...Introduction Religion is a very personal choice in an individual’s life. There are many religions in the world that people use to represent their beliefs and ethical mindsets. The following essay will be discussing the essentials that are needed for a tradition to be considered a religion. Religion, for some people, is considered a tradition. There will also be information about the commonalities of the three Western religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam – and their differences. What is the essential and practices and beliefs for tradition in religion? The essentials and the practices of beliefs are known as religion. Religion is described as a “starry night, one of the world’s most loving paintings, depicts a sky full of luminous, spinning stars. Painted near the end of its creator’s life, work summarizes the vision of Vincent van Gogh” (Malloy, 2013, pg. 4). The star is known to be for a tradition to be called god or goddess that represent a religion all over the world. The painted is known as the creator of life as the Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)(Malloy, 2013) for example in the church I been attend the following belief that there is one god. The greater Allen also known as A.M.E Cathedral of New York they stand for Christianity faith. Illustrate your points by referring to the commonalities of the three Western religions. The common tradition Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the faith or the belief in one God also known as Monotheism. ...
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...- The Night Cafe I visited www.artgallery.yale.edu and came across Vincent Van Gogh’s The Night Café (1988). I followed the instructions on “How to begin the Critical Analysis Essay (Extra Credit)”. As I was clicking through the collection at a “fairly good pace,” I stumbled on The Night Café. Its image stayed in my head for whatever reason. I finished looking at the collection and went right back to it. The painting must have struck a chord in my head, but getting into why that chord was struck would require another type of assignment. The Night Café is oil on canvas, from the art movement known as impressionism. The Night Café uses a display of optical and psychological color though harsh, textured swirls of impasto, which is the think buildup of paint on the surface of the canvas. One of his most interesting paintings (I think) is this one. The place he hung out at night drinking. The work depicts the interior of the Café de la Gare, an all night tavern owned by Joseph-Michel Ginoux and his wife Marie. It was located at 41 Rue Du Temple, 4th St. Paris, France. It is known that Van Gogh visited disreputable drinking establishments. The bare setting of the Café de la Gare served as inspiration to Van Gogh. The asymmetrical composition serves the purpose of communicating a feeling of unbalance. The psychological elements of this painting gave it unity: The disproportioned elements in the composition, the odd placement of objects, and the odd point of view...
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...Into the Wild Compare and Contrast Essay Christ McCandless could be compared and contrasted to thousands of individuals. One person who was also an outcast, rebel, adventurer, and a social and economic warrior was Vincent van Gogh. Despite the difference of when they lived, they can easily be compared and contrasted to each other. Vincent van Gogh is a famous Dutch painter. Throughout his life he was poor and not unknown. He suffered mental illnesses and died at the young age of 37. It wasn’t until after he passed away that people knew much about his art. One of the biggest challenges each person found was success during their lives. Although Chris is well-known know, he did not complete his quest when he wanted to because he did...
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...ART - 111 - Z90 Professor Isaac Talley Title : Compare and Contrast Final ART Essay Word Count : 1,095 Two phenomenal artists, two totally different styles, and two magnificent paintings. In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the great Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh as well as their beautiful and famous paintings, "Guernica" and "Starry Night". Guernica, was painted by the famous and well-known Spanish Artist, Pablo Picasso. During the Spanish Civil War, the nationalist general Francisco Franco, who would later become the country's ruler, allowed German and Italian planes to test their bombing tactics on Guernica and learn about the psychological effects of air warfare. More than 1,000 civilians were killed in three hours of the bombing. News of the attack quickly spread to Paris, where Picasso read stories and saw photographs of the devastation" (Dewitte, Larmann, and Shields, 545)3. So the back story and reason to why this piece of art was painted was a reaction to the aerial bombing in Guernica, Spain by Italian and German troops during the Spanish Civil War in 1937, Picasso was asked to paint a recreation about the bombing on a greatly sized mural to show off at the 1937 World's Fair in Paris, France. This painting shows the hardships that come along with war as well as the devastating destruction that it causes a lot of innocent people. Guernica is a large oil painting (25.6 feet wide) that is white, black, and grey...giving it a dark vibe of destruction...
