Free Essay

Vietnamese Milk Industry


Submitted By Phamnho
Words 1565
Pages 7
Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066

p f r

b v w

t s j

d z θ

tʃ m ð

dʒ n ʒ

k h ʃ

1. Phụ âm p/b
Pen /pen/

Happy /ˈhæpi/

Pull /pʊl/

Punish /ˈpʌnɪʃ/

Stop /stɑː / p Picture /ˈpɪktʃər/

Piece /pi:s/

Peaceful /ˈpiː fl/ s Cheap /tʃiː / p Pencil case /ˈpensl keɪs/

It’s pretty important.
/ɪts ˈprɪti ɪmˈpɔːtnt/ r I have a pencil, some stamps and an envelope.
/aɪ hæv ə 'pensl səm stæmps ənd ən ˈɑː vələʊp/ n We want a perfect picnic in Spain in September.
/wi wɔː t ə ˈpɜːfɪkt 'pɪknɪk ɪn speɪn ɪn sep'tembə/ n r
Here’s a cup, an apple, some presents and a newspaper in the picture.
/hɪərz ə kʌp ən ˈæpl səm ˈpreznts ənd ə ˈnuː peɪpər ɪn ðə ˈpɪktʃər/ z Big /bɪg/

Baby /ˈbeɪbi/

Boy /bɔɪ/

Building /ˈbɪldɪŋ/

Bag /bæɡ/

Business /ˈbɪznəs/

Best /best/

November /nəʊˈvembər/

Bank /bæŋk/

Neighbour /ˈneɪbər/

I’ve been busy now.
/aɪv bɪn ˈbɪzi naʊ/
The bushes and bulbs are about to bloom.
/ðə brʌʃɪz ən bʌlbz ɑː əˈbaʊt tə bluː / r m
Bob’s got a big problem with his neighbors.
/bɑː z ɡɑː ə bɪg ˈprɑː ləm wɪð hɪz ˈneɪbər/ b t b 2. Phụ âm t/d

g l ŋ

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066

Eat /iː/ t Table /ˈteɪbl/

Suit /suː/ t Hotel /həʊˈtel/

Tea /tiː

Twenty /ˈtwenti/

Tall /tɔː/ l Thailand /ˈtaɪlænd/

Stamp /stæmp/

Complete /kəmˈpliː/ t The fat cat sat down on the mat.
/ðə fæt kæt sæt daʊn ɔː ðə mæt/ n Could you tell me how to get to the train station?
/kʊd juːtel mi haʊ tə get tə ðə treɪn ˈsteɪʃn/
Door /dɔː/ r Lady /ˈleɪdi/

Deep /di:p/

Ready /ˈredi/

Down /daʊn/

Dinner /ˈdɪnər/

Head /hed/

Middle /ˈmɪdl/

Food /fuː / d Address /əˈdres/

She had a bad cold.
/ʃi hæd ə bæd kəʊld/
Does Donna have a dollar?
/ dʌz dɒnə hæv ə ˈdɑːər/ l Dan drove us around before dinner.
/dæn drəʊv əs əˈraʊnd bɪˈfɔː ˈdɪnər/ r 3. Phụ âm k/g
Car /kɑː/ r Kitchen /ˈkɪtʃɪn/

Key /kiː

Carefully /ˈkerfəli/

Talk /tɔː / k Chemistry /ˈkemɪstri/

Keep /kiː / p School bag / skuː bæɡ/ l Close /kləʊz/

Architecture /ˈɑːkɪtektʃər/ r I’ll make a cake for Mike.
/aɪl meɪk ə keɪk fər maɪk/
Look at the black bike over there.
/lʊk ət ðə blæk baɪk ˈəʊvər ðeər/

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066
Luke fell off his bike and scraped his skin.
/lu:k fel ɔː hɪz baɪk ənd skreɪpt hɪz skɪn/ f Game /ɡeɪm/

