...The charity i chose is rscpca. when and where did it start? The RSPCA’s dates all the way back to 1871, when a public meeting to discuss the treatment of I'll horses in Victoria ended up forming into Australia’s first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. After the establishment in Victoria soon followed the other states: Tasmania in 1872; New South Wales in 1873; South Australia in 1875; Queensland in 1883; Northern territory 1955 and Western Australia in 1892. In 1923 the Societies were given the Royal Warrant, becoming known as the Royal Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (RSPCA) what does it do and where in the world does it operate? The RSPCA is an australian community based charity that works to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection. The RSPCA not only shelters and takes care of animals they also pick up strays or missing animals on the streets and take them back in to protection untill someone picks them up. This has happened to my dog many times an withought the RSPCA It probably would have been hit by a car or lost. So I'm very thankful for the RSPCA. Why for the RSPCA deserve people time and money more than other charities? The RSPCA deserves people time and money the most because people don't realise how badly animals are being treated and how unfair most of there lives are. the RSPCA is doing there best to save as many of these as they can, with our helping hand we can together...
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...1. Why and when did you migrate to Australia? We came out to Australia in 1967. We left Scotland on the 3rd of May and arrived on the 5th of May. The reason we come out to um, Australia is that, although I had a good job over in the UK, we were finding it hard to make ends meet. So we come to the land of milk and honey, Australia! 2. Did you have a job when you arrive in Australia? Well my main qualification for work was, I was a qualified mining engineer so I thought I would continue with that in Australia so I had a job with the Belamby Co. Company in New South Wales. But on the way over we stopped in Whyalla in South Australia to see my wife’s parents and in a couple of weeks we had sort of run out of money so I went down to the BHP and they gave me a job as a Project Engineer on the construction of the coal ovens there and the wage was quite good, it was three times what I was getting before. So we stayed in Whyalla longer than we thought we would an I phoned the Belamby Co. Company up and said that we weren’t taking up the job and were going to stay in Whyalla for a little while, which we did and we made a lot of friends there and eventually there was a job in the paper for a production Engineer with Alcoa, which is an aluminium producing company in Geelong and I applied for that and got the job so we moved to Geelong. 3. Who was waiting for you when you arrived in Australia? When we arrived here, we came via Qantas and we flew into Brisbane and had all the...
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...Indian are mostly a thing of the past. Old concerns about racism can for the most part be put to rest. Surely, our political leaders should be mature enough to call a spade a spade and start challenging the views that should hold no place in a modern and tolerant democracy like ours. Only if we do this, can we rightfully market Australia as a prime destination for international students and visitors. MELTON Insp Greg Payne says any officer found to be racist towards Africans should be discharged from Victoria Police. Insp Payne said it was important to send a strong message to everyone in the force and the community that racism was unacceptable in any field. “We work in closely with our diverse and growing community and it is an expectation (in Melton shire) that everyone is treated equally,” he said. “If any allegations of racist behaviour by member of the force are proven, then that person should no longer be welcome as part of the force.” “Victoria Police will never tolerate racist behaviour.” There is only one solution to racism: develop policies that support diverse employment, to break up the closed shops and to make sure that organizations truly reflect the wonderful and diverse make-up of our rainbow nation. Australian was treated people friendly and politely. Many international students went there for study. Most teachers are generous. They teach every student friendly, although there has different race of people...
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...Wikipedia Epacris impressa, also known as common heath, is a plant of the heath family, Ericaceae, that is native to southeast Australia: the states of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and New South Wales. French botanist Jacques Labillardière collected the species in 1793 and described it in 1805. Four forms have been identified, but no subspecies are recognised. Growing in heathland, shrubland or open forest, it is generally a small shrub around 0.5 to 1 m (1 ft 8 in – 3 ft 3 in) tall, with small stiff leaves. The red, pink or white tube-like flowers appear from late autumn to early spring. Honeyeaters, particularly the eastern spinebill, feed upon the nectar of the flowers. It regenerates after bushfire by seed or by resprouting. A pink-flowered form is the floral emblem of the state of Victoria. E. impressa is difficult to propagate reliably, which has limited its use in horticulture and revegetation. It grows best in well-drained but moist soil in a semishaded position. A highly regarded garden plant, the common heath was first cultivated in England in 1825 with over seventy named cultivars, most of which have now vanished. (Full article...) * Recently featured: * Eardwulf of Northumbria * Carolina Panthers * British contribution to the Manhattan Project * Archive * By email * More featured articles... | ------------------------------------------------- Did you know... | U.S. National Bank Building * ... that the U.S. National Bank Building...