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...AOS – Belonging Essay ‘St. Patricks College’, ‘Migrant Hostel’ and Starry Night – Vincent Van Gough Belonging is an abstract perception that evolves and changes depending on an individual’s context and situation. The tension between belonging to society and self is at the heart of the complexity of the concept. Peter Skrzynecki’s poems St. Patricks College and Migrant Hostel from the immigrant chronicles and Van Gogh’s Starry Night are different mediums that juxtapose the duality of belonging and portray the diverse links individuals have to universal perceptions of connection. Belonging is a complex and multifaceted concept. The need to connect with social frameworks as well as one’s own cultural identity is the reason for the tension and dichotomy of belonging. Migrant Host explores the tension and sense of alienation for both society and self that can result from the migrant experience. A lack of interaction between individuals and places limits an individual’s experience of belonging, this is explored through ‘comings and goings’ and ‘arrivals and departures’ reinforcing the idea of these momentary connections. Through the use of many poetic techniques, the concept of acceptance is shown; a simile “like a homing pigeon” is used to highlight the urgency and desire to gain a sense of connection with the current environment. The simile ‘like a homing pigeon/ circling to get its bearings’ reinforces the idea of a complex sense of separation in the hostel. The disconnection...
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...Impressionism and Post-Impressionism Art In researching periods of art, the rebellious changes in the late 19th century sparked my interest. Artists in the late 19th century sought to transform the idea of portraying realistic subjects and developed a less formal style that they viewed as more true to how we actually see. I found the Impressionism and Post-Impressionism movements, each with their own distinct styles and characteristics were the gateway to the modern art of today. In this essay I will describe and compare art in the two periods, including social conditions of the time and how these movements influenced the future art world. Impressionism represents a style as well as a name of a group of artists who rebelled against the art academies in Europe. These art academies and government-sanctioned art exhibits, known as salons, controlled how artists made their work known and the value of that art. Artists, such as Monet, Renoir and Degas, used radical techniques in their compositions and were rejected by the salons. These artists challenged the conservative academic standards of form and detail. They came together in 1874 to hold their own independent art exhibition. The name of the style came from critic, Louis Leroy, after publishing his review of the exhibition in which Monet’s painting Impression: Sunrise was displayed. Leroy criticized Monet’s work for appearing unfinished and only giving the impression of art (Samu, n.d.). The Impressionism artists renounced...
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...CUBISM 'Factory, Horta de Ebbo', 1909 (oil on canvas) PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) 'Factory, Horta de Ebbo', 1909 (oil on canvas) Cubism was a truly revolutionary style of modern art developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braques. It was the first style of abstract art which evolved at the beginning of the 20th century in response to a world that was changing with unprecedented speed. Cubism was an attempt by artists to revitalise the tired traditions of Western art which they believed had run their course. The Cubists challenged conventional forms of representation, such as perspective, which had been the rule since the Renaissance. Their aim was to develop a new way of seeing which reflected the modern age. POP ART Andy Warhol – Mickey maus the early morning of July 18 in Stockholm, a major theft occurred. Unknown broke the door to the museum Aberga (Abergs Museum), stormed inside and stripped from the walls of famous works of masters of the pop art of Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol) and Roy Lichtenstein (Roy Lichtenstein). Robbers also took a poster to the old film The New Spirit, probably thinking that this is also Warhol. Police are looking for villains in the entire Stockholm, but the search has not yielded results. Stolen masterpieces of pop art experts estimated in 500 thousand dollars. The museum is named after the famous Swedish filmmaker, artist and musician Lasse Aberga (Lasse Aberg). In the 1960's, he was carried away by pop-art aesthetics, and in 1970 started...
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...Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh The Starry Night painting that was made by Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most well known images in modern culture as well as being one of the most replicated and sought after prints. This painting is related to Humanities because as we all know, the word “humanities” contains the word “human”. Thus, we could define humanities as the study of how humans have expressed themselves through the arts throughout history. Expressing oneself through the arts is one of the earliest and most basic human activities. It is one very important way that humans reveal their values, insights, and priorities. In addition, humanities encompass the stories, the ideas, and the words that help us make sense of our lives and our world. It introduced ideas that may have never crossed our minds. Just like this painting, there are actually several main aspects that will intrigue those who view this image, and each factor affects each individual differently. Although the features are exaggerated, this is a scene we can all relate to, and also one that most individuals feel comfortable and at ease with. This sky keeps the viewer's eyes moving about the painting, following the curves and creating a visual dot to dot with the stars. This movement keeps the onlooker involved in the painting while the other factors take hold. Moreover, below the rolling hills of the horizon lies a small town. There is a peaceful essence flowing from the structures. Perhaps the cool dark colors...
