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Unit 5 P4


Submitted By ummaaiman
Words 3702
Pages 15
 Explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body (P4)

• Energy laws
To begin with in this task I am going to talking about the body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body. Firstly, there are two different laws of energy. The first law of thermodynamic is also known as the conservation of energy and this law states that energy can be transformed but it can’t be created or destroyed. The second law of energy is known as the transformation of energy and this may not be of use or be capable of being measured.
• Forms of energy
There are several forms of energy that exist and the most common form is chemical energy, this form of energy is the chemical bond which joins atoms or molecules with one another, when a new bond is made between two atoms, energy is needed for its formation and it is usually in the form of heat, even though light and electrical energy can be used. Also, when the bond is broken and the atoms are released the energy that was in the bond will also be released. The other forms of energy are light, heat, sound, electrical and nuclear.
• Energy metabolism
Energy is not just need for muscular activity and movement but it is also to circulate blood, lymph and tissue fluids throughout the body, it is also needed for breathing and taking in oxygen, for making new cells for growth and repair, to transmit nerve impulses so we can respond to changes within the environment, and to also build complex molecules like enzymes and hormones from simple molecules made after the digestion of food. Moreover, Catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules within living organisms to form simpler ones; this is done with the release of energy and destructive metabolism. And anabolism is the synthesis of complex molecules within living organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy and

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