...Death and life “vive le Roi!” French for long live the king is what the people of France cheer when a new king comes to power. When they chant this they wish that their king has a long healthy life, a life filled with great success and remembrance. In his song “Viva La Vida” Chris Martin brings together generations and cultures with emotional, personal and religious connections. The title “Viva La Vida” just with his title he shows his purpose for a connection, when translated from Spanish to English Viva la Vida means “Long Live Life”. This Correlates life with the French saying “vive le Roi!” Martin wants this song to worship life wishing it a long and well lived existence for everyone. This song comes from the album released by Martins band Coldplay in 2008, Death and All His Friends. The album in a whole is about the different parts of death and life and how together they make life worth living even after so much has happened to someone. The opening of the song is: “I used to rule the world| Seas would rise when I gave the word” Martin hits that he had all this power and that the “seas” meaning the masses of people rose with him and stood at his side when he needed them (1). In the second half of this quatrain “Now in the morning I sleep alone| Sweep the streets I used to own” meaning he lost everything including his love in the one second it took to transition from the first two lines to these (2). In one quatrain he went from having all this power and being able to...
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...For this assignment we are to apply our knowledge of linguistics to a practical situation. The situation I chose to address involves brand names and linguistics of a new perfume. According to Paola Norambuena, linguistics is the study of the structure and development of language. Because all humans learn and use language, linguistics becomes a key factor when brands decide on names for their products. These names aim to represent products in positive ways that catch the consumer’s attention. Some aspects that play into the way that consumers interpret brand names include semantic relations, connotations, sounds in the name, differentiation, ownability, sensitivity, and credibility. A product name that is semantically related to a product is one that has a similar meaning to the product itself. Differentiation involves the idea that an item’s name is unique enough to set it apart from other products in the same category. Ownability refers to the fact that a company must be able to legally own the rights to a product’s name, so it can’t have a name that has already been taken by a different company. Sensitivity deals with respecting other cultures as well as the company’s own culture when choosing a product name, making sure not to choose one that is offensive or could be offensive in translation. The credibility of a product’s name is concerned with the fact that consumers want to purchase items that sound legitimate. The name of a product can directly affect a consumer’s decision...
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...proven true through humanity. People constantly build themselves up to a high standing only to fall soon after. Even so, there are always chances to rise again. It is simply an inescapable cycle in human life. The song “Viva La Vida” by Coldplay, which can best be classified as a lyric poem, uses figurative language, specifically metaphor, hyperbole, and allusion, to exhibit the universal and ageless theme of the inevitably of the stages of downfall. The speaker in “Viva La Vida” first introduces the reader to his situation in life before his great,...
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...Winston Wood English 1101 For many people, music is one of the most important aspects of life. It can help someone through a hard time, bring out creativity and passion and even heal the soul. Unfortunately, with the advancements in technology, that very same creativity and passion ceases to exist in most music today. The soul of music has now been destroyed. Musical instruments have now been replaced by computers, which take away the physical and emotional connection between artists and their instrument. As a musician, I am utterly disgusted by this. Also, more and more artists do not write any of their own material anymore, especially if they have sold out to big companies such as Viacom, Walt Disney and Time Warner. Since the “digital age” of music, artists have been in a race with one another to see who can make the most popular and highest grossing material the fastest. This results in single and album flops, because the producers and artists do not take the time to thoroughly review all the material, basically creating less- than desirable music. The relationship between artists and their work is sacred, and not only in music. Imagine this; an extremely talented painter just finished her newest painting. She wishes to sell the promotional rights of her newest piece to a big company to gain exposure for her work. Instead of promoting the original painting she created, they edit the piece with cutting-edge technology to their own liking and promote their edited...
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... The subtle differences between Sam Smith’s original song “Writing’s on the Wall” and Sofia Karlberg’s cover of “Writing on the Wall” show that a YouTube artist can cover a famous artist’s song and still be as good as the original, while adding their own flare to the song. I honestly have to admit that I favor Sofia Karlberg’s cover version of the song over Sam Smith’s original version. Both of the artists deliver wonderful versions of the song, but there are a few slight differences between both of their versions of the song that made me enjoy Sofia’s cover just a little bit more. For example, in Sam Smith’s version of “Writing on the Wall”, he has a full orchestra playing in the background of the song. The orchestra does a fantastic job setting the mood for the song, but I found at times that it seems to overshadow Sam Smith’s singing. I would end up listening to background music more than I was actually listening to his singing. I think if he found a better balance between the background music and his singing that it would have made the song better. Sofia Karlberg’s cover version of “Writing’s on the Wall” had the orchestral version of the music from the movie soundtrack playing while she is singing. I liked that the music in her cover wasn’t as in your face as Sam Smith’s original version is. It truly is just background music that doesn’t overshadow her singing, but complimented it nicely while still setting the mood for the song. Another example is that, Sam...