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...chosen are Impressionate works of art by Paul Gauguin, Vincent Van Gogh, and Edward March. This paper will include the description of the works including the styles, a summary of the artists’ personal philosophies of art as well as trends and schools of thought in the art world at the time and in the place the artist was working. Summary Description of the works /style The painting called the “Vision after the Sermon” which is a symbolist of art. Pauls’ used the dropping of a brushstroke called “cezannist” that included matte fields of persuasively movement and non-naturalistic colors. Those colors express the supreme visions of “Breton” as the farmer women’s. . (Kang, 2011) This work is also considered as Gauguin’s definite departure of naturalism that controls impressionism. His colors are without gradients, and it’s contrary to the traditions of the Renaissance. In this works he also ignored the rules of perspective. Because he made the figures on the foreground too large in relation to Jacob and the Angel. He also blocks the view of the wrestlers which according to the tradition should have been the central element of the whole composition. This painting was rejected by the church of Pont-Aven. (Kang, 2011) The painting called the “The Starry Night,” was painted by Vincent Van Gogh. This painting was a night sky filled with swirling cloud, the stars ablaze with their own luminescence and bright crescent moon. (Van Gogh, 2011)The features within this painting everyone can...
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...Formal Analysis of Art The use of lines in an artist piece of work can tell much about their personality. A good example is, Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night which is one of the most personally expressive pieces of art in history (Sayre, 2010). Van Gogh’s lines in The Starry Night appear lose and free in a sense out of control; they are imprecise, and emotionally charged, as if the artist is expressing feelings of anguish (Sayre, 2010). Come to find out the painting, The Starry Night, expresses the authors feelings and energy toward life and death by putting focus on the tip of the church and the swaying of the cypress tree, a tree used to mark graves in Southern France and Italy (Sayre, 2010). More or less when he created this piece of art he was torn between life and death, which led to suicide a little over a year after the piece was finished (Sayre, 2010), so he expressed his confusion and point of view through the out of control lines, while giving the painting a different meaning. The lines that Vincent Van Gogh uses though is like an autograph, one of a kind and could be easily pointed out. Speaking of autographic lines another artist that uses a distinct form of lines that are not only original to the artist, but also expresses their personality through lines used is Sol LeWitt. Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing No. 681 expresses a different sort of personality. Sol LeWitt’s lines are precise, controlled, logical, and rationally organized (Sayre, 2010). The Wall Drawing...
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...where Jesus tells his disciples one of them will betray him. It was commissioned in 1495 as part of a renovation to the Catholic Church. I think that Da Vinci may have chosen this type of symmetry because it keeps our eye to the center of the painting, Jesus, whom is the center of the Catholic Religion. Found on page 416, Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night is a good example of an asymmetrical painting. It’s asymmetrical because if you draw a line through the middle of it, the two sides are not the same. However the painting is still balanced. Starry Night keeps your eye moving all about the painting. You first see the dark, tall object on the left rising up to the sky. The sky seems to have motion, with circular lines that move you to the right of the painting towards the moon. The moon shines down on the village below. Van Gogh painted this while in an asylum in 1889. Starry Night can be interpreted as Van Gogh’s dream of the world outside the asylum he no longer has contact with. Even though he committed himself to the asylum for help with bouts of mental illness, the dark object in the foreground is often said symbolize the feeling of isolation Van Gogh feels while being sequestered in the asylum. The upper portion of Notre Dame’s North Rose Window, found on page 254 in our book, is an example of radial balance or symmetry. Although the Rose Window, as the term would suggest is round, radial symmetry does not have to be. There just...
