...7*Greyhound Kick-Off | 8 | 9 | 10*Teacher Work Day/Meetings | 11*Attendance *Expectations*Go Over Project Options-Book-Group Policy-Social Media | 12 | 13*Basic Defs*Core Values*Assgn:-Fed/Anti-Fed*Const Project | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17*Chp 2 Due/Quiz | 18 | 19*Chp 3 Due/Quiz*Const Project Due-whether you are present or not*Assgn Ct Cases | 20 | 21*Review CE*Fed/Anti-Fed Due*Discussion | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25*CE Due*Chp 4 Due/Quiz | 26 | 27*Chp 5 Due/Quiz*Deadline to sign-up for project | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31*Ct Cases Due-whether you are present or not*Intro Writing | | | | | | AP U.S. Govt-Blue Days 2015 Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | | | 1 | 2*Unit I Exam*Timed Writing | 3 | 4*Chp 6 Due/Quiz*Review Editorial CE | 5 | 6 | 7*No School | 8 | 9*Editorial CE Due*Chp 10 Due/Quiz | 10*Unit I Make-up & Corrections Due | 11*Unit II Exam*Timed Writing | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15*Chp 8 Due/Quiz | 16 | 17*Chp 9 Due/Quiz | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21*Unit III Exam*Timed Writing | 22*Unit II Make-up & Corrections Due | 23*Chp 7 Due/Quiz | 24 | 25*Homecoming-Be Safe-Be Smart-Have Fun | 26 | 27 | 28*Chp 13 Due/Quiz | 29*Unit III Make-up & Corrections Due | 30*Unit IV Exam*Timed Writing | | | | | | | | | | | September AP U.S. Govt-Blue Days 2015 Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | | | | | 1 | 2*Chp 16 Due/Quiz*Review Pol Toon CE | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6*Pol Toon CE Due*Review Court Cases | 7*Quiz Drop & Corrections Due | 8*Unit V Exam-grade goes...
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...|ENMU Ruidoso Branch Community College | |Course Syllabus | This course syllabus is required reading. Please make a copy of the syllabus and keep it handy for reference. |Course information: Adolescent Psychology; PSY 202 | | | |Semester: Fall I August 21-Oct. 12, 2012 |Year: 2012 | |Course #: PSY 202 |Title: Adolescent Psychology | |CRN #: 18858 |Credits: 3 | Instructor information: Dinah Hamilton, M.Ed. Dinah.Hamilton@enmu.edu 575-257-2120 X 385 Rationale for student taking this course: This course will meet the requirements for a Psychology course with General Core Education requirements...
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...|[pic] [pic] | | | MISY 3310 Management Information Systems Section W01: Online Course; 2013 Spring Semester Instructor: Dr. Tim Klaus Office: OCNR 385 Telephone: Office: (361) 825-2379 Cell Phone: (361) 248-8495 – feel free to call Mon-Sat between 9AM-10PM (I’ll be able to receive or return your call quicker than if you call the office) E-mail: tim.klaus@tamucc.edu Office Hours: Monday 8:30-8:55 AM, 9:55-10:55 AM, 12:00-3:10 PM Wednesday 8:30-8:55 AM, 9:55-10:55 AM Other days and times by appointment Course Website (Blackboard): http://iol.tamucc.edu/ Course Materials 1. Required Text: O’Brien, James and George Marakas, Introduction to Information Systems: Essentials for the E-Business Enterprise, 16th ed., Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Print - ISBN: 0073376884 eText – ISBN: 0077506413 2. Course material through http://iol.tamucc.edu/ Optional Materials None Prerequisites MISY 2305 or equivalent and Junior standing or above. Course Description: Provides an understanding of the importance of computer-based information in the success of the firm. Illustrates ways in which companies utilize computer systems to strategically compete within certain industries...
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...NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic Week 6 Unit 8 Quiz 1. Which graphical interface is used to explore the file system? a. Windows Explorer b. Internet Explorer c. Control Panel d. Command prompt This type of physical drive partition can only contain one drive letter. a. Primary b. Secondary c. Extended d. Logical Apple computers running Mac OS X can use which processors? a. Intel only b. PowerPC only c. Intel and PowerPC d. AMD only Which of the following is not a Linux distribution? a. PCnix b. Red Hat c. SuSE d. Ubuntu Which operating system has the largest market share? a. DOS b. Linux c. Mac OS X d. Windows Which of the following is not a Windows Vista GUI feature? a. Three-dimensional windows b. Translucent windows c. Self-modifying windows d. Window animations Mini applications that provide a variety of services, such as connecting to the Internet to access weather updates, are called: a. applicons b. gadgets c. sidebars d. windowizers 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic Week 6 Unit 8 Quiz 8. Viewing local and network drives is accomplished with which graphic utility? a. Internet Explorer b. My Computer c. Control Panel d. Command prompt The starting point for adjusting hardware and user interface settings is __________. a. Internet Explorer b. My Computer c. Control Panel d. the command prompt This type of drive partition can contain one or more logical drives. a. Primary b. Secondary c. Extended d. Logical To create a file system, you must____________________...
