Biodiversity - variety & # of life forms on earth
Species - breed that can interbreed naturally
Morphological Species Concept: species r organisms that look anatomically similar
Recognition Species Concept: species r organisms that can recognize each other as potential mates
Biological Species Concept: species r individuals in a population that can breed under natural conditions and produce fertile offspring
Hybridization- crossbreeding between species (rare) (ex, liger, mule)
Types of Biodiversity * genetic diversity: sexual reproduction cases unique inherited combinations of traits * ecosystem diversity: variety of organisms and their environment * diversity of interactions: interdependence of species = stability * diversity of habitats: structural diversity increases biodiversity
Loss of biodiversity
-affects food -medicine -economics -carbon cycle
Taxonomy (to arrange) - the science of identifying, classifying, and naming organisms
- classification based on similarities in structure and function
- classifying helps us find/identify and understand
Seven Levels Remember
Katy Perry's Cat Ordered Fine Guacamole Sunday
King Phillip Came Over From Germany, Stinky
1. Species
2. Genus
3. Family - animals end in "-idae" , plants end in " -aceae"
4. Order
5. Class
6. Phylum
7. Kingdom
Classification for humans:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: sapians
Binomial Nomenclature:
1. Genus (capitalized) (italics/underlined)
2. Species (not capitalized)(italics/underlined)
Ex; Urses maritimus (polar bear)
Dichotomous Key: tree diagram that divides by 2 each time
- used to identify organisms
Phylogeny: study of evolutionary relationships between species
Phylogenetic tree: diagram that goes back in time
- every intersection is a common ancestor clade: smaller taxonomic group (includes ancestor + descendants)
Cladogram: same as phylo tree but doesnt indicate time
Prokaryotic -cells w NO membrane bound organelles
Eukaryotic-cells WITH membrane bound organelles
THREE DOMAINS: 1) Bacteria (ex; carbon-eating bacteria) 2)Archaea (ex; salt-loving microbes)
3)Eukaryote (ex; plants, animals, fungi, protists)
PROKARYOTES: bacteria & archaea
- single celled, prokaryotic (no membrane bound organelles)
- pathogens (infectious) ; mutualistic (help host organism and itself) ; commercial (yogurt, anti-biotics)
- has ONE chromosome in nucleoid
- has ribosomes
- uses flagella to move
- pili to stick to stuff
- MAY contain PLASMID (loop of DNA that provides advantage to bacterium)
- cell wall contains peptidoglycan that provides strenght + a capsule
Shapes of bacterium:
- COCCUS (circle)
1 coccus = MONOCOCCI
2 cocci = DIPLOCOCCI chain of cocci = STREPTOCOCCI cluster of cocci = STAPHYLOCOCCI
- BACILLUS (like a cheeto)
- SPIRILLUM (spiral)
Metabolism: autotrophic or heterotropic
- obligate aerobes = need oxygen
- obligate anaerobes = cannot survive in oxygen
- facultative anaerobes = can undergo aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Binary Fission (asexual)
-exact replica is made
- contain Plasmid (DNA outside nucleoid region)
Conjugation (sexual, most common)
- 2 bacteria come together via Protein Bridges and transfer plasmid
- the bacteria that receives Plasmid now might have genetic favour in changing conditions
Transformation (unfacourable conditions)
- bacteria picks up DNA from environment (dead cell)
- (if DNA is from a different species, it's called horizontal transfer)
Endospore Formation (asexual, unfavorable conditions)
- bacteria form spores
- spores form thick wall that surrounds DNA and cytoplasm
- cell walls dont have peptidoglycan
- can live in extreme environments
Ecamples: Methanogens (produce methane), halophiles (like salt), thermophiles (hotsprings), Psychrophiles (like cold)
Viruses, Viroids, Prions
- RNA/DNA (genetic material) surrounded by a protein coat (capsid)
- not alive -no metabolism, do not grow or reproduce
- Cause HOST cell to make new viruses
- smaller than cells
- ALL are infectious * plant viruses: spread by direct contact between plants & seeds (VIA INSECTS) * animal viruses: spread by cough/touch/insect & animal vectors
- viruses can only invade its specific type of cell * classified based on size, shape, genetic material
Bacteriophages: viruses that infect bacteria
- How virus makes host organism make new viruses?? 1. LYTIC CYCLE