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...Art History | | Artist: Matisse, Henri Title: Joy of Life Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: 1905 Style: Fauvism In the Joy of Life painting Matisse used flat, bold, contrasting colors. This technique of heavily outlined forms is an expression of fauvism. Each figure is simplified with strong outlines, creating linear rhythm. These outlines give the figures shadowing and depth. In the Foreground of the painting the figures are much larger than those in the background; Matisse diminished size to give the impression that the dancers are much farther away. Matisse created a sense of real perspective, as well as giving his piece direction. His piece makes you center in on the middle and the figures dancing in a circle. Each figure is painted peacefully in their own unique ways, some relaxing, others dancing, and a couple embracing each other. Matisse depicted a celebration of life, sexuality, and womanhood. Matisse’s Joy of Life and Picasso’s Les Demoiselles are two complete different styles. Matisse’s landscape is a broad open field. His figures are un-crowded and relate to the forms of nature that surrounds them. Picasso, on the other hand, compressed the space and took Matisse’s sensual relaxed atmosphere and turned it into an assertively pornographic ambiance. Picasso chose deep tones and shattered forms, where Matisse used clear, bright pigments and graceful curves. Artist: Pablo Picasso Title: Les Demoiselles Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: 1907 Style: Cubism...
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...Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh is a world-renowned artist famous for paintings such as Sunflowers, many of his self portraits, and Starry Night; the painting that will be discussed later. Van Gogh was diagnosed with several mental and physical disorders. The disorders he suffered from include; manic depression, epilepsy, and bipolar disorder. Through these disorders and problems Van Gogh produced some of the most amazing and popular works of art seen through out the world today. Could Van Gogh’s illnesses be the cause for the certain styles and colors he used in his paintings? Or was it his time period that influenced his style of paintings? Vincent Van Gogh’s illnesses, failures, and the post-impressionist era greatly influenced his style and methods of painting. It is proven time and time again that Vincent van Gogh’s many diagnosed illnesses have greatly influenced his paintings. Van Gogh suffered from many diagnosed diseases and problems such as Lead poisoning, Epilepsy, and Manic Depression. These diseases could have greatly altered the way he painted, the colors he used, and the theme of his paintings. He also may have suffered other diseases or mental issues that were never discovered by doctors or by his family. We will never completely know what exactly went on in the mind of Vincent Van Gogh. “Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. At very high...
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...‘Art’ is derived from a Latin word ‘ars’ which means skill. Art is the human skill of expression using different art methods such as paintings, sculpture, drawing, music, etc. Art originates in the history of all cultures throughout the world in one way or the other. From the era of Mesopotamian to to-date people have produced art, although the styles and the methods in producing art has changed, influenced and modified overtime. Some of the changes in techniques and styles used centuries ago had a revolutionary impact on the creativity of producing art pieces and these techniques are still considered to be an important factor in producing world class art pieces. Though there are many strong historical art techniques/periods that have impacted the art of today but two movements Impressionism and Postimpressionism will be highlighted in the discussion. Impressionism is the movement in the art history which started in late 19th century and early 20th century. Impressionism started in painting but was a very important and strong drive that it also influenced the music and literature along the way. The first few artist that were recognized as the initiators of Impressionism were Claude Monet, Edouard Manet, Paul Cezanne, Pierre Auguste Renoir[->0], Camille Pissarro[->1], Alfred Sisley[->2], Berthe Morisot[->3],Armand Guillaumin[->4], and Frédéric Bazille[->5]. The Impressionist created their art pieces by focusing on light, atmosphere and movement rather than focusing on the object...
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...Dixon Art Gallery and Gardens and part of their Ritchie Collection. After researching a little, I found that Claude Monet was a French painter that lived between the times of 1840 to 1926. He was a founder of the French Impressionist Paintings. He had a number of paintings throughout his life, but to me his painting “Port of Dieppe” sticks out more than any other painting I have seen in the art galleries. This painting was completed in Eighteen Eighty-Two, and is an impressionist style of painting. You can see this with the many short strokes Monet has used to make up this entire painting of a seaport with the skyline above a city and boats throughout the water. This painting somewhat can remind one of the painting “Starry Night” from Vincent Van Gogh. I say this, because of the style of painting that it is. All of the small strokes and blurry features of everything in the painting give it a weird look. It is not a detailed picture of exactly everything that he can see, but at the same time there is a lot of detail in every stroke that he has used to make up this entire painting. This is something that attracts me to this painting. The colors in this painting are very vibrant too. From the title and as you can tell in the painting, it is late in the day as the sun is going down. The sky is made up of many different colors including: red, blue, green, yellow, orange and what looks to be a little bit of purple. Another great detail of the painting is how he put the reflection of the...
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