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...try to encourage the community to go to events that could help change the land use laws in Liverpool Plains. The Lock the Gate Alliance focusses on agricultural communities all over Australia that are affected by mining that will damage the fertility of the land. On their Gunnedah Basin and Liverpool Plains section, they express the beauty and usefulness of the land and the impact that the mining can and is having on the country. All of these organisations have their own websites that also use social media to promote their cause. On the Lock the Gate Alliance YouTube channel they use personal stories and promote how agriculturally rich the area is. The Queensland government said they will protect the urban areas from mining but NSW and Victoria responded by saying that they will not follow suit. On the 21st July 2011, the NSW Government placed new conditions on coal seam gas mining which banned the use of toxic chemicals such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes. They also placed a suspension on the use of hydraulic fracturing during the drilling process. Hydraulic fracturing is the process of breaking rock by hydraulically pressurised liquid. Recently in September 2014 the NSW Department of Planning and Environment has allowed a new coal mine in the North of Gunnedah to be owned by Whitehaven Coal. Considering the damage that the Coal Seam Gas mining has caused, it has allowed the community to bond together to fight for a cause that affects all of them. In doing this...
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...to XX/XX/XXXX in order to spend them vacation with me. My friend and I were in the same class when we studied at high school. We had been best friends who got along very well XXXXXXX My friend obtained her XXXX degree in XXXXXX, and then she got a formal job offer from XXXXXX. State of Victoria is famous for its gardens, so I will take her to Melbourne’s abundant parks and gardens in the first week. I will take them to see scarred trees and Captain James Cook’s Cottage in Fitzroy Gardens, various species of plants in Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne and so on. After she has sufficient rest from the long flight, I will drive her to Yarra Valley& Dandenong Ranges. We will taste Australian wines in wineries and enjoy a sunny day in Olinda. Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people. I am happy that my girlfriend can celebrate Chinese New Year with me this year. We will go to Chinatown where there are traditional contemporary Chinese cultural activities such as lion dance and dragon parades. I will drive her to the Philips Island to view koala, kangaroo and penguin, which can only been viewed in Australia. There are a lot of other attractions in Victoria. I really want to take my girlfriend to those attractions and give her a good memory. I work in XXX as XXXX. I have stable income. Added to that, XXXXXX。 My friend will live in my place after arrival. I would like to support her in regards to XXXX,XXX, accommodation, food, transportation and...
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...VU21470 Ly Yong YEAP GEC000009L Task 1 1. Name Blue Lake in mount Gambier. 2. Name Dove Lake on island state of Tasmania. 3. Name Lake Alexandrina on outside the city limits of Adelaide. 4. River Abercrombie in Upper Lechlan. 5. River Aberfoyle in Guyra. 6. River Allyn in Dongog. 7. Mt Warning in New South Wales. 8. Mt Feathertop in Victoria’s second-highest peat. 9. Uluru in National Heritaige. 10. Great Victoria Desert in Western Australia, South Australia. 11. Tanami Desert in Western Australia, Northern Territory. 12. Simpson Desert in Queensland. Task 1 13. – 14. South Australia has a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and mild winters. 15. The Northern Territory has two distinct climate zones; the tropical Top End, which has two seasons and semi-arid central Australia, which has four. 16. The climate along the Queensland coast ranges from hot and humid in the far north, to comfortable cool temperatores in the southeast. The region never suffers from the chilly cold like many other places around the world, which makes...
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...Comparative Phylogeography of Freshwater Habitats in Southern Australia: Using Palaeodrainage Reconstructions to Investigate Population Structure and Historic Population Connectivity Sarah Jackson A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience with Honours Department of Genetics School of Molecular Science La Trobe University October, 2011 Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................... iii 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Phylogeography....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Palaeodrainage........................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Background on Study Species .................................................................................. 6 1.4 Aims and Hypothesis ............................................................................................... 8 2. Materials and Methods ............................................................................................... 10 2.1 Locations ............................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Expectations of Hypothesis.....................................