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...MKT 310 WK 8 QUIZ 6 CHAPTER 13 & 14 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mkt-310-wk-8-quiz-6-chapter-13-14/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MKT 310 WK 8 QUIZ 6 CHAPTER 13 & 14 MKT 310 WK 8 Quiz 6 Chapter 13,14 1) A retailer can list all of its operations to be performed, its characteristics, and its timing in a(n) ________. A) prototype arrangement B) standardized plan C) operations blueprint D) rationalized retailing arrangement 2) Which of the following is not an advantage of an operations blueprint? A) The operations blueprint standardizes activities. B) The operations blueprint helps evaluate personnel needs. C) The operations blueprint determines space needs. D) The operations blueprint isolates weak or failure-prone operations components. 3) Uniform construction, layout, and operations standards are used in ________. A) everyday inventory planning B) prototype stores C) crisis management D) scrambled merchandising 4) Which of these is not a benefit of using prototype stores? A) The stores use custom buildings for each city and town. B) The stores enable a retailer to take advantage of quantity discounts for fixtures and other materials. C) The stores ease the employee interchange among branches. D) The stores help portray a consistent image among franchise and chain store units. 5) Rationalized retailing is often used in conjunction with ________. A) micro-merchandising B) prototype stores C) a top-down...
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...depending on management's discretion. • occurs at various times during the year. • varies in total in proportion to changes in the level of activity. • varies per unit at every level of activity. 2. An increase in the level of activity will have the following effects on unit costs for variable and fixed costs: Unit Variable Cost Unit Fixed Cost • Increases Decreases • Remains constant Remains constant • Decreases Remains constant • Remains constant Decreases Want help? Click to download ACC 561 Week 4 Quiz 3. A fixed cost is a cost which • remains constant per unit with changes in the level of activity. • remains constant in total with changes in the level of activity. • varies inversely in total with changes in the level of activity. • varies in total with changes in the level of activity. 4. Hollis Industries produces flash drives for computers, which it sells for $20 each. Each flash drive costs $14 of variable costs to make. During April, 1,000 drives were sold. Fixed costs for March were $2 per unit for a total of $1,000 for the month. How much is the contribution margin ratio? • 80% • 20% • 30% • 70% Want more details? Download now ACC 561 Week 5 Quiz 5. Contribution margin • is calculated by subtracting total manufacturing costs per unit from sales revenue per unit. • equals sales revenue minus variable costs. • is always the same as gross profit margin. • excludes variable selling costs from its calculation. 6. The equation...
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...University of North Texas ACCT 4400 (3 hours): Auditing - Professional Responsibilities Summer II 2012 Section 001 - Section Time Place 001 MTWR 10:00am -11:50am BLB 255 Instructor: Jay Baker, MSFS, MBA,CPA,CFP Email: Best way to contact me – EMAIL ME ONLY at Keith.Baker@unt.edu Phone: 940.369.8156 Office and Office Hours: BLB 387C - Tue. & Wed. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Required Materials: 1. Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach. Messier, Glover, and Prawitt. 8th ed. 2012. Prerequisites: ACCT 3120 and ACCT 4100; BLAW 3430; must have a 2.5 GPA in all ACCT 3000 and ACCT 4000 courses taken at UNT or their equivalent taken at other colleges and universities to take this course. ACCT 4400 may not be taken more than twice whether at UNT or at another college or university. Class Website: A class website will be established and maintained throughout the course on Blackboard (go to http://www.unt.edu/ and click the link at the top for “Blackboard”). Course materials such as notes will be available on Blackboard. You are responsible for anything that I note through Blackboard emails and announcements. Course Description: Introduction to auditing and the professional responsibilities of a career in any specialty of the accounting profession. Topics include the legal and ethical responsibilities of accountants; professional auditing standards; the audit risk model; the acquisition, evaluation and documentation of audit evidence; reports on the results of the audit engagement...
