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Vector Space Model


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Information retrieval deals with the problem of matching information needs of human users with information provided in information collections. For achieving this an information retrieval system has to deal with the following tasks: • Generating structured representations of information items: this process is called feature extraction and can include simple tasks, such as extracting words from a text as well as complex methods, e.g., for image or video analysis. • Generating structured representations of information needs: often this task is solved by providing users with a query language and leave the formulation of structured queries to them. This is the case, for example, for simple keyword based query languages, as used in Web search engines. Some information retrieval systems also support the user in the query formulation, e.g., through visual interfaces. • Matching of information needs with information items: this is the algorithmic task of computing similarity of information items and retrieval querie. T the heart of this step is the information retrieval model. Similarity measures on the structured representations of queries and documents are used to model relevance of information for users. As a result, a selection of relevant information items or a ranked result can be presented to the user. Since information retrieval systems deal usually with large information collections and/or large user communities, the efficiency of an information retrieval system is crucial. This imposes fundamental constraints on the retrieval model. Retrieval models that would capture relevance very well, but are computationally prohibitively expensive, are not suitable for an information retrieval system.


The currently most popular information retrieval systems are Web search engines. To a large degree, they are text retrieval system, since they exploit mainly the textual content of Web documents for retrieval. However, more recently Web search engines also start to exploit link information and even image information. The three tasks of a Web search engine for retrieval are: 1. extracting the textual features, which are the words or terms that occur in the documents. We assume that the web search engine has already collected the documents from the Web using a Web crawler. 2. support the formulation of textual queries. This is usually done by allowing the entry of keywords through Web forms. 3. computing the similarity of documents with the query and producing from that a ranked result. Here Web search engines use standard text retrieval methods, such as Boolean retrieval and vector space retrieval. We will introduce these methods in detail in this lecture later.


The heart of an information retrieval system is its retrieval model. The model is used to capture the meaning of documents and queries, and determine from that the relevance of documents with respect to queries. Although there exist a number of intuitive notions of what determines relevance one must keep clearly in mind that it is not an objective measure. The quality of a retrieval system can principally only be determined through the degree of satisfaction of its users. This is fundamentally different to database querying, where there exist criteria for correct query answering that can be formally verified, e.g., whether a result set retrieved from a database matches the logical conditions specified in a query.


Similarly as in a XML-based message filtering system, the roles of documents and queries can be swapped also in an information retrieval system, such that one obtains an information filtering system. Information filtering systems can be based on the same retrieval models as classical information retrieval systems for ad-hoc query access.


Information retrieval is usually closely connected to the task of browsing. Browsing is the explorative access by users to large document collections. By browsing a user implicitly specifies his/her information needs through selection of documents. This feedback can be used by an information retrieval system in order to improve its query representation and thus the retrieval result. One example of such an approach we will see when introducing relevance feedback. On the other hand, results returned by information retrieval systems are usually large, and therefore browsing is needed by users in order to explore the results. Both activities, retrieval and browsing thus can be combined into an iterative process.


Since there exists no objective criterion whether an information retrieval query is correctly answered, other means for evaluating the quality of an information retrieval system are required. The approach is to compare the performance of a specific system to human performance in retrieval. For that purpose test collections of documents, such as TREC (, are created and for selected queries human experts select the relevant documents. Note that this approach assumes that humans have an agreed-upon, objective notion of relevance, an assumption that can be easily challenged of course. The results of IR systems are compared to the expected result in two ways: 1. Recall measures how large a fraction of the expected results is actually found. 2. Precision measures how many of the results returned are actually relevant.


One of the two measures of recall and precision can always be optimized. Recall can be optimized by simply returning the whole document collection, whereas precision can be optimized by returning only very few results. Important is the trade-off: the higher the precision for a specific recall, the better the information retrieval system. A hypothetical, optimal information retrieval system would return results with 100% percent precision always. If a system ranks the results according to relevance the user can control the relation between recall and precision by selecting a threshold of how many results he/she inspects.



Classical information retrieval was concerned over many years primarily with the problem of retrieving information from large bodies of documents with mostly textual content, as they where typically found in library and document management systems. The problems addressed were classification and categorization of documents, systems and languages for retrieval, user interfaces and visualization. The area was perceived as being one of narrow interest for a highly specialized user community, mainly librarians. The advent of the WWW changed this perception completely, as the web is a universal repository of documents with universal access. Since nowadays most of the information content is still available in textual form, text is an important basis for information retrieval. Natural language text carries a lot of meaning, which still cannot fully be captured computationally. Therefore information retrieval systems are based on strongly simplified models of text, ignoring most of the grammatical structure of text and reducing texts essentially to the terms they contain. This approach is called full text retrieval and is a simplification that has proven to be very successful. Nowadays, this approach is gradually extended by taking into account other features of documents, such as the document or link structure.