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...Victoria (Australia)-Socio-Cultural Impacts Tourism can have many socio-cultural impacts which can have both negative and positive contribution to the Victorian state community (Hall, 2004). Based on the 10 year plan strategy policy, those impacts will be analyzed below along with some recommendations for their future implementation. The history of Victoria is very important to the locals and this is why the government is preserving it by having numerous museums and heritage site buildings. It is one of the places where Aborigines live and a lot of tourists visit Victoria to find out how these people live (Melbourne Australia, 2013). As noted in the 10 year policy document, in the year 2005 in November, the Government of Victoria released its local financial strategy called: “Moving forward: Making Provincial Victoria the Best Place to Live, Work and Invest”, which consisted of $502 million of innovative development enterprises for the following four years (2006-2010). The strategy included numerous tourism-specific commitments and initiatives which are going to have a direct influence on the industry of tourism and events of Victoria state including $9.6 million for the following three years from the Aboriginal Land and Economic Development Program to develop the use of by the Aboriginal communities. The impacts to the region that will be implemented of the strategy will be evaluated and monitored over the time of the strategy in order to ensure the maximization of the...
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...Artificial Charcoal Observation We have lots of problems in our environment today , different issues that needs solutions , but of all those problems the issue in our environment that attracted us most are flashfloods and landslide. Many of us are suffering from flashfloods and landslide. It can destroy not only houses , farms ,and other establishments it can kill ones life in just a matter of second. Hypothesis Our hypothesis is, , one of the reasons of flashfloods and landslide is “cutting of trees” some people cut trees to make it charcoal. Many of them use it and some of them sell it to make money. They don’t care for its consequences. They only think for themselves. So they dont know what to do when flashfloods and landslides comes. Experiment Our experiment is all about “ artificial charcoal “ instead of cutting trees we can use this as substitute, so that we don’t need to cut trees . By doing this we also avoid from loitering of papers. Materials: -Used paper (ex. Cartons , yellow pad , bond paper , long pad ,journals etc) -water -Pail or basin -screen Procedures: 1) Put some water on the basin ( depends on how many papers you want) 2) Put all your used papers on the basin together with the water 3) Tear the paper until it becomes soft and fine 4) Use the screen to drain it 5) Mold according to your desire size 6) Place it under the sunlight and wait until it dries ...
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...Species Richness in Lake Victoria Until very recent, the second largest freshwater lake in the world, in East Africa, Lake Victoria, was the home of approximately 400 kinds of cichlids. Cichlids are fishes that are colorful. The species of cichlid that was in Lake Victoria had very different eating habits. Some nibbled on algae; others eat organic material that was dead at the deepest part of the lake; while others ate the insects, shrimp, and all the species of cichlids. These Cichlids blossomed all through the lake ecosystem and supplied protein to feed over 30 million people living in the area. Presently, the aquatic community in Lake Victoria has changed from 50 years ago. Native fish species and more than half of the cichlids are no longer in existence. More than half of the cichlids and other native fish species are now extinct. Because of the vanishing of most of the cichlids that eat algae, the population of algal has increased tremendously. When these algae pass on, their putrefaction uses up the disintegrated oxygen in the water. The area at the bottom of the lake, which was once filled with cichlids, is now empty because the dissolved oxygen is not enough. When any fish attempted to venture into the zone oxygen-free they are unable to breath and die (Raven, Berg, & Hassenzahl, 2010, p. 83). During the time when the population of the cichlid population declined, the growth of the algae increased tremendously further exhausting the level...
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...Nile Perch in Lake Victoria By Introduction Lake Victoria is largest lake in Africa, seventh largest in the world by volume. And second largest freshwater lake in the world. (PRINGLE, 2005) The lake is surrounded by three different country’s Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. Figure 1 depicts Lake Victoria and the surrounding countries. All three countries share the lake and its resources, but one of the biggest issues is that the governing laws involving the resources and the lake regulations are different in each country. (Lowe-McConnell, 1994) As an economic stand point the lake produces an annual catch of roughly 400-500,000 tons of fish bringing in around US$250,000-500,000. (Blake, 2005) The lake itself has around 2 million people that either directly or indirectly depend on fishing activities to support their lives. Lake Victoria is the head waters to the Nile River. The Nile perch (Lates niloticus) can be distinguished by their silver coloring and blue tint. They have sharp black eyes which are surrounded by a luminous yellow outer ring. The juvenile Nile perch can be seen with very dark markings beaming from their eyes with extensive dark markings on their body which in time will fade with age. (Blake, 2005) The female Nile perch generally grows larger than the male. Certain bones such as the pre-opercle and pre- orbital are guarded with spines. The Nile perch is known to grow extremely fast during the first year of existence. (Blake, 2005) The growth...