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...budget and its supporting schedules 4. Use computer-based financial planning models in sensitivity analysis 5. Explain kaizen budgeting and how it is used for cost management 6. Prepare an activity-based budget 7. Describe responsibility centers and responsibility accounting 8. Explain how controllability relates to responsibility accounting II. CHAPTER SYNOPSIS Chapter 6 introduces the important topic of budgets. Budgets are the primary financial planning tool used by businesses. The chapter explains how businesses use budgets and budgeting as part of the management process. The concept of responsibility centers and responsibility accounting is also discussed and related to the concept of controllability. III. CHAPTER OUTLINE Budgets represent in financial and nonfinancial terms the plans of a business for a specified period of time. Financial budgets are, in essence, financial statements that report expected or proposed future activity instead of what has already occurred. Supporting these financial budgets are nonfinancial budgets that report expected or proposed future activity in areas such as number of employees, new products developed, and number of units produced or sold. (Exhibit 6-1 illustrates the link among strategy, planning, and budgets.) Do Chapter Quizzes # 1 and 2. Assign Problem 6-31. Budgets are an important part of a well-designed management control system. A well-designed and properly administered...
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...Points | % of Total | Discuss | 90 | 7% | Exam | 20 | 2% | Explore | 10 | 1% | Final Exam | 100 | 8% | Journal | 80 | 6% | Practice | 250 | 20% | Quiz | 390 | 31% | Test (CST) | 100 | 8% | Test (TST) | 200 | 16% | | Total Points for the Course : 1240 | Unit 1: The Romantics | Lesson 1.1: Introduction to the Romantics | Activity 1.1.1: Study - Historical and Literary Context | (Documents: Study Sheet) | Get an overview of the historical and literary context for the reading. | | Duration: 40 min | | | Activity 1.1.2: Quiz - Comprehending the Study | Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material. | | Duration: 20 min | Scoring: 10 | Points Earned: _____ | Lesson 1.2: Romantic Poetry | Activity 1.2.1: Study - Romantic Poetry: Spontaneous Overflow | (Documents: Study Sheet) | Learn about the characteristics and leading writers of Romantic poetry. | | Duration: 40 min | | | Activity 1.2.2: Quiz - Comprehending the Study | Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material. | | Duration: 20 min | Scoring: 10 | Points Earned: _____ | Activity 1.2.3: Read - Poems from the Romantic Canon | (Documents: Reading Guide) | Read selections from a variety of Romantic poets. | | Duration: 1 hr | | | Activity 1.2.4: Quiz - Comprehending the Readings | Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material. | | Duration: 20 min | Scoring: 10 | Points Earned:...
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...Type: Open Ministry Course Code: TFJ2O Credit Value: 1 credit Department: Technological Education Description/Rationale This course emphasizes the scope of the hospitality and tourism industry. Students study food origins, food handling techniques, food preparation, health and safety standards, and the use of specialized tools and equipment. They also investigate travel and tourism activities in Ontario, develop effective communication and management skills, and identify career opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry. Unit Titles (Time + Sequence) Unit 1 | Safety and Sanitation | 10 hours | Unit 2 | The Scope of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry | 10 hours | Unit 3 | Food Preparation and Handling | 30 hours | Unit 4 | Food Origins and Tourism | 30 hours | Unit 5 | Communication and Management Skills | 30 hours | Unit Descriptions Unit 1: Safety and Sanitation Description This unit introduces students to basic principles of personal, workplace, and food safety in hospitality and food service. Students examine their role in safety and sanitation in the hospitality and food service industry, beginning with their responsibilities as members of the school community. Through the study and application of safety and sanitation principles, students demonstrate respect for the welfare and dignity of others. They examine the impact of their attitudes and choices and demonstrate understanding of environmental and social issues related...
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...MKT 310 WK 10 QUIZ 8 CHAPTER 17 & 18 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mkt-310-wk-10-quiz-8-chapter-17-18/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MKT 310 WK 10 QUIZ 8 CHAPTER 17 & 18 MKT 310 WK 10 Quiz 8 Chapter 17,18 1) The sensitivity of consumers to price changes is measured by the ________. A) law of demand B) sales to price coefficient C) coefficient of elasticity D) price elasticity of demand 2) A relatively small percentage change in the price of a computer results in large percentage changes in the number of units purchased for a retailer. The price elasticity of demand for computers can be described as ________. A) price elastic B) unitary elasticity C) price inelastic D) low 3) When the price elasticity of demand is high and prices go up, total ________. A) revenues stay the same B) revenues decline C) revenues increase D) profits increase 4) When the price elasticity of demand is unitary and prices go down, total ________. A) revenues stay the same B) revenues decline C) revenues increase D) profits increase 5) Price elasticity of demand is negative since ________. A) consumers are generally price conscious B) quantities sold decline as prices increase C) there are few status-oriented consumers D) most retailers use markup pricing 6) Horizontal price fixing involves an agreement ________. A) to charge retail firms lower prices in areas with an undesirable competitor B) by any channel member not...
