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Romeo And Juliet Love Essay

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In less than three days, yet an eternity of conflict between both the Capulets and the Montagues, a violent and abrupt action has taken the lives of both of their sole children for the unconscious aim for peace. A warning had been communicated to both of the families so that the conflict would be addressed to an end and reduce civilian casualties. However, stubbornness did not allow them to visualize the upcoming crisis and murders of their own relatives as a punishment for both sides. It was a misfortune that two families had to undergo the Calvary of death and loss, yet it seemed to be the only possibility for them to react. Whether there is a reason to murder someone or not, is a point that causes a broad controversy. An enemy’s relationship …show more content…
Are teenagers familiarized with the concept and the outcomes a passion such as this could have on the lives of others when taking abrupt decisions? Investigations have shown that some of the major participants such as Friar Lawrence, participated aiming for peace rather than love as he has strongly condemned Romeo´s unstable desires. This was due to the parent´s blindness when considering love. Sometimes, ancestors may provide accurate advice to avoid such a catastrophe and chaos as in this situation, but when a nemesis is imposed and an ideology emphasized, the human nature leads to rebellious actions. When there is not a present and adequate communication between the parents and the daughter or son, depression could develop especially among young adults. Subsequently, this would mean that no positive advice or counsel would improve the state of mind the person could have and show to other people surrounding them. This increases the environment of an introverted mind, which in a moment of suffering, submitted to death with a poison. On the other hand, in the case of Juliet, pressure on behalf of the family to marry Paris, led her to believe that her only escape was Romeo and as a last resource, death. Regardless from it being one of the worst scenarios, it is worthwhile for those who remain skeptical and unconscious of their style of guidance when dealing with young

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