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...comment and suscribe and watch my other vids too... for more remixes visit http://clubhousemixes.com *THIS IS A MIXED CHANNEL OF THINGS WHICH I LIKE* All Day All Night All Day All Night All Day All Night All Day All Night All Day All Night All Day All Night All Day All Night WHAT THE FUCK! What the... When I came to Spain And I saw all people partying And I told to myself, What the fuck! All Day All Night All Day All Night ¡Viva la fiesta! ¡Viva la noche! ¡Vivan los DJ! I couldn't belive what i was living So I called to my friend Johnny And I said to him ¡JOHNNY LA GENTE ESTA MUY LOCA! WHAT THE FUCK!? ¡JOHNNY LA GENTE ESTA MUY LOCA! WHAT THE FUCK!? When I came to Spain And I saw all people partying I told to myself, What the fuck! All Day All Night All Day All Night ¡Viva la fiesta! ¡Viva la noche! ¡Vivan los DJ! WHAT THE FUCK!? (x2) Viva la fiesta... (x8) I couldn't belive what I was living So I called to my friend Jhonny And I said to him ¡JOHNNY LA GENTE ESTA MUY LOCA! WHAT THE FUCK!? ¡JOHNNY LA GENTE ESTA MUY LOCA! WHAT THE FUCK!? Dhgfdhgdgfdhdhfgdgdghdghdhceurtc lygfutfv kg7oi v fkbo8gvcjug lgviut uy guk g hjb b I g g g I I I I ugfbygjgoi tfgyg...
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...and I feel like I might pass outtttttttttttttttttttt. Sorry just did right there. Oh fuck! I have to finish this essay tonight and what do I have? Zero inspiration to write something that’s all about me. It seems really easy but damn, my writer’s block is really kicking in. The heat is killing me. I’m sitting in my my room with a refreshing glass of water with two ice cubes, not crushed ice, I hate that shit. I mean why would you want crushed? The pieces are so small you’ll just start to swallow ice. I also have some bad for you poisonous shit chips to my left, but they taste soooo good. I’m listening and singing to some of Coldplay’s great hits on my small little amp. The most notable songs that catch my attention at the moment are: Viva La Vida, Lovers In Japan and Strawberry Swing. Sometimes I try to imagine that there is a strawberry swing on a rolling green hill with the markings of a strawberry on the wood seat of the swing. I love to put myself in the image of what the singer is describing. The lyrics are paint on the canvas of my mind. Thinking about being in someone’s song comforts me. Songs help me get through writing this difficult essay that I wish I weren’t doing at the moment. Wow! I’m almost at two pages. Don’t quit now. Damn. Game of Thrones is on my television. I have to resist! It’s so cool though; I can’t. I get up and turn my television off in an upset manner. Okay. Now it’s time to write. The room still is heating up like the fiery pits of hell, and it’s...
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...La picaresca La picaresca es un género de ficción pero muy distinto por sus características que está originado en la época del silgo XVI de España. Se surgió y floreció entre el Renacimiento y el Barroco, durante el siglo de Oro. Una obra literaria que es conocido por su estilo y género picaresco, es la novela, Lazarillo de Tormes, que fue escrito por un autor anónimo. También, hay una película del genero picaresco que se llama, Carmina o revienta, que fue filmado en 2012 en España. Está filmado por un director que se llama, Paco León, que es el hijo de la protagonista, Carmina, y el hermano de la otra protagonista, María. Aunque la novela y la película tienen argumentos muy distintos, hay aspectos muy similares que muestran las características de la picaresca. La novela y la película tienen argumentos muy distintos pero se relacionan en sentido que los argumentos no van a ninguna parte. La película se trata sobre una mujer que se llama, Carmina que vive en Sevilla, España. Ella tiene un negocio donde vende productos ibéricos pero se los roban varias veces. Carmina con su hija, María, inventan diferentes maneras de recoger el dinero que le han robado para apoyar la familia que consiste de Carmina, su marido, Antonio que es un aficionado del alcohol, su hija, María y su hija, Marina que tiene cuatro años. Aunque hay muchas detalles en la película, no hay un argumento muy claro ni organizado. La novela, también no está escrito por una cronología, pero se salta...
