Premium Essay

Verbal and Nonverbal Response


Submitted By sawex
Words 2609
Pages 11
Protecting Children and Young People from Abuse

This paper draws the attention of the involved agencies and governmental bodies on the need to implement measures to safeguard children and young people from abuse and exploitation in America. Despite the existence of excellent examples of the practice, a lack of awareness on the problems faced by abused children or non existence of resources geared towards addressing the abuse means that there is a need for the implementation of policies and guidelines towards preventing child abuse and prosecuting the abusers (Sauer, 1992). This paper will give an in depth discussion of various legislation acts, governmental bodies, policies and regulation that helps in curbing the menace.


Children abusers come from different social backgrounds, different cultures and races and all walks of life. They can be the child's parents, or people known by the child including relatives and family members, and it is unlikely that a child will be abused by a total stranger. Children under the statutory age need to be protected from abusers as the harm can cause the child's emotional, physical and mental health, as well as impaired development (Olafson and Corwin et al., 1993). When an adult presents the treat, the abuser may be forced to move out of the family as inquiries into the matter takes place. This enables the child to live away until it is established that it is safe for them to return.

Topic rationality

Children and young people need to be cared for, by their families or recognized bodies as the investigation on the child's need for protection continues, the social worker will take whatever steps that are considered appropriate and none disruptive to the child's well being. Another reason for the need to care for the child away from home as a result of challenging behaviors and

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