Begin /bɪˈɡɪn/

Girl /ɡɜːl/ r Again /əˈɡen/

Ghost /gəʊst/

Beggar /ˈbeɡər/

Big /bɪɡ/

Hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/

Bag /bæɡ/

Agreement /əˈɡriː ənt/ m Go get your mother’s glasses.
/ɡəʊ get jər ˈmʌðər ɡlæsɪz/
Please give me eight gallons of gas.
/pli:z ɡɪv mi eɪt ˈɡælənz əv ɡæz/
Maggie bagged all the groceries.
/'mæɡi bæɡd ɔː ðə ˈɡrəʊsəriz/ l 4. Phụ âm s/z
Six /sɪks/

City /ˈsɪti/

Star /stɑː/ r Pencil /'pensl/

Bus /bʌs/

Sister /ˈsɪstər/

Class /klæs/

Science /ˈsaɪəns/

Song /sɔː / ŋ Century /ˈsentʃəri/

It’s the worst storm I’ve seen.
/ɪts ðə wɜːst stɔːm aɪv si:n/ r r
Miss Smith cooks the best feast.
/mɪs smɪθ kʊks ðə best fi:st/
Small Stephen still smiles sweetly.
/smɔː 'sti:vn stɪl smaɪlz 'swi:tli/ l The Spanish speak Spanish in Spain.
/ðə ˈspænɪʃ spi:k ˈspænɪʃ ɪn speɪn/
Zoo /zuː

zero /ˈzɪrəʊ/

Rose /rəʊz/

Easy /ˈiː i/ z Zip /zɪp/

Music /'mjuː ɪk/ z Noise /nɔɪz/

Result /rɪˈzʌlt/

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066

Cause /kɔː / z Example /ɪɡˈzæmpl/

He loves his new toys.
/hi lʌvz hɪz nju: tɔɪz/
She’s my friend’s cousin.
/ʃiz maɪ frendz ˈkʌzn/
My favourite music is jazz.
/maɪ ˈfeɪvərɪt 'mju:zɪk ɪz dʒæz/
What time does the zoo close?
/wʌt taɪm dʌz ðə zu: kləʊz/
Susan’s cousin leaves on Wednesday.
/'su:znz ˈkʌzn li:vz ɔː ˈwenzdeɪ/ n 5. Phụ âm ʃ/ʒ
She /ʃi/

Special /ˈspeʃl/

Shop /ʃɑː / p Ocean /ˈəʊʃn/

Sure /ʃʊər/

Nation /ˈneɪʃn/

Fish /
Push /pʊʃ/

fɪʃ/ Machine /məˈʃiː / n Musician /mjuˈzɪʃn/

She wished she had gone shopping.
/ ʃi wɪʃt ʃi həd ɡɔː ˈʃɑː ɪŋ/ n p
Don’t mention her anxious expression.
/dəʊnt ˈmenʃn hər ˈæŋkʃəs ɪkˈspreʃn/
We serve delicious international specialties.
/wi sɜːv dɪˈlɪʃəs ɪntərˈnæʃnəl 'speʃəltiz/ r This is a very special pronunciation machine.
/ðɪs ɪz ə 'veri ˈspeʃl prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn məˈʃiː / n Asia /ˈeɪʒə/

Collision /kəˈlɪʒn/

Usual /ˈjuː uəl/ ʒ Measure /ˈmeʒər/

Rouge /ruː / ʒ Treasure /ˈtreʒər/

Casual /ˈkæʒuəl/

Television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/

Division /dɪˈvɪʒn/

Conclusion /kənˈkluː n/ ʒ Take the usual measurements.
/teɪk ðə ˈjuː uəl ˈmeʒərmənts/ ʒ They found the treasure in Asia.

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066
/ðeɪ faʊnd ðə ˈtreʒər ɪn ˈeɪʒə/
They usually watch television for pleasure.
/ðeɪ ˈjuː uəli wɑːʃ ˈtelɪvɪʒn fər ˈpleʒər/ ʒ t
There was an explosion in the garage on Leisure Road.
/ðeər wəz ən ɪkˈspləʊʒn ɪn ðə ɡəˈrɑː ɔː ˈliː ər rəʊd/ ʒ n ʒ