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...Pablo Galván Long Profesor Esteban Hubner Grupo B El Lazarillo de Tormes El Lazarillo de Tormes es una novela Española, que data del año 1554. Esta novela narra la historia del jóven Lázaro, en una forma crítica a la sociedad de esa época. Este ensayo se compone de dos de sus aventuras junto al ciego, y dos nuevas narraciones inventadas. La primera cuenta el momento en que al ciego le pagan uno de sus servicios con un racimo de uvas, el ciego mostrando humildad, le confía a Lázaro la sencilla tarea de ayudarle a comerselo. Deciden que comeran de una en una, al poco tiempo el ciego empieza a comer de dos en dos y Lázaro de tres en tres. Finalmente el ciego se da cuenta de esto gracias a que Lázaro no decía nada cuando el aumentó el número de uvas. La segunda aventura trata de como Lázaro roba del vino del ciego, primero con ayuda de un popte, pero el ciego se da cuenta de esto y tapa la boquilla del jarrón, y lo abraza de igual manera. En su segundo intento, Lázaro se pone debajo del jarrón, y le hace un pequeño agujero, del cual toma, y cuando acababa lo tapaba con un pedazo de cera. El ciego se da cuenta y le deja caer el jarrón en la cara, con consecuencias muy devastadoras para Lázaro. El Lazarillo, cansado de los abusos del ciego, decidió cobrar venganza, guió al ciego por toda la orilla del lago, y donde sus ojos ya no podían ver el fondo, tomo al ciego por los hombros, lo volteo hacia el lago y le dijo: Espera aquí, ahora vuelvo. Tomó distancia, y empezó a correr...
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...El Camino Del Arco Coelho, Paulo Published: 2008 Type(s): Short Fiction Source: http://paulocoelhoblog.com/internet-books/ 1 About Coelho: The Brazilian author PAULO COELHO was born in 1947 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist and journalist. In 1986, PAULO COELHO did the pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience later to be documented in his book The Pilgrimage. In the following year, COELHO published The Alchemist. Slow initial sales convinced his first publisher to drop the novel, but it went on to become one of the best selling Brazilian books of all time. Other titles include Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), By the river Piedra I sat Down and Wept (1994), the collection of his best columns published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo entitle Maktub (1994), the compilation of texts Phrases (1995), The Fifth Mountain (1996), Manual of a Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika decides to die (1998), The Devil and Miss Prym (2000), the compilation of traditional tales in Stories for parents, children and grandchildren (2001), Eleven Minutes (2003), The Zahir (2005), The Witch of Portobello (2006) and Winner Stands Alone (2009). Paulo Coelho is also a pioneer and has expanded his presence in the internet with his daily blogs in Wordpress, Myspace & Facebook. He is equally present in media sharing sites such as Youtube and Flickr, offering on a regular...
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...primer tratado: “Verdad dice este que cumple aviar el ojo y avisar, pues solo soy, pensar como me sepa valer.” ¿Por qué marcan un momento importante en el desarrollo y la educación de Lázaro? Este es un momento importante para el desarrollo, la educación y los valores de Lázaro porqué el empieza a valerse por si mismo, sin ayuda de nadie después de que su mama se lo diera al ciego para que el fuera su guía, sin pensar que seria de él. El ciego que era una persona audaz y con mucha astucia. Con este amo Lázaro se dio cuenta que tenia que dejar de ser un niño de ocho años para convertirse en todo un hombre maduro porque así la sociedad lo requería para sobrevivir. El ciego le enseño a Lázaro como pedir limosna en las iglesias y en las calles, como dar lastima con las demás personas. También el ciego era cruel con el porque no le daba de comer a Lázaro pero él se las ingeniaba para poder comer. Lázaro aprendió con el ciego como era la vida en realidad que tenia que tener bien puestos los pies sobre la tierra y ahí empiezo la educación de él, quien con golpes del ciego aprendió y desarrollo una gran astucia como el ciego que fue posible que Lázaro se vengara de todo lo que le hizo el. 2. Describe en detalle la personalidad de Lázaro. Mencionas los sucesos que provocan cambios en su personalidad. La personalidad de Lázaro era muy cambiante porque desarrollaba sentimientos diferentes dependiendo de los sucesos que le pasaban, por ejemplo: * Cuando Lázaro siente...
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...unnecessary!timeouts,!something!that! our!business!guests!will!appreciate!a!lot.!! CAPÍTULO 4. EL MUNDO APPLE The! architecture! and! design! of! the! hotel! is! minimalist,! inspired! by! the! Apple! Store.! In! Overall,! counters! TECNOLOGÍA E INFORMÁTICA disappear,!giving!an!open!space!and!staff!uniforms!not!to!be!conventional,!giving!a!casual!look.!Regarding! services,!noting!that!you!can!checkYin!from!the!website!of!the!hotel!and!access!to!any!service!through!iPads! No podemos negar la evidencia de que la tecnología es una ciencia en pleno crecimiento y to!the!room,!thanks!to!applications!designed!for!it.!! en la vida de cualquier persona. que se ha convertido en algo imprescindible ! La continua evolución de la tecnología nos ha hecho cada vez más propensos a cambios profundos en nuestros modelos de vida y comportamiento. ¿Cuáles son las razones de este CHAPTER respuesta a esta pregunta es complicada pero quizá haya que tener en cuenta fenómeno? La 2. THE APPLE WORLD la actitud de considerar normal los descubrimientos...
