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Using the Association of Information Technology Professionals


Submitted By elpay
Words 978
Pages 4
Using the Association of Information Technology Professionals to support my education and beyond
November 29, 2010
Using the Association of Information Technology Professionals to support my education and beyond
Pursuing an education with the goal of achieving more rewarding employment opportunities can seem daunting, especially when the avenues after achieving the degree can be vast without a map to help guide someone along the industry waters. Professional organizations routinely establish chapters for certain fields that guide individuals to greater opportunities. In the information technology field, the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) operates to assist students or employed professionals who want to continue, enhance and expand their knowledge. For my part, I plan to join and use the AITP to facilitate and maintain my success in the information technology (IT) industry.
The AITP emerged in 1996 as a direct evolution from the Data Processing Management Association (DPMA). The DPMA had operated since 1962 and had focused primarily on the continued education of information processing techniques with the increase of computers in professions worldwide. The DPMA also continually strove to recognize the contributions of professionals in the IT industry. In 1996, the DPMA changed their name to The Association of Information Technology Professionals to align with the adopted terminology that was emerging from the field but also to expand evolve their scope to all interests and aspects related to I.T. Consisting of “career minded individuals who seek to expand their potential,” the AITP provides its members opportunities to learn, educate and make acquaintances with other members in the IT field. The scope of the AITP is wide, as it encompasses all levels of IT, currently existing and theoretical.
The AITP stands tall among other

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