was released he started working out in a local gym with some youth in the community. He was attempting to keep them off the streets and out of prison. The gym Bozella was working out in was later closed down leaving him and the youth no where to go. He now dreams of one day opening his own gym to help the at-risk children. He also dreamed of getting a professional fight. He got his chance to box in a professional fight and he won.
The Innocence Project has a hard time freeing the innocent because evidence is often destroyed, eye-witnesses are unreliable, and DNA testing was not always available. After a case is finished and someone is in prison, evidence gets destroyed to make room for more evidence in other cases. This makes it impossible to retrieve to help prove the innocence of some of the wrongfully convicted. Eye-witnesses are often wrong in giving descriptions and choosing out of a line up. They say when an eye-witness identifies the suspect in a line-up where all the people are revealed to the witness at once, the witness is often overwhelmed and chooses the wrong one. The way to solve this problem would be to have the suspects walk out one at a time so the eye-witness can take time to see each one alone. They also suggest that the cop that is in the room with the witness should not be aware of who the suspect is because he can give hint to which one if he knows. I think these should be written into laws to help protect people who have been arrested get a fair trial. With DNA testing becoming an option to help free the wrongfully convicted it made the life of Innocence Project workers much easier. They can now go back into cases where DNA test were not done and use the test to prove whether the person was actually guilty or not. I believe that it is important to create and pass laws to require DNA test and make eye-witnesses more reliable because if they do