...Values Reflection April Haney CJA/474 November 27, 2013 Kenneth Cote Values Reflection Values are those foundations of a person’s life which one find personally important. They are the primary beliefs which guide a person on how to live their life in a way that is meaningful and satisfying to them. Values are the things that people measure their choices, whether consciously or not (Limerick University of Technology, 2007). People use them to justify their behavior to themselves and others. And they decide the level of satisfaction with their choices, even if decisions are not freely made but controlled by other factors. Values can help people to understand where they might find a role in society, and they are often a strong motivator for work. My Core Values My core values are very simple. I have a way of living life that is completely opposite of how I was raised. I like to live life like it is my last day on earth. I live as though I am never going to see the light of day again. It sounds crazy, but I think of death constantly because I think that I have too. Every day, I take the time to do something with my kids so that they do not grow up and say we never did anything or that they did not have fun before I left. When it comes to society and the workplace, I treat everyone as though they are equal. Everyone is the same color, same height, same weight, same gender, etc. I am not anyone in this world that has the right...
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...Values Reflection James A. White Sr. CJA/474 October 22, 2013 Marcus Gamble Values Reflection My core values are what I have determined of what I believe in. Some people never take the time to communicate what their values are. Once a person determines what, he or she believes in and what is important to him or her, his or her values are set in their lives. There are several ways that an individual can determine his or her core values. Here are some questions that some people ask themselves to determine their core values; What is important to me? What do I believe in? What are things I believe in that you would want to pass on to your children? What are the thing that I believe in that governs how I live my life? Within this paper I will make the attempt to identify my core values, as I describe how people acquire and change values. I will explain what values do for and to us. Finally in the conclusion, I will explain the nature and importance of human values in the workplace. The order of an individual’s values defines how he or she will recognize and how he or she will act; as a result that regulate your instant purpose. Everyone’s values changes over time, therefore his or her destiny changes over time. The summary of an individual’s sequence of callings controls his or her life voyage. The final or comparative static core value directs the endless journey the most. The more important a value is to you, the higher you will make it important to your lifestyle...
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...Values Reflection Jeremy Paasch CJA 474 August 3, 2015 Jon Sowers Values Reflection Values are the fundamental beliefs of a person, and they help guide us in making decisions and how we live our lives. Values are a part of our everyday life and in the workplace. In the workplace, these are the guiding principles that help to define how the corporation would behave. In this essay, the author will identify personal core values and discuss how we acquire and change values throughout life. Also will discuss what values do for us and the importance of values in the workplace. Identify core values For a person like me to be considered ethical, you would have to have a few core values that you would use in everyday life including dependability, honesty, and loyalty (Yourdictionary.com, n.d.). Dependability is a good value to have, and it lets people know you can perform tasks on time and efficiently. Honesty is a core value everyone should have and use to make this a better place to live and work. Being respectful and loyal are some of the most important core values and are very useful in the criminal justice field. These values help you make decisions every day without even realizing. Being a student of criminal justice I would consider myself to be an ethical person and have good values, and I hope to pass these on to my kids, so they become ethical and have solid values. How people acquire and change values People acquire values starting at birth with imprinting...
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...Values and Reflection Paper Enrique Riccardi CJA/474 - MANAGING CRIMINAL JUSTICE PERSONNEL January 25, 2014 Jason Husky Abstract Reflection paper will address some topics while reflecting on core values, brief description on how some professionals in the field acquire their own values and with time may change their values. It will give a definition of what values in the workplace are, and explain what these values do for us as professionals. In this paper the reader will also be able to see the breakdown the nature and the overall importance of human and professional values in the work place. Write a 700- to 1,050-word reflection paper in which you address the following concepts: * Identify your core values. * Describe how people acquire and change values. * Explain what values do for and to us. * Explain the nature and importance of human values in the workplace. Defining core values may vary from people’s education and ethical values that they have learned through life. Core values for a law enforcement agency it will be the fundamentals beliefs of the organization. They are normally used as guiding principles for the organization and it will dictate the way the organization will operate. These core values will help identify what should be done and what should not be done in the organization; right and wrong. By clarifying where the organization would like to be in the future, and letting all of its members what is and will be expected...
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...Values Reflection Paper University of Phoenix CJA 474 Research Process and Terminology Values are the ideas one holds dearest to them. The values change and mold a person as the person grows. This paper will discuss what my core values are, how people acquire and change their values, what values do for and to us and explaining the nature and importance of human values in the workplace. Core Values The first values I can remember were given to me by my parents. My parent raised me to help people when they are in need. As the old saying goes, I would give the shirt off my back even in the middle of winter. I still believe in this value and want my daughter to see the importance of it as well. I was also taught not to look for trouble but, if it comes around deal with it. This value was a main reason for me joining the military. It also goes a long with the last major value I was taught, do not let anyone hurt your family or friends. As I have grown into a man, I have added a few values that make me a better employee and friend. I believe while at work you must put 110% while you are on the clock and that your raise is the reward for this hard work. I also believe if you are a true friend you should be there in their time of need, for example if they are become hurt or sick you do their chores for them until that are well enough to do them again, not just wish them well. The last value I have gained as an adult is to give to those less fortunate instead of buying the...
