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Vandervort Chapter Summary

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Pages 4
Vandervort provides an extensive history of European military strategies and warfare. The book talks about six European powers who scramble to obtain power in Africa. Through the text, the historical evidence provides examples of European influence on Africa. Between the rich historical text, the impact of Western powers can be detected. Nevertheless, the effect of the superpowers is clear. During the 1830-1914, Europeans provided damaging innovation and technology to Africa. Masked under good intentions, the colonizers brought harmful concepts and materials like military infrastructure, weapons, and new tactics. The purpose of the following text is to analyze European influence regarding innovation and technology.
Negative Military Innovation and Technology
Europeans were inadequate ambassadors because the innovation and technology they brought to Africa resulted in violence. Their introduction of military equipment, infrastructure, and mindset serve as the roots for today's instability. Because of these new concepts, Africa is facing coups, divisions, and guerrilla warfare. The European ambassadors planted the seed that violence solves everything. Some evidence of the harmful consequences of this innovation and technology is apparent in the early stages of imperialism.
1. Military Infrastructure
The French, Dutch, and …show more content…
The constant violence caused the lesser equipped tribes to turn to various methods. The Ashanti people, because they did not have enough weapons against the British, turned to guerrilla warfare. This tactic spread across Africa turning "away from murderous set-piece battles of the past" and towards less traditional military tactics. The controversial schemes like ambushing were rare during this time. However, this tactic is still present today and relevant; some examples of guerrilla warfare include the use of child soldier and civilian

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