Premium Essay

Using Analogies in Decision Making


Submitted By GAMBROSE
Words 258
Pages 2
Assignment 1: Analogy Paper
Create physical analogies to the following problems: * Employee theft * Teenage pregnancy
Then, identify a solution suggested by each analogy.
Write the paper in about 2–3 pages including the following details: * A brief description of each problem. * A brief description of the similarities between the problems listed. * How were similar problems dealt with in the past? * Who has dealt with the similar problems? * How are these problems dealt with now?
Present the paper in Microsoft Office Word document format. Name the file M3_A1_LastName_AnalogyPaper.doc and submit to the Discussion Area by Saturday, July 20, 2013.
Through Monday, July 22, 2013, review and critique the submissions of at least two peers. Provide an objective feedback evaluating solutions suggested for each analogy.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria | Maximum Points | Described employee theft and teenage pregnancy. | 4 | Provided a brief description of the similarities between the problems listed. | 4 | Analyzed how similar problems have been dealt with in the past. | 4 | Identified who dealt with the similar problems. | 4 | Analyzed how these problems are dealt with now. | 4 | Created physical analogies to employee theft and teenage pregnancy. | 20 | Identified solutions suggested by each of the two analogies. | 16 | Reviewed and critiqued the submissions of at least two peers, providing an objective feedback evaluating solutions suggested for each analogy. | 16 | Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. | 4 | Total: | 76

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