This figure illustrates the basic architecture with the different functional components of a text retrieval system. We can distinguish three main groups of components: 1. the feature extraction component: it performs text processing to turn queries and text documents into a keyword-based representation 2. the ranking system: it implements the retrieval model. In a first step user queries are potentially modified (in particular if user relevance feedback is used), then the documents required for producing the result are retrieved from the database and finally the similarity values are computed according to the retrieval model in order to compute the ranked result. 3. the data access system: it supports the ranking system by efficiently retrieving documents containing specific keywords from large document collections. The standard technique to implement this component is called inverted files. In addition we recognize two components to interface the system to the user on the one hand, and to the data collection on the other hand.


In full text retrieval each document is represented by a set of representative keywords or index terms. An index term is a document word useful for capturing the document's main topics. Often, index terms are only nouns, because nouns carry meaning by themselves, whereas verbs express relationships between words. These relationships are more difficult to extract. When using words as text features normally a stepwise processing approach is taken: in a first step, the document structure, e.g., from XML, is extracted and if required stored for further processing. The remaining text is stripped of special characters, producing the full text of the document. Then very frequent words which are not useful for retrieval, so-called "stopwords", are eliminated (e.g. "a", "and" etc.). As the same word can occur in natural language in different forms, usually stemming is used: Stemming eliminates grammatical variations of the same word by reducing it to a word root, e.g., the words connecting, connection, connections would be reduced to the same "stem" connect. This step can be followed by a manual intervention, where humans can select or add index terms based on their understanding of the semantics of the document. The result of the process is a set of index terms which represents the document.


We introduce the precise terminology we will use in the following for text retrieval systems. Note that the way of how specific weights are assigned to an index term with respect to a document and of how similarity coefficients are computed are part of the definition of the text retrieval model.


This is an example of a (simple) document collection that we will use in the following as running example.


In text retrieval we represent the relationship between the index terms and the documents in a term-document matrix. In this example only a selected vocabulary is used for retrieval, consisting of all index terms that occur in more than one document and only weights of 1 are assigned, indicating that the term occurs in the document.


Early information retrieval systems (as well as many systems today on the Web, such as amazon) use the Boolean retrieval model. This model is actually more similar to database querying, as requests are specified as first order (Boolean) expressions. Term weights are set to 1 when a term occurs in a document, just as in the term-document matrix on the previous slide.


Computing the similarity of a document with a query reduces in Boolean retrieval to the problem of checking whether the term occurrences in the document satisfy the Boolean condition specified by the query. In order to do this in a systematic manner, a Boolean query is first normalized into disjunctive normal form. Using this equivalent representation, checking whether a document matches the query reduces to the problem of checking whether the document vector, i.e., the column of the term-document matrix corresponding to the document, matches one of the conjunctive terms of the query. A match is established if the document vector contains all the terms of the query vector in the correct form, i.e., if the term occurs positively in the query the term has to occur in the document, if the term occurs in the negated form in the query the term must not occur, and if the term does not occur in the query it may or may not occur in the document.


This example illustrates a complete Boolean retrieval process for our sample document collection.


The main limitation of the Boolean retrieval model is its incapability to rank the result and to match documents that do not contain all the keywords of the query. In addition, more complex requests become very difficult to formulate. The vector space retrieval model addresses these issues by supporting non-binary weights, i.e., real numbers in [0,1], both for documents and queries, and producing continuous similarity measures in [0,1]. The similarity measure is derived from the geometrical relationship of vectors in the m-dimensional space of document/query vectors. The vector space retrieval model is the standard retrieval technique used both on the Web and for classical text retrieval.


The distance measure for vectors has to satisfy the following properties: • If two vectors coincide completely their similarity should be maximal, i.e., equal to 1. • If two vectors have no keywords in common, i.e., if wherever the query vector has positive weights the document vector has weight 0, and vice versa – or in other words if the vectors are orthogonal – the similarity should be minimal, i.e., equal to 0. • in all other cases the similarity should be between 0 and 1. The scalar product (which is equivalent to the cosine of the angle of two vectors) has exactly these properties and is therefore (normally) used as similarity measure for vector space retrieval.


