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Submitted By mini1962
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Infectious Disease/Viruses
As of September 7, 2012 there has been a total of 95 cases of West Nile and 5 deaths in the state of Michigan alone. Out of the 44 states that were involved in a breakdown of statewide reported infections, there were a total of 1,992 cases and 87 deaths reported. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that there is a fatality rate that ranges from 3 to 15% and the first case reported of human infection was in 1999. The topics will discuss history, transmission, treatment, and prevention of the virus.
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a virus that is normally seen in the Middle East, Africa, and West Asia through a patient located in Uganda (Henley, 2003). WNV can infect dogs, birds, horses, squirrels, mosquitos, humans, and other mammals. It was thought to have evolved from Israel, and has spread swiftly throughout the United States. The numbers of cases reported were from 20 to 60 per year, until in 2002 when the number rose to above 4,000 (Henley, 2003). The virus exhibits in various ways such as asymptomatic, mild, and severe infections that demonstrate specific outcomes. When the individual is asymptomatic there are no signs or symptoms of the virus. Mild infection or West Nile Fever carries symptoms of nausea and emesis, rash, muscle pain, enlarged lymph nodes, headaches, anorexia, and discomfort (Google, 2012). According to the Journal of Family Practice approximately 20% of individuals that are infected show these symptoms and a gestation time of 3 to 14 days and lasts anywhere from 3 to 6 days. The next way that WNV manifests is through severe infection otherwise called neuroinvasive disease. At this level, the individual/patient will develop encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), meningitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord), or sudden paralysis affecting the nervous system (Nordqvist, 2012). Signs and symptoms are neurological issues, fever, changes in mental health, weakness, and stomach problems. Neurological complications have been found in patients over the age of 50.
As for transmission, it is harnessed through bird-mosquito-bird cycle around spring and ends in the fall. Mosquitos bite a human or an animal and begins the spread of west Nile virus. There has also been talk of a new route in which to transmit the disease. Contraction has been found to be from the bite of a mosquito, but new research has found that WNV is also spread through needle pokes, breast milk (which is rare), and transmission within utero all having one case linked to them. Other ways are also through contaminated blood, blood transfusions, and even a transplanted organ(s) (Nordqvist, 2012). Blood testing centers started screening blood for the specific virus in 2003, because most people are asymptomatic of the virus.
Symptomatic individuals are diagnosed through clinical findings and lab tests. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is done to detect any abnormalities, increase in white blood cells (WBC), and an increase protein in cerebrospinal fluid (Henley, 2003). Tomography brain scans are also done to ensure that there are no abnormalities or fluid on the brain. These tests are sometimes done in combination with the Immunoglobulin M (IgM) MAC-ELISA test, which can be done at any health department (Henley, 2003). There is no treatment for WNV encephalitis. Diagnosing individuals promptly and treat the symptoms (The New York Times, 2012). Treatment of seizures is through utilization of anticonvulsants, sedatives are given for restlessness and irritability, pain relievers for headaches, and stable patients are observed and head is elevated (The New York Times, 2012). Although there are no specific treatment drugs for West Nile, research is still being done.
In order to prevent the possibilities of contracting the virus is through usage of insect repellant, control, and other methods. Insect repellant that is used for the skin is any one with DEET in it. DEET is Diethyl-meta-toluamide that is safe for not just adults but for children as well and is most effective. The CDC also recommended using mosquito repellant picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus (The New York Times, 2012). Permethrin is also an insect repellant, but it is used only for clothing and should never be applied to the skin. Controlling mosquitos can be done by disregarding any and all sources of standing water such as bird baths, bottles, flower pots, etc. in order to prevent breeding. Utilization of citronella candles or bug zappers is another way in which preventing the spread of west Nile can be controlled (The New York Times, 2012). Other ways of prevention are by wearing long pants and long sleeve shirts towards night time, sleep in closed in areas, usage of fans and air-conditioners, no fragrances, hair washing is done twice a week, and cover all skin around sunset.
In conclusion this paper has discussed what West Nile Virus is, how it is transmitted, treated, and prevented. In order to provide the community with the best prevention system is to involve them. The community must see a need and a build towards a specific program in which to stop the spread of West Nile Virus. The community is taking all precautions by wearing the appropriate clothing, dumping standing water, utilizing financial resources, and seeking help at the first sign of symptoms. Take pride in protecting yourself, friend, animals and families by taking advantage of the resources to do so. Life is what we make it and the choices that we make will do that.

Henley, E. (2003, September). What FPs need to know about West Nile virus disease. The Journal of Family Practice, 52(9), 711-713.
Nordqvist, C. (2012, August 30). 1,590 West Nile Virus Infections And 66 Deaths, Says CDC. Retrieved from
Nordqvist, C. (2012, September 7). West Nile Virus, Worst Year Ever Says CDC, USA. Retrieved from
The New York Times. (2012, September 26). West Nile Virus. Retrieved from

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