6. Phụ âm tʃ/dʒ
Child /tʃaɪld/

Chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/

Chips /tʃɪps/


Catch /kætʃ/

Sandwich /ˈsænwɪtʃ/



Cheese /tʃiː / z Chocolate /tʃɔː lət/ k Why don't you sit the chair?
/waɪ dəʊnt juː sɪt ðə tʃer/
Which one do you choose?
/wɪtʃ wʌn du juːtʃuː / z I’ll have a cheese sandwich.
/aɪl həv ə tʃiː ˈsænwɪtʃ/ z Any questions for me, please.
/ˈeni ˈkwestʃənz fər mi pliːz/
Age /eɪdʒ/
Joke /dʒəʊk/
Jam /dʒæm/
Badge /bædʒ/
July /dʒuˈlaɪ/

College /ˈkɑːɪdʒ/ l Jealous /ˈdʒeləs/
Germany /ˈdʒɜːməni/ r What did you major in?
/wʌt dɪd juːˈmeɪdʒər ɪn/
Would you arrange travel?
/wʊd juːəˈreɪndʒ ˈtrævl/
There’s some juice in the fridge.
/ðeərz sʌm dʒuː ɪn ðə frɪdʒ/ s Who’s wearing a large orange jacket?
/hu:z ˈweərɪŋ ə lɑːdʒ ˈɑːɪndʒ ˈdʒækɪt/ r r
Languages are bridges between people.
/ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒɪz ər brɪdʒɪz bɪˈtwiː ˈpiː l n p

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066
7. Phụ âm f/v
Five /faɪv/

Coffee /ˈkɔːi/ f Half /hæf/

Photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/

Fan /fæn/

Funny /ˈfʌni/

Phone /fəʊn/

Orphan /ˈɔːfn/ r Cough /kɔː/ f Factory /ˈfæktri/

Vest /vest/

Very /ˈveri/

Van /væn/

Invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/

Vote /vəʊt/

Travel /ˈtrævl/

Live /lɪv/

Every /ˈevri/

Have /hæv/

Various /ˈveriəs/

8. Phụ âm w
Week /wiː / k Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/

Wood /wʊd/

Weather /ˈweðər/

Warm /wɔːm/ r Wonderful /ˈwʌndərfl/

Where /wer/

Question /ˈkwestʃən/

White /waɪt/

Language /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/

I’m swimming in warm water.
/aɪm ˈswɪmɪŋ ɪn wɔːm ˈwɑːər/ r t
One of the twins walked twenty miles.
/wʌn əv ðə twɪnz wɔː t 'twenti maɪlz/ k 9. Phụ âm j
Young /jʌŋ/

Yesterday /ˈjestərdeɪ/

Year /jɪər/

Usual /ˈjuː uəl/ ʒ Yard /jɑːd/ r University /juː ɪˈvɜːsəti/ n r

Yes /jes/

Student /ˈstjuː nt/ d Queue /kjuː

Interview /ˈɪntərvjuː

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066
Yes, you may use it any time.
/jes juːmeɪ juː ɪt ˈeni taɪm/ z He’s a popular hockey player this year.
/hiz ə ˈpɑː jələr hɑː i ˈpleɪər ðɪs jɪər/ p k

10. Phụ âm h
Can you help me for an hour?
/kæn juːhelp mɪ fər ən ˈaʊər/
Howard is hiding in Ohio.
/'haʊwɔːd ɪz 'haɪdɪŋ ɪn əʊ'haɪəʊ/ r 11. Phụ âm ð/ θ
This /ðɪs/

Without /wɪˈðaʊt/

Than /ðæn/

Father /ˈfɑː ər/ ð Their /ðer/

Weather /ˈweðər/

Bathe /beɪð/

Together /təˈɡeðər/

Breathe /briː / ð Clothing /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/

What are those things over there?
/wʌt ər ðəʊz θɪŋz ˈəʊvər ðer/
Did you go there together?
/dɪd juːgəʊ ðer təˈɡeðər/
This one is better than the others.
/ðɪs wʌn ɪz ˈbetər ðən ði ˈʌðərz/
Thief /θiː/ f Thousand /ˈθaʊznd/

