a Priest and parishioner. The man had a history of mental illness. Gun advocates are also trying to close another loophole: unlicensed dealers selling guns...
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...request to take vehicles (max. of 5). License plate numbers for vehicles are listed below. I understand that these are the only vehicles that will be granted access. Change in plate numbers will require a new permit. All vehicles must be street legal with current registration, safety check and current insurance. You may be asked to show these documents at the gate prior to entry. Vehicles going on dirt areas via Kuaokala Road to Peacock Flats must be four-wheel drive. License Plate # License Plate # License Plate # License Plate # License Plate # SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THOSE ENTERING FOREST RESERVES TO HIKE. 1. Absolutely no open ground fires. All fires must be contained (i.e. hibachi, smoker and/or any self contained unit S13-104-7). 2. The use of firearms...
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...and Prevention, firearm homicides account for roughly 11,000 of the 16,000 homicides that occur the United States annually (2013). The subject of gun control has been a topic that has generated an enormous amount of controversy and attention. When one hears the term “gun violence”, vile acts against humanity, such as the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary and Columbine High School, come to mind. More recently, the rise in extremist acts of terror has heightened the public’s concern over gun control. In the aftermath of multiple occasions, President Obama has publically called for stronger gun control laws, specifically calling for stricter background checks among other provisions. In response to the public’s concern for safety, the president used executive action which increased the number of businesses which require federal licenses to sell guns, thus increasing the number of dealers requiring background checks when selling firearms (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2016). This is, of course, not a one-sided argument. The subject creates strong feelings across the political spectrum. Gun rights groups, such as the NRA, suggest that gun control laws are not only unconstitutional, but actually leave citizens in more danger by preventing them from using their best form of protection (National Rifle Association, 2015). In 1994 Congress enacted the Brady Gun Control law which mandated that federal gun deals require background checks when selling firearms (Brady Handgun...
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...Amendment was written. There are two major sides to this debate, one being the collective side, which feels that the right was given for collective purposes only. This side is in favor of having stricter gun control laws, as they feel that by having stricter laws the number of crimes that are being committed with guns will be reduced and thus save lives. However while gun control laws may decrease criminals" access to guns, the same laws restricts gun owning citizens who abide by the law; these citizens make up a great majority of the opposing side of this argument. These people argue that the law was made with the individual citizens in mind. This group believes that the Amendment should be interpreted to guarantee citizens free access to firearms. One major group that is in strong opposition of stricter gun control laws is the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA argues that having stricter gun control laws will only hinder law-abiding citizens. The final outcome on this debate will mainly depend on how this Amendment is going to be interpreted. The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights states: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (Amendment II 1791) This debate has produced two familiar interpretations of the Second Amendment. Advocates of stricter gun control laws tend to stress that the amendment’s militia clause guarantees nothing to...
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...2000 provides a major upgrade to those services provided by NCIC, and extends these services down to the patrol car and mobile officer. 3. Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) - is a national fingerprint and criminal history system maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division. The IAFIS provides automated fingerprint search capabilities, latent searching capability, electronic image storage, and electronic exchange of fingerprints and responses, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 4. National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) - The Brady Act requires Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to request background checks on individuals attempting to receive a firearm. NICS was established so that any FFL may contact for information to be supplied immediately as to whether the receipt of a firearm by a prospective transferee would violate Title 18,...
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