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...Values Reflection Paper Thomas Guerrero CJA 474 November 24, 2014 David Pettinari Values Reflection Paper Regardless of whether people work in the government or private sector, military or civilian, they will commonly ask, “what are my core values?” Most people are taught personal values from the early years of childhood, and throughout adolescence. In addition to parents, many public figures instill some values (such as respect) in the minds of young adults stronger than other values. Respect is one of my core values, and something that most kids from inner-city Chicago learn about. This paper focuses on core values. In this paper, I will reflect on my core values, describe the development and change of values, and explain the nature and importance of human values in the workplace. Core Values With the numerous amounts of social influences today, it may be hard for adolescents to decide which vales they believe to be most important. However, adolescents and adults are constantly faced with the question, what do you want to be or do in life? According to De Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider (2001), “Identifying your values will help you answer the question “What do I want to achieve with my life?” Once you determine your values and why they are important to you, you can then work on a plan for achieving your goals (p. 51).” Growing up in the tough neighborhoods of Chicago, it is easy to learn the values of right and wrong. It’s learned from award ceremonies...
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...Values Reflection Paper Laura M. Martinez CJA/474 June 8, 2016 Michael G. Wilkie, DPA, Chief of Police (ret) Values Reflection Paper Money, stability, education, automobile are all things many people value, something that can be seen or felt or put into a garage for safe keeping. This is not always the case because there are some many more things in this world that need to be valued, and a price tag is not necessary for people to obtain them. When thinking about what are my core values the words came to me fast and quick. Honor, honesty, loyalty, trust, faithfulness, and caring. Nurturing, genuine, integrity and stability are right there up there in my top ten. Honorable is how I feel when I follow my values and that feeling helps me be a better person, mother, and daughter. I want my daughter to look at me and know I did the best I could for her, and I and I did it by standing by my values in a true and honorable way. Honesty is a huge value I stress to my daughter and the kids I help raise. I explain to always be honest even if it means not getting things your way, or possibly getting into trouble. I explain to them I would be more upset with them if they lied, than if they would tell me the truth. I practice this in my work environment as well. There are times when I am honest with a co-worker about something she did that I was not happy about, later they would come to me and apologize and thank me for being real and honest about the situation. I find this stops issues...
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...Values Reflection Paper Brandy Alston University of Phoenix Managing Criminal Justice Personnel CJA/474 Professor Leroy Hendrix October 30, 2013 Values Reflection Paper Introduction Values are closely similar to what life means, life is relevant when an individual has accomplished a stimulating obligation for themselves. Values are deserving of an individual’s best accomplishment, values are merits for living or for dying. Values are accomplishments every individual strives for, goals individual tends to perceptions that motivate individual action that projects certain attitudes. Values are motivations that are completely rooted to an individual’s behavior. Values are characterized as important to an individual and form the ground for their choices, reactions, and decisions. Some values are incorporated throughout time from adolescence to adulthood which appears during the time an individual is making a decision. Therefore what is designed as valuable are individuals and objects, goals or ideas that are essential in life, which allows individuals to understand direct and evaluate their life. Individuals use principles and ideals in which they live and set their own values and good manners are important bases for moral character. Considering my personnel values and the values considered in simulations. I feel as though my personnel values did not change, but expanded. Fulfilling simulation with my personnel values consist of equality, loyalty, trust...
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...Running head: VALUE REFLECTION PAPER Values Reflection Paper Value Reflection Paper An important personal value that I hold in my life is my spirituality. Spirituality can have many different definitions, depending on who is asked. It can be something as simple as looking for a higher meaning to life, or something so complex that one can base their beliefs, religion and overall life around it. There are several different ways to express one's spirituality; rituals, songs, dances, stories, and writings are all common methods of expression. Finding spirituality in something can make someone feel enlightened and bring strong emotion and deep feeling. Several authors have based some of their writings on their spirituality. Some of these writings are as intricate as the Bible or as basic as an article in a local newspaper, but the meaning and passion behind them should never be doubted. In my personal value system and for the purpose of this Value Reflection paper, spirituality is forever tied to knowing God and doing God's will. We often hear the word "spirituality" used to signify that one has faith in a higher power. Spirituality as it is seen in Christianity is to believe in God. As a Christian, we believe that God loves us. We believe that Jesus died for us. We believe that Jesus rose from the dead with all power in his hand. Spirituality as it relates to Christianity says believe on a merciful God that loves and offers us redemption in spite of, and because of, our sins...
