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Unit Essay #1


Submitted By karinaortiz11
Words 552
Pages 3
Unit Essay #1 My mom came to the United States from Honduras when she was in her late 20’s so it could be understood that she has been swayed by her heritage. I on the other hand, was born and raised in Miami where there’s a variety of cultures melting with one another, so it would be natural that we would have different point of views on certain topics. I know that Honduras will always be in her heart and she will always love tamales, rice and beans with tortillas but she’ll also have her racist and religious tendencies like my whole family does.
When my cousin gave birth to her dark baby girl, she lectured me about ‘not defiling our race’. The only thing I always retort is with, “I know Mom!” and just try to get out of the conversation. It’s not just her either, it’s my whole family back in Honduras too. When I went to Honduras the previous summer, everyone asked if I had a boyfriend and if I did, was he black or not. To avoid their racist talk I just showed them my white friend and posed him as my boyfriend. The reason for my family being this racist is because of the culture in Honduras. When the Spaniards came to Honduras they also brought their slaves so in effect there are three major races. The pure Indians, Mestizos and the Afro-Honduran population. Since most of the population (including my family) are part of the Mestizo population, and they consider themselves superior than the rest, they look more down upon the Afro-Honduran group than the pure Indians. If in the future if I did have a boyfriend, I wouldn’t care if he was Black, White, Hispanic or Asian.
Most Hondurans are members of the Roman Catholic and since its frowned upon using birth control, a majority of families tend to have large numbers. I can see it within my family. My grandmother had eight children and all of her children had at least three kids. Even now, my cousins are having children. It took me a good month to remember all my family member’s names. At some point in that month I frustratingly said, “Hold on I can’t keep up with all the names!” When I asked my grandmother and my mom’s twin why they had so many children, they could only respond with “It’s the catholic thing to do”. My grandmother then pointed to the bible to show me passages. I have lived my whole life in a Miami which is known for being a melting pot of cultures. I know better than to be racist to my neighbors, classmates and people in general. There is racism in Miami but I see no logic in it. Just because of the color skin and their heritage, there are prejudge notions about that specific race? I just see if they have a good character, loyal, and are open minded. I also know better to not have children any time soon. If I have children now, it would stop me from building on my career and that is something I wouldn’t allow. When I have a good start on my career that is when I will plan to have kids and at the most two.

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