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Unit 5


Submitted By gleesh6
Words 304
Pages 2
Unit 3
Coaxial cable is a cable that has an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer, surrounded by a tubular conducting shield. Coaxial cables were designed to solve a problem with the transmission of high-frequency radio signalsCoaxial cable does not need optical conversion technology. | signal quality can be a problem in environments with very high levels of electrical noiseFaulty cable shielding can allow cross talk with data jumping from line to line. Because the cable is electrically conductive it makes equipment vulnerable to lightning damage. |

Fiber optic cable transfer data via light waves. They are made from glass or plastic fibers in the core of the cable surrounded by a cladding layer and a buffer coating which protects the fibers from moisture and other damage Fiber optic data transmission is incredibly fast.Fiber optic cables can transmit data over exceptionally long distances without much data loss. | Fiber optic cabling can cost more than double what a typical broadband connection costs.Fiber optic connections are not available in many areas |

Shielded twisted pair cables is an electrical cable of one or more insulated conductors enclosed by a common conductive layer Shielded twisted pair wires are less susceptible to electrical interference caused by nearby equipment or wires | it is physically larger and more expensive than twisted pair wireit is more difficult to connect to a terminating block |

unshielded twisted pair have each pair twisted together and then encased inside the tubing without any other protection. UTP cables are the most popular type of cablingconsidered to be the fastest copper-based medium availableThey are less expensive than STP cables costing less per meter than other types of LAN cabling | are susceptible to radio frequency interferenceand electromagnetic interferencemore prone

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Unit 5

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