Thin /θɪn/

Thirsty /ˈθɜːsti/ r Three /θriː

Theatre /ˈθiː tər/ ə Mouth /maʊθ/

Author /ˈɔː ər/ θ North /nɔːθ/ r Everything /ˈevriθɪŋ/

One third is thirty percent, right?
/wʌn θɜːd ɪz 'θɜːti pər ˈsent raɪt/ r r
Kathy is the author of the Math book.
/ˈkæθi ɪz ðə 'ɔː ər əv ðə 'mæθbʊk/ θ I thought he was an athlete.
/aɪ θɔː hi wəz ən ˈæθliː/ t t

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066
Her birthday was last Thursday.
/hər ˈbɜːθdeɪ wəz læst ˈθɜːzdeɪ/ r r
We both need something for our throat.
/wi bəʊθ niː ˈsʌmθɪŋ fər ˈaʊər θrəʊt/ d 12. Phụ âm m man /mæn/

Empty /ˈempti/

Make /meɪk/

Mirror /ˈmɪrər/

Milk /mɪlk/

Hammer /ˈhæmər/

Time /taɪm/

Remember /rɪˈmembər/

Game /geɪm/

Tomorrow /təˈmɔːəʊ/ r I'm coming home with them tomorrow.
/aɪm 'kʌmɪŋ həʊm wɪð ðəm təˈmɔːəʊ/ r My roommate's from Maine.
/maɪ ˈruː meɪts frəm meɪn/ m 13. Phụ âm l
Tell /tel/

Collect /kəˈlekt/

Mail /meɪl/

Difficult /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/

Help /help/

Already /ɔːˈredi/ l Cool /kuː/ l People /ˈpiː l/ p Lung /lʌŋ/

Eleven /ɪˈlevn/

What’s Lilly’s sleep problem?
/wʌts ˈlɪliz sliː ˈprɑː ləm/ p b
Don’t eat a large meal late at night.
/dəʊnt iː ə lɑːdʒ miː leɪt ət naɪt/ t r l Listen to the lecturer and complete the application form.
/ˈlɪsn tə ðə ˈlektʃərər ən kəmˈpliː ði æplɪˈkeɪʃn fɔːm/ t r

14. Phụ âm r
Read /riː / d Really /ˈriː li/ ə Store /stɔː/ r Library /ˈlaɪbreri/

Bstudent English Centre – Written by Nho Pham – 0989 348 066

Grass /ɡræs/

Reporter /rɪˈpɔːtər/ r Bright /braɪt/

American /əˈmerɪkən/

French /frentʃ/

Photographer /fəˈtɑː rəfər/ ɡ Travelling by ferry is very interesting.
/ˈtrævəlɪŋ baɪ ˈferi ɪz ˈveri ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/
The room is very brilliant and luxurious.
/ðə ruː ɪz ˈveri ˈbrɪliənt n lʌɡˈʒʊriəs/ m

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...INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to study and find out the direction for the company Nutifood about product line sports drinks. Find out how to market the best product to the consumer, to bring a branded VietNam product to customer. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Stemming from the success of the research and clinical application of the City Nutrition Center HCM city, Food Corporation Dong Tam Nutrition (original name of Nutifood) was established on 29/03/2000. Right from the beginning, nutritional products company has created truly " impressive " in the market with quality products, recipe ingredients equivalent imported products but feel the price is suitable consumer real Vietnam. Products Nutifood initial 3 groups: nutrition powder, the milk powder and nutritional food groups nutritional energy ... That day , with a mission of providing nutritional solutions fit needs by age , according to medical and other special needs , nutritional knowledge and the caring of specific sales culture , sales force is " thin " but it is believed in love by the market. Though not really professional, but the image of the brand and activity was Nutifood VN consumers constantly voted into the Top 5 Customers VN quality since 2001. Starting in 2003, the building Nutifood professional distribution system extending throughout 64 provinces with ambitious campaign "big fish swallow the small fish" confront multinational companies hold most of the market share of Vietnam's dairy , has created a revenue...

