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Unit 43 Lo2: Know the Social Media for Business Environment


Submitted By chriswhite747
Words 1701
Pages 7
Unit 43 LO2: Know the social media for business environment

Social media platforms in the business:
Businesses nowadays are becoming more and more reliant on technology for day to day operations because of the efficiency and ease of use that it provides. As well as this, it is likely that more and more businesses will use some forms of social media within the workforce to make communication more effective and to help get things done quicker, the kinds of social media that businesses will use will be things like:
Blogs: When talking about blogs we are referring to a kind of software program that allows someone to type fairly large quantities of information about a certain kind of subject, so for example in the workplace if someone is devising some kind of project that they want other people in the workforce to get involved in the project they might write a blog about it, this is because they can cover all the areas they want to cover in the blog so everyone gets all the details about what is going on, then after that people can have their own input on the blog by adding comments and suggestions and this will finally make the blog complete. This is likely to be used in businesses because of the practicality of it, meaning that lots of people can easily access the blog and see what they need to say, and add their own input if they feel they need to for everyone else to see. So an example of the kind of business that will use blogs in their work would be a company like Google perhaps. Because Google is a very creative and innovative business it is likely that lots of new projects and ideas will be popping up regularly, therefore by using blogs for people to post on and write about things they have thought of or want to develop, would make the whole system work very well, because otherwise they will have to be holding meeting constantly which will be time

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