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...viene de la bondad de Dios"! (T). "Santa Madre, haz que las llagas que tu Hijo ha sufrido por mí, se graben profundamente en mi alma" (T). "¡Que mi vida sea un gran Magnificat!" (T) "Solamente la fe viva vence al mundo" (T). "Todo por amor, con alegría" (T). "El que me ha enviado no me deja nunca solo, Él está siempre conmigo, porque yo hago lo que le agrada" (Cfr. T). "Cristo es mi vida y morir una ganancia" (T). "¡El amor sobrelleva y soporta, arriesga y equilibra, el amor vence todo!" (T) "¡Sí, Padre, sí! que siempre se haga tu Voluntad, si me trae alegría, sufrimiento o dolor" (T). "Haz que el espíritu de servicialidad penetre profundamente en mis sentimientos de vida" (T). "La cruz bendice al mundo" (T). "Con María alegres por la esperanza" (T). "¡La voluntad del Padre Celestial sobre todas las cosas!" (T). "Rezo para que en Ud. se realice la voluntad de Dios" (T). "Que viva en mí el alma de María, para que cante en mi el Magnificat" (T). "Hazme ser un sacrificio de la misericordia" (T). "¡La soledad es fecunda!" (T) "En las manos del Padre hacia el hogar" (T). "¡Bienaventurados los de corazón puro porque verán a Dios!" (T) "¡Hazme ser sol para todos!" (T) "Permanezca Ud. alerta para todo lo bueno y busque en todo una sana medida" (T). "El Ángel del Señor anunció a María..."(T). "Bueno es todo lo que Él hace" (T). "¡Siempre de nuevo tengo que leer en el corazón de María, pues ningún otro libro aquí en la tierra...
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...period when rock and roll was popularized. The electric guitar’s sound was supported by percussion originating from the drum kits and electric bass guitar, whose origin was in jazz music. The instruments used in rock include synthesizers, Hammond organ, and piano. A group of musicians who perform rock music are referred to as a rock band. One of the rock bands that I enjoy its music is the Coldplay. Coldplay was formed in 1996 as an alternative rock band. The group came up with numerous songs with Viva la Vida being one of the best songs. The song, viva la vida is a Spanish word that means long live life. It was released in 2008 on parlophone. The major themes are war, death and life. The style of this song is based on repeating string section with a percussion background which clearly indicates that it is an alternative rock, a sub genre of rock genre. The string section is accompanied by bass guitar, steady bass drum beat and minimal use of the electric guitar. The song Viva la vida is played at a tempo of 137 beats per minute whereas the key is A♭ major. Although the song is viewed as an alternative rock, in my personal view, the historic elements and classic composition place the song in the genre of Baroque pop. The song is magnificently composed because the string mutations give the tunes sweet melancholy. The fantastic matching sound and...
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...Mártir La literatura tiene muchas maneras para expresar un tema. Por medio de ella, un autor puede expresar sus creencias, ideologías, esperanzas, y punto de vista en la vida. La literatura tiene una manera de reflejar la cultura e ideologías dominantes del tiempo del autor. Por ejemplo, la guerra entre España y los Estados Unidos en 1898, que se llama la guerra hispanoamericana, produjo un grupo de autores conocidos como la generación del 98. Ellos proclamaron el fracaso de la España tradicional y abogaron por la creación de una política nueva y un nuevo espíritu nacional que sustituya a los antiguos valores. Esta opinión política fue resultado de la guerra hispanoamericana. La guerra terminó el Imperio español, y España ha ido disminuyendo como un poder imperial desde el siglo 19 como resultado de la invasión de Napoleón. La pérdida de Cuba provocó un trauma nacional debido a la afinidad de los españoles peninsulares con Cuba, que fue visto como una provincia más de España y no como una colonia. Uno de los autores famosos de la generación 98 es Miguel de Unamuno. Unamuno fue poeta, novelista, autor teatral y crítico literario. Su filosofía era una negación de cualquier sistema y una afirmación de “fe en la fe misma” que impregna toda su producción. Unamuno da al lector una perspectiva diferente de religión y la felicidad en su obra San Manuel Bueno Mártir. La lucha entre el anhelo natural de inmortalidad de todo ser humano y el escepticismo instigado por la lógica, forma...
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