We apply a the same weighting scheme for the document and query vectors as in the previous example used to illustrate Boolean retrieval, and show the results vector space retrieval produces. We observe that also documents containing only one of the two keywords occurring in the query, would show up in the result, although with lower similarity value. Since in vector space retrieval no longer exclusively binary weights are used, a central question is of how to determine weights that more precisely determine the importance of a term for the document. Obviously not all terms carry the same amount of information on the meaning of a document.This was for example one of the reasons to eliminate stop words, as they normally carry no meaning at all.


An obvious difference that can be made among terms is with respect to their frequency of occurrence in a document. Thus a weighting scheme for documents can be defined by considering the (relative) frequency of terms within a document. The term frequency is normalized with respect to the maximal frequency of all terms occurring within the document.


This example illustrates the use of term frequency. Assume we form the query vector by simply setting the weight to 1 if the keyword appears in the query. Then we would obtain D1 and D2 as result. Actually, this result appears to be non-intuitive, since we would expect that D3 is much more similar to D3 than D2. What has gone wrong? The problem is that the term "retrieval", since it occurs very frequently in D2, leads to a high similarity value for D3. On the other hand the term retrieval has very little power to disambiguate meaning in this document collection, since every document contains this term. From an information-theoretic perspective one can state, that the term "retrieval" does not reduce the uncertainty about the result at all.


Thus we have to take into account not only the frequency of a term within a document, when determining the importance of the term for characterizing the document, but also the discriminative power of the term with respect to the document collection as a whole. For that purpose, the inverse document frequency is computed and included into the term weight. We can see now from this weighting scheme that eliminating stop words is actually an optimization of computing similarity measures in vector space retrieval. Since stop words normally occur in every document of a collection, their term weights will normally be 0 and thus the terms do not play a role in retrieval. Thus it is of advantage to exclude them already from the retrieval process at the very beginning.


We have now: n=4, ninformation=2, nretrieval=4, nagency=2 The result corresponds much better to the "expectation" when using the inverse document frequencies.


Finally, we have to look at the question of how to determine the weights for the query vector. One can apply the same principles as for determining the document vector, as is shown. In practice there exist a number of variations of this approach.


This examples provides an illustration of the differences of Boolean and vector space retrieval.


We summarize here the main advantages of the vector space retrieval model. It has proven to be a very successful model for general text collections, i.e., if there exists no additional (context) information on the documents that could be exploited, e.g., from a specific application domain. Providing a ranked result improves the usability of the approach, as users can more easily distinguish more relevant documents from less relevant documents. The model inherently assumes that there exist no mutual dependencies in the occurrences of the terms, i.e., that certain terms appear together more frequently than others. Studies have however shown that taking such co-occurrence probabilities additionally into account, can actually HURT the performance of the retrieval system. The reason is that co-occurrence probabilities are often related to specific application domains and thus do not easily transfer to general-purpose retrieval.



Despite its success and wide application the vector space retrieval model suffers some problems. On the one hand the presence of a specific term in a document not necessarily indicates it’s relevance to a given query, on the other hand documents not containing any query term might nevertheless be related to the information need expressed by a query. These problems are related to the fact that the same concepts can be expressed through many different terms (synonyms) and that the same term may have multiple meanings (homonyms). Studies show that different users use the same keywords for expressing the same concepts only 20% of the time. Thus it would be an interesting idea to find methods using concepts for retrieval, instead of terms. To that end it is first necessary to define a "concept space" to which documents and queries are mapped, and compute similarity within that concept space. This idea is developed in the following.

This figure illustrates the approach: rather than directly relating documents d and terms t, as in vector space retrieval, there exists an intermediate layer of concepts c to which both queries and documents are mapped. The concept space can be of a smaller dimension than the term space. In this small example we can imagine that the terms t1 and t2 are synonyms and thus related to the same concept c1. If now a query t2 is posed, in the standard vector space retrieval model only the document d1 would be returned, as it contains the term t2. By using the intermediate concept layer the query t2 would also return the document d2. The question we want to explore in the following is of how such a concept space could be constructed. Possibilities are manually construction (similar to an ontology) or analyzing properties of natural language. Such methods are however not very practical. Rather we will show an approach that exploits the structure of the term-document matrix, which implicitly encodes the concepts and how to make these concepts explicit by applying matrix operations.

The approach is based on the term-document matrix representation we already introduced for vector space retrieval. The weights in the matrix are generated according to the approach we have introduced for vector space retrieval.

This figure illustrates how the term-document matrix M is used to compute the ranking of the documents with respect to a query q when using the vector space retrieval model. The columns in M and q are normalized to 1.

