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Us Official Development Assistance to the Philippines


Submitted By noveenovee
Words 2018
Pages 9
US Official Development Assistance to the Philippines

US ODA have played a large role in postwar Philippine Development and its influence to the Philippine economy has been persistent up to the present time. As it directs the Philippines and other developing countries towards economic growth through its ODA programs, the question now is whether this aid is really pushing for real development or is only pulling the recipient nations down to worse poverty situation for the advancement of US economic interests.

Historical Background

Historically, development assistance of US to the Philippines was initiated after the war of the 1940s. The 1946 Tydings-McDuffie act in particular provided for this postwar reconstruction and rehabilitation assistance in the form of compensation and other financial support to rebuild infrastructures torned during the war. US$400 million was given to the Philippine as payment for war damages and $120 million was awarded for the reconstruction of public roads during the period of 1946-1948.

Though the assistance has started as early as 1940s, it was only in November 14, 1950 when the legal framework that establishes economic and technical ties between the Philippines and the US was created for the purpose of economic reconstruction on the part of the former with the support of the latter. This agreement provided for the following: (1) the US Economic Survey mission to the Philippines which would be responsible of gauging the economic situation of the Philippines and providing a program of social and economic reforms (2) formulation of economic policies for approval by the Philippine Congress (3) prerequisite of consultancy services in the area of taxation and revenue collection, social legislation and economic development and (4) creation of the Philippine Council for US Aid (PHILCUSA), the agency which embodies the

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