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...As I considered my personal values and the values taken into consideration in the simulations, I concluded that my personal value system had not changed but had expanded. Before performing the simulations, my personal value system consisted of values such as integrity, respect, trust, loyalty, and quality relationships. The new values that I have added to my value system are time and confidentiality. In the following sections, I will discuss my values on time, confidentiality, and loyalty an existing value. Valuing Time Time has become one of my values because everything that I do and every decision that I make depends upon how I allocate my time to perform and complete my tasks. I also consider time to be an important value because I must consider it when I create and plan schedules to show when project assignments are to be completed. And, time plays an important role on my job when I have to set up conference calls with out-of-state vendors or customers to finalize decisions and job assignments. Valuing Confidentiality Confidentiality has become one of my values because it is important for me to be aware of how I handle confidential information. Confidentiality is very important in my line of work because many of my job assignments involve classified information that is authorized for only certain individuals to handle. Confidentiality is also crucial because I must always be mindful of whom I discuss my job responsibilities with, conceal classified...
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...Learning through reflection 2 Reflection is an active process whereby the professional can gain an understanding of how historical, social, cultural and personal experiences have contributed to professional knowledge and practice (Wilkinson, 1996). Duffy (2007) believes that reflective practice is an active deliberate process of critically examining practice where an individual is challenged and enabled to undertake the process of self-enquiry to empower the practitioner to realize desirable and effective practice within a reflexive spiral of personal transformation. Learning is derived from experience but it doesn’t just happen. For it to take place you not only need to engage in reflection you must also record it. By thinking about what you are doing and why you are doing it is what turns your experiences into meaningful learning. If you are to become a reflective practitioner you have to use that learning to increase your professional knowledge and skills to the benefit of not only yourself but also to your patients / clients. Why Reflect Reflection is really a process that begins with looking back on a situation, pondering over it, learning from it and then using the new knowledge to help you in future similar situations. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. However, the conscious, deliberate and ordered process of using reflection as a learning tool...
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...The concept of reflection is fairly simple; it is simply “the change in direction of a wave, such as a light wave, away from a boundary the wave encounters” (dictionary.com). However, in literature, waves can represent so much more. The reflection of ones self can be a representation of not only their physical appearance, but their spiritual appearance, emotional appearance, and interior appearance as well. Although some reflections show distortion, many reflections actually display a brutally honest picture. Through the repetition of various types of reflection, Oates is able to paint a vivid image of the innermost being of her characters, as well as offering insight on the reality of society during the 1960s and even the reality of our...
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...of communication amongst the health care professionals and how a good nursing documentation is an integral part of nursing. It will also demonstrate how reflection enabled me to make sense of and learn from this experience, as well as identify any further learning developments needed to improve my practice and achieve the level of competency needed for when I qualify as an assistant practitioner. While discussing the knowledge underpinning practice, evidence based literature will be reviewed to support my discussion and for the purpose of reflection the essay will be written in the first person. Spouse, J, et al (2008). Jonhs, C (2009) defined reflection as learning through our every day experiences, towards realising one’s vision of desirable practice as a lived reality. He also added that it is a critical and a flexible process of self inquiry and transformation of being and becoming the practitioner you desire to be. However, Ghaye, T et al. (2000) stated that for the health care professionals to develop a more reflective posture, they must fully embrace both the principles and the practices of reflection. It is about becoming more aware of how we learn and how this affects what we think, feel and do. There are different models for reflection; some are more complex and detailed than others. To help me with my reflection, I have chosen Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle as a guide: The names of the patient, staff members and health care setting will be changed to protect...
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...Examples of Reflective Writing Example 1 I arrived on the ward at 7:30 ready to begin a 12-hour shift. After receiving handover, my mentor assigned me the job of bathing Mr B with the help of a healthcare assistant. Mr B has Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a progressive disease of the nervous system with rapid deterioration due to spongiform encephalopathy. He is not expected to live to Christmas, even though he is only 19 years old. He is mentally aware of what is going on but is physically unable to demonstrate activities of daily living, including eating and drinking, has limited communication skills and is doubly incontinent. He is unsafe on his feet so mobilises with a wheelchair. I approached Mr B’s bed and asked his consent to take him for a bath. While the bath was running we began helping him to undress. He looked rather nervous. At the thought of myself being in his position, being the same age as him, I began to feel embarrassed too. I thought that I could not possibly be a professional individual if I let my embarrassment and sympathy get in the way of my nursing care. We assisted Mr B into the bath and started his wash. I knew he was uncomfortable and wanted to be able to wash himself, but was unable to do so. I was finding it difficult to look him in the eye, especially when it came to washing his genitalia. I tried to ease this by making conversation, but in a way this made matters worse. After the bath we dried Mr B, dressed him and returned him...
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...feel uncomfortable and highlights the connection between sexuality and violence throughout the book. In the use of the mirrors throughout this scene Carter succeeds in heightening the horrific nature of the scene through the addition of more reflected couples to the scene. The mirrors also create a pornographic element to the scene, making it appear as though the Marquis and the girl are being observed by onlookers. In using mirrors throughout this scene some of the Marquis perverse sexual desires are revealed to the readers, helping to foreshadow what is to come later on in the story. As the protagonist has discovered the books that the Marquis keeps in his library the readers are aware of some of his perverse sexual nature, but the reflection of the couple as characters within one of the Marquis’ books ‘I saw, in the mirror, the living image of an etching by Rops from the collection he had shown me’. The protagonist sees herself as a character within his books and Carter makes the allusion to pornography herself ‘the most...
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