Words: 2518 - Pages: 11

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Microcultures in Canada

...multitudes of ways to participate in a microculture. It could be along ethnic, religious lines, or even lifestyle. All these factors come into play with regards to the different aspects of microcultures. This paper will delve into all three types of microcultures; it will look at Vietnamese, Jewish, and Vegan cultures and compare them to mainstream Canadian culture. The subsequent comparative analysis aims at finding differences in an attempt to better understand and communicate more effectively, by clarifying the common misunderstandings that arise when communicating with different microcultures, whether in business or everyday life. Vietnamese Background/History/Evolution Representing one of the largest non-European sub-cultures in Canada, the Vietnamese community ranks 5th in terms of size and comprises just over 150,000 individuals. Concentrated in metropolitan areas, close to 60% of the population resides in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or Calgary (Statistics Canada see Appendix B). Despite currently being a sizable group, this sub-culture was virtually non-existent prior to the Vietnamese war that took place between 1964 and 1975. It wasn't until the conflict arose that thousands of Vietnamese were uprooted, creating one of the largest refugee communities in North America (Immigration encyclopedia). Consequently, the greater majority of the community are foreign born, at approximately 70%. This starkly contrasts with the greater Canadian population who comprise of only...

Words: 7095 - Pages: 29

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...Doing Business in Vietnam: 2011 Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT, U.S. & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL SERVICE AND U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. • • • • • • • • • • Chapter 1: Doing Business in Vietnam Chapter 2: Political and Economic Environment Chapter 3: Selling U.S. Products and Services Chapter 4: Leading Sectors for U.S. Export and Investment Chapter 5: Trade Regulations, Customs and Standards Chapter 6: Investment Climate Chapter 7: Trade and Project Financing Chapter 8: Business Travel Chapter 9: Contacts, Market Research and Trade Events Chapter 10: Guide to Our Services Return to table of contents Chapter 1: Doing Business in Vietnam • • • • Market Overview Market Challenges Market Opportunities Market Entry Strategy Return to top Market Overview • Vietnam is a true emerging market, offering ground floor and growing opportunities for U.S. exporters and investors. Vietnam’s economic growth rate has been among the highest in the world in recent years, expanding at an average about 7.2 percent per year during the period 2001-2010, while industrial production grew at an average of about 12 percent per year during the same period. Vietnam registered GDP growth rate of 6.7 percent in 2010 and was one of only a handful of countries around the world to experience such levels of economic growth. Moving forward, inflation remains a main risk to Vietnam’s economy, which the Government...

Words: 52699 - Pages: 211

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...Monsanto abused its power as a big Ag corporation to advance its profits through unethical business practices, but also strengthen its stranglehold on farmers. Being a monopoly of the seed industry, Monsanto’s work in GMOs raises concerns as to the effects they have on land, animals, and humans. Monsanto is utilizing GMOs in an effort to stem the tide of world hunger, but because GMOs have only been implemented since the early 80’s their impact on human, animals, and the environment have yet to be determined. The long term effects caused by herbicides, pesticides, and hormones aren’t fully known by society yet. However, we use Monsanto’s roundup weed killer almost every day in America. This weed killer is what GMO seeds are modified to resist, giving them the ability to grow under such harsh conditions. Little is known about the effects of these roundup ready seeds, “The future of the company may lie in seeds, but the seeds of the company lie in chemicals” (Barlett and Steele). Monsanto’s roots were in chemicals far before they were planted in the agricultural industry. Those roots were planted in the early 1900’s by John Francis Queeny, who started Monsanto chemical works. Even though, Queeny founded Monsanto it was his son Edgar Queeny who brought Monsanto to power in the chemical industry. Through the years Monsanto would work with a wide range of chemicals goods. Products such as: plastics, resins, fuel additives, artificial...

Words: 2141 - Pages: 9

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Swot Analysis Coffee Trung Nguyen

...quality like the coffee of those brands. And thus, there are some questions arising from this fact, “Why doesn’t the G7 Coffee from Vietnam become as famous as the coffee from those popular brands, in all over the world?”, “Can it be?” and “How can it?” Background Trung Nguyen Group was established in June 16th, 1996. At that time, it was just a small company in Buon Me Thuot, which is one of the three main highlands for growing coffee in Vietnam. Nowadays, according to Trung Nguyen’s home page, Trung Nguyen Coffee has been available in over 50 countries in the world. In addition, Trung Nguyen Coffee is even chosen by the government for any international meetings or conferences. It can be said that, Trung Nguyen Coffee has truly become a Vietnamese iconic brand. (Trung Nguyen, 2012) (See Appendix A) Statement of the Problem As mentioned above, in July, 2012, Vietnam has become...

