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Video Response Worksheet: 'The Real Slumdogs'

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Video Response Worksheet SOCI 101/ Jonyae Barton 2/15/16/ The Real Slumdogs
A. Rapport/ pg. 132: Rapport is a feeling of trust between researchers and the people they are studying. In the textbook, rapport is demonstrated to the reader very clear so that you can understand. It represented an example of how not to approach a victim of a situation and how to handle it. This whole film shows to the audience rapport. The people of Dharvi allowed the strangers to come into their personal life and explain their story. If this didn’t show trust to the audience then I don’t know what is. They were able to roam the streets, go into homes, go to places of work, go into a school, go to the acting class, and many more. I believe in order to gain trust …show more content…
Institutionalized means / pg. 205- Institutionalized means are approved ways of reaching cultural goals. In the textbook, it demonstrates to the reader what is cultural goals and talks about success. Having success and goals in today’s world is a big thing to have when certain things are being stripped from so many people on a daily basis. In the film, this was shown throughout. The three major people they showed all believed in the same thing which was making a better life for their children and family. They were all hard workers and was willing to sacrifice their health, food, life, and various other things. They were determined and I loved the determination they showed to the audience. They may have not had much, but they were willing to push until something good happened. These people were willing to fight for success. Not even people who have much are willing to do that; they just want the easy way out or in during some cases. To me I believe being a so called slum helped them strive even more for excellence. They people that many audiences should look up …show more content…
Cultural goals / pg. 205- Cultural goals are the objectives held out as legitimate or desirable for the members of a society to achieve. In this film, the cultural goals of the main people they pointed out were their family. All of them wanted their children to have food in their stomach, receive an education, help them with homework, and various other things. These people wanted their kids to life a better life than they lived. They wanted them to be successful young men and women and get out of the slums and experience the real world. I think if their kids could survive the slums they could survive anything. They wanted the children to be the best that they can be. The children had their own goals and dreams as well. Sheetal wanted to be a doctor and the tailor’s son wanted to be a scientist. They made sure their children went to the best schools and were in good programs so they could learn. They are really great parents and their goals are really important. As the audience you can see that they love, care, respect, and many more things about each other indifferent ways. Everyone has goals and should complete so how.

A. Slums- is a large population of poor people who live within a city
B. Controversy- disagreement which is prolonged through the public and its heated
C. Rag picker- person who picks recycled anything and makes something out of

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