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Varicose Veins Research Paper

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Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted. Valves in the veins help return blood from the leg to the heart. If these valves are damaged, blood flows backward and backs up into the veins in the leg near the skin. This causes the veins to become larger because of increased pressure within them. Sometimes these veins bleed.
What are the causes?
This condition may be caused by:
Thinning of the skin that covers the veins. This skin is stretched as the veins enlarge.
Weak and thinning walls of the varicose veins. These thin walls are part of the reason why blood is not flowing normally to the heart.
Having high pressure in the veins. This high pressure occurs because the blood is not flowing freely back up to the heart.
Injury. Even a small injury to …show more content…
This happens if bleeding stays under the skin.
How is this diagnosed?
To decide if you have a bleeding varicose vein, your health care provider may:
Ask about your symptoms. This will include when you first saw bleeding.
Ask about how long you have had varicose veins and if they cause you problems.
Ask about your overall health.
Ask about possible causes, such as recent cuts or if the area near the varicose veins was bumped or injured.
Examine the skin or leg that concerns you. Your health care provider will probably feel the veins.
Order imaging tests. These create detailed pictures of the veins.
How is this treated?
The first goal of treating bleeding varicose veins is to stop the bleeding. Then, the aim is to keep any bleeding from happening again. Treatment will depend on the cause of the bleeding and how bad it is. Ask your health care provider about what would be best for you. Treatment options include:
Raising (elevating) your leg. Lie down with your leg propped up on a pillow or cushion. Your foot should be above the level of your heart.
Applying pressure to the spot that is bleeding. The bleeding should stop in a short

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