For extracting "concepts" a standard mathematical construction from linear algebra is used, the singular value decomposition (SVD). It decomposes a matrix into the product of three matrices. The middle matrix S is a diagonal matrix, where the elements of this matrix are the singular values of the matrix M. This decomposition can always be constructed in O(n^3). Note that the complexity is considerable, which makes the approach computationally expensive. There exist however also approximation techniques to perform this decomposition more efficiently.

This figure illustrates the structure of the matrices generated by the SVD. For purpose of illustration we use a situation where n

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...Short Answer Assignment 5.1 1. Conditionally executed is a single alternative decision structure. It provides only one alternative path of execution. The action is conditionally executed because it is performed only when a certain condition is true. 2. Using the IF statement will be the way to go because it is a dual alternative decision structure. 3. The case structure would be the most straightforward to use. 4. The and operator takes two Boolean expressions as operands and creates a compound Boolean expression that is true only when both sub-expressions are true. 5. The OR operator takes two Boolean expressions as operands and create a compound Boolean expression that is true when either of the sub-expressions are true. 6. The And operator 7. A flag is a Boolean variable that signals when some conditions exists in the program. Algorithm Workbench 1. If x is > 100 y=20 z=40 End IF 2. If a is < 10 then b=0 c=1 End If 3. If a is <10 b=0 Else If 4. If score is <60 Then Display “Your grade is F.” Else If score is <70 Then Display “Your grade is D.” Else If score is< 80 Then Display “Your grade is C.” Else If score is <90 Then Display “Your grade is B.” Else Display “Your grade is A.” End If End If End If End If 5. Main Mod If (amount1>10) AND (amount2 <100) Then If amount1>amount2 Then Display “Amount 1 is greater than Amount 2” Else If amount2>...

Words: 433 - Pages: 2

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Cmis Discussion 2

...Program Description Write a few lines of pseudo code to calculate the cost of a road trip. Prompt the user for the cost of gas, the cost of food, and the cost of lodging.  Sum up the total cost and display the output. Analysis The point of the program is to calculate a total cost on a prospective road. To produce these results I will be adding costGas, costFood and costLodging to get costTotal. The final display will be in dollars. I will be using a submodular approach with submodules: Welcome, Prompts, and DisplayOutput Welcome – displays the welcome message Prompts – simply prompts the user for required information of costFood, costGas and costLodging DisplayOutput – displays the final result on the screen. Program design Main //Declare Variables //Initialize Variables //Display welcome message Call Welcome //Prompt for an input to get cost of gas. Store user’s input as costGas //Prompt for an input to get cost of food. Store user’s input as costFood //Prompt for an input to get cost of lodging. Store user’s input as costLodging //Calculate by adding costGas, costFood and costLodging costTotal=costGas+costFood+costLodging //Display output Call DisplayOutput End Submodule Welcome //Display welcome message End //End Welcome Submodule Prompts //Display Prompts End //End Prompts Submodule DisplayOutput //Display DisplayOutput End //End DisplayOutput Code(Pseudo-code) Main //This program...

Words: 478 - Pages: 2

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Pt1420 Lab 8

...Lab 8.1 Step 2: The hour is 1 continue loop till the hour is 24 then stop. Step 3: Constant Integer Max_Minutes = 60 Declare Integer minutes For minutes = 1 to Max_Minutes Display “The minute is “, minutes End For Step 4: Constant Integer Max_Seconds = 60 Declare Integer seconds For seconds = 1 to Max_Seconds Display “The second is “, seconds End For Step 6: The number is 2 The number is 4 The number is 6 The number is 8 The number is 10 Step 7: Constant Integer Max_VALUE = 200 Declare Integer counter For counter = 20 to Max_VALUE step 20 Display “The number is “, counter End For Step 9: Enter the number of students in class Display however many numbered students you enter Step 11: Loop five times, each asking you to enter a number Displaying the total at the end Step 12: Declare Integer counter Declare Integer totalAge = 0 Declare Real averageAge = 0 Declare Integer age Declare Integer number Display “How many ages do you want to enter: “ Input number For counter = 1 to number Display “Enter age “ Input age Set totalAge = totalAge + age End For averageAge = totalAge / number Display “The average age is “, averageAge Lab 8.2 Lab 8.3 Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim anotherDay As String = "yes" While anotherDay = "yes" Dim totalSpeed As Double = 0 Dim averageSpeed As Double = 0 enterSpeeds(totalSpeed) calcAverage(totalSpeed, averageSpeed) ...

Words: 324 - Pages: 2