Words: 3826 - Pages: 16

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Vietnam Restaurant Business Plan

...This business plan provides all specific information about business’s founder’s vision and the basic strategic plan necessary for initial establishment and operation of Vietnam Garden restaurant such as marketing analysis, marketing strategy, management, etc., (Stephen P. Robins and David A. Decenzo, 2010, p.74) . To be located in Jalan Bukit Bintang, the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur, Vietnam Garden is established to serve Vietnamese cuisine for people in Bukit Bintang and areas around it. The basic objective is to offer travelers and residents the fresh, creative, attractive Vietnamese traditional foods. In fact, we have strong unique selling position in attracting customer attention because we provide foreign cuisine and elegant dining services. Moreover, our restaurant will offer different services in order to develop the popularity of our restaurant brand name. Vietnam Garden will be dedicated to be a customer friendly environment by providing customer the best Vietnamese food and the best service as well. Objectives : Provide genuinely Vietnamese traditional cuisine. Showing customers that our restaurant is a good place to enjoy relaxing environment, together with nice food and excellent customer services. Maximize our reach to as many potential customers in the first six months. Hence, this is the important step before they get to know of our restaurant. Inform and remind customers about our restaurant. Achieve the image as the place for dining with wonderful dishes...

Words: 5308 - Pages: 22

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Marketing Strategies

...Tabale of COntent I. Introduction 2 II. Body 3 1. Literature review 3 1.1 Global brands 3 1. 3 Brand Images & Country of origin (COO) effects 4 Figure 1: Model for developing strong brands based in Country of Origin image 6 1.4 Brand Names 7 2. Discussion 7 2.1 Existence of global brands 7 2.2 Cultural sensitivity & COO image perception 9 2.3 Brand name & national alphabet 9 Figure 2: Chinese naming analysis 10 Figure 3: Domestic brand names in Vietnamese market 11 III. Conclusion 12 IV. REFERENCES 13 I. Introduction Globalization concept is studied since 1870 (Lee et al, 2009); during the development of its concept, there are many debates around consequence of convergence process of the world. In last three decades, globalization is predicted as noticeable trend causing the homogeneity of consumption pattern in near future (Levitt, 1983 in Robson , 2005), whereas, in this days and age, homogeneity of customer needs, taste and lifestyles is indicated as an impossible phenomenon (De Mooij M., 2011). The debate of globalization versus localization leads to examining application of the maxim- “think global, act local” in different markets across the world. Failures of global brand in standardizing its name, brand image perception, causes the suspicion of existence of global brand. The aim of this study is to examine two dimensions of brand image perception of customer: country of origin effect and brand name. Afterward, my personal...

Words: 3661 - Pages: 15

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5 Models Focus on Trung Nguyen Company

...history, their steps… Following by the analysis of their internal (BSD Model), external environments (PESTEL model), Use Five -Forces model of Competition, and SWOT… we will have a complete picture about the business situation of one of Vietnam's leading companies. History: Trung Nguyen has been in Vietnam since 1996, more than a decade passed and the company has been achieving a numerous of entrepreneurial prizes and recognitions from Vietnam government, Vietnamese Young Enterprise Association… Trung Nguyen now is recognized worldwide as the best coffee brand. Let take a closer look of Trung Nguyen steps: • 1996 – Trung Nguyen Coffee Company established Starting from 1996, Trung Nguyen was a small enterprise which processing coffee in Buon Me Thuot city, Daklak province, the largest coffee plantation in Vietnam. During the year, four young entrepreneurs (Trung Nguyen founders) with a vision of creating a famous Vietnam coffee trademark, established Trung Nguyen Coffee Company and gradually introduced the authentic Vietnamese coffee to the world. It was a...

Words: 4415 - Pages: 18