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...Quiz 1, Logistical Inventory Control, MGT 417 ------------------------------------------------- Chapters 1-2 Completed Quiz must be posted to the Dropbox no later than 8 p.m. on Tuesday, 29 October. Each student must complete the Quiz independently with no assistance This is an open book Quiz; you may use your text book and class PPT presentations The Quiz consists of Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and True and False Questions… Circle the Letter/True or False corresponding to your answer, fill in the blanks with your answer. Name: Piyabalo Padaro 1. Stock consists of all the goods and materials that are stored by an organization. It is a store of items that is kept for future use. T or F? Answer: T 2. The sequence of stock replenishment and reduction to meet demand is repeated continuously in a stock cycle. In sequential order, place the corresponding Number next to the item below to indicate the sequential order in which it occurs in the stock cycle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 6 - At some point, the stock gets low and it is time for the organization to place another order 1 - An organization buys a number of units of an item from a supplier. 4 - Customers, either internal or external, create demands for the item. 2 - At an arranged time, these units are delivered. 5 - Units are removed from stock to meet these demands. 3- (Unless they are needed immediately, the units are put into...
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...April 30 – June 5 Unit 5 Sem 2 Systems of Equations and Inequalities Final Exam Review Advanced Algebra/Trig Honors Mrs. Levine-Wissing All Homework is due the block after it is assigned unless otherwise noted on this sheet. Wednesday 4/30 Unit 4 Sem 2 Test HW # 28 Systems worksheet Friday 5/2 Section 9.3 Multivariable Linear Systems and 10.1 Matrices and Systems of Equations HW #29 p. 685 19, 27, 35, 37, 45, 51, 57, 59 p. 741 71, 73, 75 Tuesday 5/6 Section 9.3 Multivariable Linear Systems and 9.5 Systems of Inequalities HW #30 p. 687 61, 67, 69, 71 p. 705 15, 17, 22, 23, 41, 49 Quiz next class Thursday 5/8 Section 9.5 Systems of Inequalities and 9.6 Linear Programming Quiz on 9.3 HW #31 p. 706 63, 66, 75, 79, 91-94 p. 715 29, 33, 35, 37, 41, 48 Unit 5 Sem 2 Test is on Thursday, May 22, 2014 Monday 5/12 Section 9.6 Linear Programming HW # 32 p. 716 38, 39, 43 Quiz next class If you find that you need extra help, please come and see me as soon as possible or seek help from the math teacher in the MRC. Please do not wait until right before the test. Wednesday 5/14 Section 9.6 and higher order systems Quiz 9.5, 9.6, 10.1 HW # 33 Worksheets Friday 5/16 Springfest---I will explain the special schedule for today. Tuesday 5/20 Review Quiz HW #34 Worksheets Test next class Thursday 5/22 Unit 5 Test HW Work on final exam review packet due this Friday 5/24 Tuesday 5/27 Final Exam Review –being preparing final exam presenatations...
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...ACC 560 Week 1 Homework Chapter 1 (E1-5, E1-9, E1-10 and E1-2A) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com ACC 560 Week 1 Homework Chapter 1 (E1-5, E1-9, E1-10 and E1-2A) E1-5 E1-5 Gala Company is a manufacturer of laptop computers. Various costs and expenses associated with its operations are as follows. 1. Property taxes on the factory building. 2. Production superintendents’ salaries. 3. Memory boards and chips used in assembling computers. 4. Depreciation on the factory equipment. 5. Salaries for assembly-line quality control inspectors. 6. Sales commissions paid to sell laptop computers. 7. Electrical components used in assembling computers. 8. Wages of workers assembling laptop computers. 9. Soldering materials used on factory assembly lines. 10. Salaries for the night security guards for the factory building. The company intends to classify these costs and expenses into the following categories: (a) Direct materials, (b) Direct labor, (c) Manufacturing overhead, (d) Period costs. List the items (1) through (10). For each item, indicate the cost category to which it belongs. E1-9 E1-9 An incomplete cost of goods manufactured schedule is presented below. Complete the cost of goods manufactured schedule for Hobbit Company. E1-10 E1-10 Manufacturing cost data for Copa Company arc presented below. Case A Case B Case C Direct materials used $ (a) $68,400 $130,000 Direct labor ...
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...Weekly Study Plan for AFE134: Business Statistics SP1 2015 | | |Week | | | |Weeks 1-2 |Introduction to Statistics|Business Statistics (BS) (Selvanathan |Module lecture recordings & lecture |Learning Statistics and Excel in |Introduce yourself to | | | |and Data Collection |et al): Chapter 1, Chapter 2 |workbook (A1, A2, A3, A4) |Tandem (LSET), Chapter 1: |the class | | |2 Mar – 15 Mar | | | |Introduction to Microsoft EXCEL & | | | | | |Video recordings: |Set up your...
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