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...CONSULTORA MEXICANA DE NEGOCIOS, S.C. CURRÍCULUM EMPRESARIAL Actualización: Enero 2012 CONTENIDO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Resumen ejecutivo Origen Organigrama Gama de servicios Infraestructura Política básica Principales clientes y proyectos Capital humano 9. Logros 1 Resumen ejecutivo Consultora Mexicana de Negocios, S.C., es una sociedad legalmente constituida especializada en la capacitación, consultoría y soluciones integrales para el fortalecimiento de empresas y gobiernos, fue fundada el 6 de Febrero del año 2003, ante la fe del Lic. Alejandro Etienne Llano notario público número 48 en Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México, con domicilio fiscal en México en Norberto Treviño Zapata # 3072, Fraccionamiento Villa Real en Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, C.P. 87027, Teléfonos (834) 316-9502, sitio web: http://www.consultoramexicana.com, E-Mail: direccion. general@consultoramexicana.com, tiene representación en 27 Estados de la República Mexicana y cuenta con oficinas en los Estados Unidos para gestiones y trámites de apoyo a la exportación. Consultora Mexicana de Negocios, S.C., desde el año 2003 cuenta con su registro CMN0302066B20013 ante la STPS como agente capacitador y consultor externo y desde 2006 registró su marca y nombre comercial “Consultora Mexicana”, es una empresa con capital 100% nacional y ofrece servicios profesionales y soluciones tecnológicas en México y en el extranjero . Consultora Mexicana hoy en día cuenta con una red de más de 300 consultores...
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...zones where different types of shops or facilities can be found accordingly in order to attract customers of varied classes. Shops selling international luxury brands in Zone OC attract customers who can afford to have high cost of living. Zone GW contains restaurants of different cuisines and a cinema. KidX in Zone OT comprises of shops selling children fashion and the largest Toys “R” Us in Asia. These attract families to shop at the mall. Shops selling trendy brands, which are specifically popular among teenagers, can be found in and near LCX in Zone OT. Floating Population Harbour City is famous among foreign visitors. Harbour City is located at Canton Road Tsim Sha Shui which is adjacent to many tourist attractions such as the Victoria Harbour. There are hotels surrounding Harbour City also. And it can be easily accessed as it is near the MTR station, the Star Ferry pier and a bus stop. So Harbour City attracts many tourists every year. Market Position in Hong Kong Harbour City deserves the title of one of the largest shopping and entertainment centres in Hong Kong. Its huge capacity allows it to contain different restaurants and cinemas. It also contains shops selling both economical and luxury brands. A campaign to promote Harbour City Festival: Christmas Theme: Ginger Bread Man Ginger bread man is a kind of traditional food served at Christmas in many foreign countries but it is still not well-known in Hong Kong. Promoting Christmas by using ginger...
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...Beckham signed his first professional contract at a time when England footballers would still retire to run pubs or sell double-glazing. When he left the game, 21 years later, he did so as arguably the most famous footballer on the planet, the face of everything from soft drinks to supermarkets, perfumes to pants, football academies to entire overseas leagues. No other British sportsman would have a welcome party thrown for him at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art with a guest list that included Tom Cruise, Will Smith, George Clooney and Oprah Winfrey. Nor would their children have Elton John and Elizabeth Hurley as godparents. No stranger to the headlines, Beckham's celebrity went up a notch when he moved to Los Angeles For some that is no bad thing. Such relentless pursuit of profile and wealth is not everyone's idea of successful living. That an anagram of metatarsal, the foot bone he famously broke before the 2002 World Cup, is "a tart's lame" is almost too neat. Yet that profile was founded not on empty hype but exceptional footballing ability. Beckham genuinely achieved: 19 major trophies including 10 league titles; the only English player to win championships in four countries; scoring or providing assists in more than half of his 534 top-flight games. He could not beat a defender for pace, but he didn't have to - he would simply bend his crosses round them. He was an average tackler who seldom headed the ball, but possessed a right foot so precise...
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